General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR = 1162 after calibration!

MMR = 1162 after calibration! in General Discussion

    162 games played. Exactly 50% winrate. Won 6/10 calibration matches. MMR revealed as 1162. Not particularly bothered (but feel free to laugh at me :-) ) as I will enjoy experimenting with all the heroes but curious as to what it is about how I've performed that's given me such a "special" rating.


      Winrate only decides mmr after calibration

      so before hand it probably takes, KDA, gpm, xpm, last hits or something into account


        probably includes your hidden mmr rating from your normal games too


        also .78kda on DP wtf

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Just make a new account and play 150 games of lich, you'll probably get 3k lol.


            Why would you have better mmr than player who has 2k more games than you and know this game when you just start ?


              Because that player with 2k more games loses to scrubs and only beat retards? The game doesn't care if you are a veteran shit lord, it still knows you are a shit lord.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                1. Ranked calibration starts with your invisible MMR
                2. If you play against shitty players and lose, you will be far more likely to have a low MMR
                3. If you play against good players and win, you will be far more likely to have a high MMR

                Clearly, you lost to bad players and had a low starting MMR.


                  is it true that carries have better calibration than supports since they will have higher KDA,GPM,XPM, etc?


                    ^no, its a stupid myth. I know exclusive support players at 5k mmr

                    Miku Plays

                      ^ supports get good KDA if they particapate in teamfights



                        KD =/= KDA

                        you can't get high KDA without participating



                          "Ok, CM, here is the plan: we let them rape you and then strike while they still have pants down."


                            The thing is you can get up to 500 MMR per win during calibration and the normal matchmaking its all about how you do! try and try again if you want different. i never heard or seen anyone have that low tho but who cares.


                              starting MMR is surelly a weird thing.When I finished my calibration I ended up with some pathetic MMR.After that I won straight 8-10 ranked mathes and I was mostly complete obliteration.
                              But after that I got back to 50% winrate.Yep,I suck and my MMR is what is should be.


                                If everyone could get to 3k mmr easily, or magically gain 500 mmr after calibration, there would be no point in calibration or mmr in the first place

                                Maybe this rare individual is actually in the bottom 5% of all dota players


                                  wave, i summon you!


                                    1162? XD
                                    Isnt 1000 like, the lowest mmr?
                                    It is quite funny, I must say.


                                      No, the lowest you can get is 1.


                                        Here's my ranked games:

                                        You can do the same: choose one hero you're confortable with and play it whenever you play ranked. If you look at my stats, my KDA sucks with jakiro, but I still win much more then I lose, even if now I'm 400mmr above my "random hero mmr".


                                          I'm quite proud of it :) Still, I do get to play a lot of heroes in a stress-free environment for the next six kind of fun down here in the gutter - my first post-game I randomed Visage (never played him before) and team insisted I solo mid vs Sniper (?!??) Fed him nicely till I'd figured out my QWER via dotabuff/wiki but fairly easy to make up for early dumbness.

                                          MMR now 1162+25


                                            Do not random in ranked. Best advice you can get.


                                              Even sub-1200?


                                                Seemed an easy/enjoyable way to learn new heroes.


                                                  Probably shouldn't do the ranked calibration as soon as you hit lvl 13. I did and i sucked hardcore and got 1650 mmr. Even tho i still suck now im up to 2100 it just takes time with +25 per win :D I feel i know far more and play better than i did at lvl 13 so if i had waited i probably would have got a higher starting ranked mmr. Had like 45%WR when i got calibrated :(

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    The reason is that u are total dota trash. Nothing u can do.


                                                      If you want to learn new heroes, learn them in normal all pick or all random, not in ranked. Your chance of winning drops a lot otherwise.


                                                        I agree that it's generally a bad idea to random in ranked, but I feel that kinda kills the fun. I enjoy playing different heroes in a serious environment, and limiting random picks to unranked hardly works because the queues now are either ranked (Tryhard 101) or unranked (YOLO Lets Do Dumb Shit). If Valve forced random picks for those who fail to pick within the allotted time, it would be a lot better for people like me.


                                                          if you dont want to grind your way to 3k, just make another account. it's not like this one has many games on it.

                                                          lets say you're 1200. to get to 3k, thats 1800 mmr
                                                          assuming each win gets you +25
                                                          1800 / 25 = 76
                                                          so you'd need 72 more wins than losses to reach 3k mmr

                                                          assuming you win 51% of your games, every 100 games you'd win 2 more than you'd lose. so after 3600 games, you'd win 72 more than you'd lose
                                                          3600 x 0.51 = 1836 wins
                                                          3600 x 0.49 = 1764 losses
                                                          1836-1764 = 72 more wins than losses

                                                          assuming you're not totally crap at this game, and you just played terribly when you were new, creating another account and just placing well in your calibration matches could save you a lot of time.


                                                            ReflectionSan hour ago
                                                            The reason is that u are total dota trash. Nothing u can do.

                                                            well who isnt total trash when they first start :D was my first moba type game and i know a lot of people who did the same. Dota isn't very forgiving for noobs :p


                                                              If you're not a complete trash player, you should STOMP your way out of this bracket with lots of long win streaks. Games at this level are piece of cake for every ordinary 3k player. But your 50% winrate worries me that you actually belong there.


                                                                what androgynous suggested would be best

                                                                you can either stick with what you think you know (current account)

                                                                or test to see if you really know it (new account)


                                                                  i used to play a lot of poker successfully and laughed at the fish moaning they couldn't crush the low limit tables. i don't want to be that sort of player. personally i think what happened was a combination of not knowing what on earth was going on for the first 20-30 games and then, at around the 100 game mark I started trying lots of new heros and losing a fair bit.

                                                                  i agree with hurricane - if i don't belong here, shouldn't i be getting an 80%+ win rate down here and getting to a more sensible "enthusiastic noob" MMR within 100 games.

                                                                  alternatively, i need to find something else to do with my time...

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!