General Discussion



    I like you sama.

    oh shit, edit, I love you too sama.

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      "Didn't you just have a huge winstreak right before this though? "

      Yeah i had, but it broke at 27. Still very happy with it =)

      Love ya too guys <3


        10 year since i play with stack :(



          let's make a stack and play versus G-Gods stack;Dd


            Won 28 points guys, hard times guys. But G-Gods stack did it again <3


            So... anyone still doubts my Mirana? Although we were hard counterpicked, we still did it. Denied 32 creeps to a 4.1k Silencer while i was still on the lane (not a long time).

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              G-God stack tonight - 6 consec rank games, 6 consec wins.

              bum farto

                One of the main reasons that we don't (by this is mean our group) play ranked all that much, is the difference in skill levels coupled with the fact that most of us are amigos who are mostly in it for a knock around. To be perfectly fair were are about 7-10 in number who rotate with different players and usually some of these are my friends or IRL friends who sit really low on the skill chain and as such can't really be entrusted with the the responsibility of a ranked game role.

                Credit to Hurricane after sometime he has become a proficient player and has picked up and listened to a lot of what is said by both myself and other members of the friends group. He will soon get better and will be able to lead and put what he has learned into his solo queue equally.

                @dangdang By the by, on that natures prophet thing, my prophet sends his regards...

                7:24 Midas and boots vs a dual lane of slardar and rubick and still top CS.

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                  Your picture doesn't work Havoc. I mean, it's fully possible. You can lasthit with you neutrals. You can pull creeps to you. You can stop creepspawn and pulls.

                  I'll download replay and watch this game sooner or later to see how strong your opponents actually was, or if you got the weaker links of the enemy stack. Anyway, its doable by a good player indeed :-)

                  Rubick isn't the best support to zone out anyone either considering Rubick can't trade hits with a furion /w his neutrals aswell. Aka, rubick will sit there useless or pulling most of the time I'd assume. I'll watch replay and be amazed by your plays soon.

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                    Ok, I stopped watching.

                    Started out you vs. Mirana, mirana didn't do anything to punnish your very questionable starting items and played rather passive.
                    Later in the game around 8min Slardar rotated top who close to 0 cant do anything against you unless he has sprint and his ult up and you no sprout/he got quelling or tango.

                    Later rubicks comes and what I assumed happened. She was just standing in the offlane not accomplishing anything.

                    Rubick also fed a firstblood which was totally idiotic considering she KNEW you just did roshan, just do deny a dd rune.

                    How much you got is pretty reasonable due to Miranas passive play, and rubick not accomplishing anything.

                    Neither did I see you use your treants for harassing or zoning purposes, only to jungle.

                    Dunno I'm tired, but that's what I've seen by skipping thru the first 10min or so

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                      Slardar was actually the best player on their team if i'm not mistaken.

                      All i can really say about Havoc or should i better say Xboct is: #WhataPlayer!


                        I didn't say anything bad, I just pointed out my view of the game. Slardar can't do supermuch against a Nature, at least not in the early levels unless Nature gets a bad position somehow, and even then. I just question his starting items and how passive his opponents are playing. Especially Mirana who could punish such a build by playing overly aggressive, especially since Havoc didn't use his treants to anything but jungle (from what I saw, might be mistaken).

                        Rubick was playing very stupidly thruout the part I saw of the game. Probably one of the weaker links.


                        Also this picture is misleading considering Slardar rotated top dunno what timing, but around 4-5min I think while rubick coming around when the picture was taken, and having no impact on the lane either.

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                        bum farto

                          Still the fact remains that a 7 min midas and phase is 100% possible as a solo NP.


                            Havoc - i think you should make a new thread and post that picture and dotabuff link in it. A lot of people doubted it when you mentioned it in one of the topics and i dont think many saw it in this one either.

                            bum farto

                              I don't really care that much tbh!


                                Well, 7min midas phase is 100% possible for any hero though :p


                                  Since I don't want to create a new thread for every random question I have and this topic has attracted a lot of people wanting to show off their e-peens...


                                  Again, is this normal? I dont know that Legal Alien guy and he's not in my friends list either. I just coincidentally ended up meeting him 3 times in a row in solo ranked.


                                    PLP, nice farm man, nice farm man.

                                    Zano, the friend list thingy just tracks players you've played with frequently. Aka as u said, played with this guy 3 games in a row