General Discussion

General Discussion[Discussion] Three Gloves of Haste

[Discussion] Three Gloves of Haste in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    whenever i use Naix, i prefer to jungle and my early jungling core are 3 gloves of haste, averagely i can get midas at min 9~10. Is this a good build... im not too sure cause i love atk spd so much and im gonna grab midas threads and armelt anyway.



      if u get midas early u get levels early u get base stats early u get armor base damage hp and regens early too that means u farm faster and u become beast earlier

      whats the point of getting 3 gloves instead of getting midas and chunking that 2.5x exp from big jungle creeps ?


        Ew, treads on naix.

        Miku Plays

          @noob. i build drums on naix ... as i said i i love atk spd on him

          @vaikiss. thats a good point... but what if the enemy offlaner/s or mid gank you in jungle... you just lost quite a gold there... i think both has its pros and cons.

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            if he ganks u then one way or another ur gonna lose gold unless u buy tps branches or other cheap shit

            best part about naix that with quelling blade u can get urself shit tons of escape paths while choke jungling so being ganked is very difficult


              just go for midas, phase, drums, SnY, AC and if you really love attackspeed, mjollnir

              Dire Wolf

                If you go midas you need to go midas first, otherwise it isn't worth it. A 10 min midas is not very good, I can usually get boots and armlet with free jungle farm by 12 minutes or so. Try to get midas under 8, 6-7 is pretty good.

                However naix is really a bit stronger in lane. If you have a lane support and don't need to jungle (like you don't have anyone else you needs safe lane) you will get more farm in lane. He's hard to harass since you simply heal with feast and with some points in wounds you can kill people with your support's help.



                  why dont you just do tango+stout+quelling straight into 6 min midas?




                      laning > jungling if you're not either an efficient person, or playing an efficient hero e.g. chen, enigma, ench.

                      by getting multiple gloves of haste you're delaying your midas, and for no added benefit, because gloves of haste don't give anything that midas doesn't already give (attack speed). even getting power treads would have been a better choice instead of 3 gloves. 3 gloves of haste cost 1500 gold, treads are 1400, and would help you jungle quicker because you'd be able to move between camps quicker. not that treads are a good boot choice, but I'm saying that even a shit item like treads is less shit than 3 gloves of haste.

                      getting boots instead of a second gloves of haste will make you jungle quicker, because you can move between camps quicker. on top of that, it will help you get kills when you rotate out of the jungle, because naix already has a high starting speed of 315, so you can easily get into range and cast open wounds (which should be ranked up past level 1) instead of your typical shitty max-feast build that all clueless junglers do.

                      so boots - jungle quicker, help you get kills, and help you escape
                      compared to gloves of haste - jungle quicker, doesn't help you get kills, doesn't let you run away from people if they roam the jungle.

                      sometimes it's worth delaying one item for another, and that's because item A that delays item B gives you something that item B does not. e.g. kill potential, escape potential, faster farm, whatever.

                      e.g. lets say you get a midas (item A) that delays an armlet (item B). midas delays armlet, but when you do get armlet, you'll have more levels than if you had skipped midas and gone armlet, because midas (item A) gives something that armlet (item B) does not - the transmute ability to boost your XPM and GPM

                      or lets say you delay midas for phase boots on prophet. the phase end up delaying your midas by 4 minutes for example. but if you get kills because of phase's damage and movement speed, or escape because of the speed boost, etc, because you had phase boots instead of midas in that 4 minute window, then that justifies phase delaying midas.

                      getting multiple gloves of haste does not benefit you in any way over midas. you end up slowing both your XP and gold gain, because you lack the midas's transmute ability. you get more attack speed, but midas transmute > 15 extra attack speed if you want to farm quicker. one gloves of haste costs 500g, and delays your midas, because it doesn't help you farm fast enough that you earn the 500g you paid for it, whereas getting quelling blade, even though it costs 225g, doesn't slow down your midas, because you can earn 2375g (225 + 2150) with QB quicker than you can earn 2150g without quelling blade.

                      going midas first, then getting more gloves of haste second is faster than going gloves of haste first, then midas next.

                      if you want midas asap, these item builds are listed in order of speed:
                      1. quelling blade > 1 gloves of haste > midas
                      2. 1 gloves of haste > midas
                      3. 3 gloves of haste > midas

                      -dont max feast, retarded build. put more points into open wounds because you need the increased cast range
                      -if youre going treads, get orb of venom to make your boot choice less shitty, so now you can chase people
                      -if you're going midas, don't delay it. if you have to delay midas then it's not worth getting unless you're prophet


                        If you feel the need to go 3 gloves before anything go treads, armlet, and thunderstick instead of midas.

                        Also, good luck on not getting ganked!


                          You're just like me :D I used to go quadra gloves = midas, pt, armlet, mjolnir but it's stupid and I've improved since then... This only works if you're unganked in jungle in like 3k bracket and just farm whole game until you can solo kill anyone

                          Miku Plays

                            ohhhhh i see i see... so the real point of jungling naix is to get midas asap. alright ill get one gloves from now on.

                            i once did that quad gloves... thought im alone :).. fornutanely im in 3k bracket :3


                            thanks for a very brief explanation why i should rush midas.... but i do think rage > open wounds, then again it depends on the what are the enemy heroes.


                              No, you don't jungle to get midas asap. You jungle because you have no choice.

                              Lifestealer jungle is ridiculously slow. TB, Enigma can get 70+% of perfect lane last hits worth of farm from the jungle by 10 minutes. Lifestealer doesn't even get 50%.

                              As if being a burden on the team wasn't bad enough, midas is a horrible item to get unless your team is convincingly winning 2 lanes.

                              Miku Plays

                                isnt that another reason :D

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Buying midas is an independent choice of whether you go jungle or lane. You can go midas in lane too...

                                  The benefits to jungle:
                                  1. Your team can have a solo lane somewhere so your team gains more xp as a whole
                                  2. Your team can put another carry in the safe lane
                                  3. If the enemy lane is quite strong you might get more gpm out of jungle. This doesn't always happen but say you're fighting a really aggressive axe, veno lane or something real shitty like that and you have a subpar support. You will get harassed so much you might get zero last hits in lane.

                                  This is a big thing to consider, everyone saying Lifestealer gets only 50% of lane farm in jungle needs to remember you will never get perfect lane farm. Say they are tri laning and you're vs a solo offlane then yeah, you'll get free farm, but many times teams go aggressive offlanes and you can't do that. This is a huge reason I prefer to jungle doom because he is squishy as shit early, hellfire is a long cooldown, and it's hard to farm in lane and stay there without big support help. Naix is much easier cus you just he can heal up off creeps with feast and his slow is quite strong.

                                  Reasons to lane:
                                  1. Lane farm is more gpm with the above caveat.
                                  2. Lane farm is safer if enemy makes an effort to gank jungle.
                                  3. Lane lets you push the tower if you decide to which helps the whole team, is kinda the point of the game after all.

                                  As far as midas, I don't like midas on lifestealer, but what we are saying is if you go midas do it first item.


                                    doesn't midas give you the attackspeed of 2 gloves?


                                      I like bewbs here also


                                        @sir rat

                                        midas gives you the attack speed of 2 gloves, but it costs double the amount. the reason it's worth it's gold is obviously the transmute ability. midas isn't worth it for the stats, which is probably why OP was thinking "maybe I should get 2 gloves instead, because then I'll have the same attack speed as midas"

                                        @hatsune "but i do think rage > open wounds"

                                        you're maxing feast though, not rage. its all about your skill build by level 11. generally rage should be maxed, because it's a good damage steroid as well as a defensive ability. you need more than 1 point into open wounds so that it actually becomes useable.

                                        at level 11 you have 2 points into ult, so that's 9 points to be spent in Q, W or E. 4 points into rage is guaranteed because of how good each extra second of magic immunity is, so that's 5 points to be spent between open wounds or feast. you can either go 4 in wounds and 1 in feast, or 2 in feast and 3 in wounds, rank 3 wound's range is actually usable.

                                        second point in feast can be worth it because going from 4% to 5% is a 25% increase in feast damage, but going from 6% to 7% is a 16.67% increase.


                                          imo you should treat lifestealer's feast like bloodseeker's bloodbath or dark seer's surge. You level it up as little as possible to get by. Their other skills offer more utility, but if you are having a tough game, you may need to level it more than you would like. In general, I'd say I usually level those skills to 2, and level up 3rd and 4th point at 13 and 14. In easy games, you'd want to only level it once, or in tough games level it up to 3, or even 4 by lvl 7-8ish.