Whenever I DC and there is problems with API/DOTA network, there is still a "reconnect" button I can press. If not, I connect by console.
Whats your prob, why cant u recon?
There was a huge server crash since yesterday for me and my friends. RIP wins and compendium challenge
I love it, at the worst some people maybe got 2 loses or an abandon. I fail to see how that is a big deal, yes you got a high score (yippee) and you were winning but its not like in the grand scope of the hundreds of games you may play in the future they will really mean all that much.
"This shit is stupid. Not even the first fucking time."
Be thankful it's not all the time, this stuff happens around big events (TI2-3, Diretide, NewYears etc) and is perfectly normal for servers to experience high traffic and even down time. I think it was a brief period of about 1 hour where it was bad and even I got an loss http://dotabuff.com/matches/661987648 due to lag/dc's from team mates.
BEST COMMENT! "RIP wins and compendium challenge"
Are you saying you will never be able to win or play those 10 heroes ever again due to the server down time?
why do 3k mmr scrubs always talk about their games where they've stomped, is it that special of an occasion
sub 5k invoker pickers are the worst scum too, most of you just click 2 spells (cold snap + tornado) all game long and think ur playing ur hero properly
why am i being approached by a mongloid with sub 50% win rate on 4 out of his 8 most played heroes
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Fuck dota servers. I stomp 18/3/21 and it doesn't count. Playing a game and get auto dced without any way of getting back into the match and it says I'm going to receive an abandon.
This shit is stupid. Not even the first fucking time.