General Discussion

General Discussionwhat to do when u play carry safe and u can't free farm

what to do when u play carry safe and u can't free farm in General Discussion


    King of Low Prio

      I yell at my supports until the do their job correctly or I just go mid and take the farm there and tell the mid player to go jungle

      smelly cunt

        actually quite a legit question, hoping to get some pro's insight on this too.


          You just farm


            I've seen professional players be in that trap before. They tend to sit there and get experience while saying, "This game is over." They tend to lose from that beginning just as much as anyone would - the game becomes a product of your teammate's other lanes rather than your lane (e.g. is the other carry free farming? If so, that's not good... Do you have a jungler/offlane/mid doing very well? etc.)

            In those scenarios, I also see professional players tend to pick up a midas to catch up in farm and switch lanes/start jungling if possible to maximize money/xp once it's available.

            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              Can vouch for Sampson. He actually does that.

              Make supports create space.
              Request ganks
              Recontrol lane aggro (Pulls)
              all else fails - Rotate.


                That never happens to me even at trashy 4400 mmr, create new account or improve yourself to some mmr where ppl dont do that. In that case I ll just afk base and -25 gg go next who care about pub trash games anyway

                King of Low Prio

                  but in all honesty most pub players only use about 25% of the resources available on the map by doing things like

                  -not CONSISTENTLY stacking jungle/ancients
                  -not breaking up a trilane after it has done its job
                  -too passive (hugging tower too long, not attempting to steal jungle farm from opponent etc)
                  and plenty of other things


                    1).Get lifesteal and jungle, or someone with familiars maybe let enigma give you a Eidolon to tank
                    2).stack camps to maybe increase farm later when you can farm if your supports arent doing it.
                    3) everytime your mid or offlane roams take his lane instead
                    4).if you have a lycan mid or something make him use wolves to tank for you to farm
                    5). smoke up and gank yourself for kill if you are a carry with potential

                    This is of course options where you don't yell at your teammates.


                      You farm wherever you can. If it's too early (2-5 mins) just sit there and take xp.
                      Buy lots of tps (not all at once, of course) and farm any free and somewhat safe lane.
                      Buy a Morbid Mask and start farming the jungle, as long as it's safe to do.
                      Enemy team is pushing/ganked other lane and there's nothing you can do to help your team? Take a tower.
                      Ask your team to avoid fights until you have your basics and then 5-man if you think your team can handle that. Dont jut sit and afk farm till 40 mins in because you didn't have free farm in lane and you're behind.
                      Pick a hero not-so farm dependant (don't pick AM ffs). Someone who can snowball or be useful mid game (ls, luna, gyro, etc).
                      At my shitty bracket supports are non-existant or they dont know how to do their job (they sit beside me looking at how the enemy heroes harrass me to death, taking my xp most of the time). I do what I stated before. Farm wherever you can, whenever you can.

                      IMO flaming at supports doesn't work at all. Tell them what they have to do and if they keep screwing it up, forget about them. Flaming them about their lack of knowledge doesn't help at all.

                      Edit: A midas is a good option if you're SLIGHTLY behind and your other lanes are doing well. Don't get a fucking midas 12 mins in while your other lanes are getting crushed because that's calling the gg.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        farm elsewhere



                          I offlaned with earth spirit against a sniper in this game. solution to being harassed in lane? kill em


                            i was thinking of a recovery midas as well. but then again, i see some players going for a MoM so they can clear camps faster and have a way to somewhat escape some sort of ganks. i guess that could do as well, on heroes like luna, gyro, drow i guess


                              I played 600+ matches, but this is the first time I had Luna player in my team who used his Helm of the Dominator to control creep and stack ancients. This is not "next level" tactic, very easy to do actually, yet very underused.


                              Don't blame supports, because they can't do everything: zone out lane opposition, roam/gank, pull, stack... It's impossible.


                                -Most of the time you won't have two supports in your lane. One support can only harrass OR jungle, can't do both, so you have to tell him what do you expect him to do based on the situation. Are you 1v2? Can you handle that? Are they pushing? Are they harrassing you to death or are they passive?
                                -If you have a HotD PLEASE use it, even if you don't have a way to clear the stack by yourself. A 5-6 will boost your team's xp and gold quite a bit, don't be afraid to call for help to clear it. If you lose nearby towers try to take the camp asap and don't stack again (you don't wanna get your ancients stolen).
                                -If you're farming under enemy tower and your support doesn't give a sh*t, go pull. Wait for your creepwave to arrive and leave the lane, so you don't lose xp (your creeps won't kill enemy creeps under their tower). Make sure of doing a double pull.

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