General Discussion

General Discussion@FancySocks / Jason etc.

@FancySocks / Jason etc. in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    You might want to invest in IP bans because everyone knows how to bypass your mute / ban system....

    Mikkei Combine

      You sir need to find a day job

      King of Low Prio

        your mom needs to hide her credit card better so you stop buying accounts

        Mikkei Combine

          Maybe you should be a private investigator cause you seem to find away to figure everything out.


            yes this guy is very annoying, I still can't believe a grown ass man cried to the admins to ban someone for saying the 'n' word.

            King of Low Prio

              A grown ass man following the rules, horrible!

              Girl with beautiful face

                Just let Sampson, he can't be described with words. A guy who easily gets offended on internet.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  I don't even see anything explaining the rules, and if it was so important then would have done it before you complained..

                  King of Low Prio

                    So you need a sign on the dotabuff home page that says 'You can not say the N word'? What are you 9 years old?


                      I am 9 years old because i dont get offended by a fucking word?

                      King of Low Prio

                        You are 9 years old because you need a someone to tell you that you cant call everyone the N word without paying consequences for your actions.


                          So basically you are telling me you cant say it because its 'generally bad'? What if the admins didnt care for it, you probably would have complained until they complied which is really sad

                          King of Low Prio

                            I understand it is the internet and you keyboard warriors like to sound tough but take it to 4chan plz


                              Critical thinking is not strong with you..

                              King of Low Prio

                                I like the idea that I have so much power that I can force the mods to bend to my will but sadly that is not the case


                                  Oh, god, not this shit again.

                                  Miku Plays



                                      "You are 9 years old because you need a someone to tell you that you cant call everyone the N word without paying consequences for your actions."

                                      I fuckin lol'd.

                                      10 points.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        "I like the idea that I have so much power that I can force the mods to bend to my will "

                                        Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cmon you know this is true


                                          sampson for prez? all he did was call my 9 years old and try to define morality to his own thinking..

                                          kanye went to uni

                                            I wonder what happens when Sampson finally realises that he's not special....

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              It is either one of two things

                                              either the mods worship me like a god


                                              using the N word is against the rules

                                              Think whatever you wish

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Or maybe they were tired of dealing with you and they just accept it because fuck it


                                                  @ beyond.

                                                  maybe you aren't 9 years old and are some fat-ass face-roller?

                                                  Miku Plays


                                                    King of Low Prio



                                                        Racism should not be tolerated EVER in a community forum. The fact that these mods haven't banned Hael's alt even though he used racist slurs, but they banned my alt for saying someone sucks is actually disgusting. Literally worst forum mods I have ever seen.


                                                          ^ maybe you are the worst person they had ever seen?


                                                            ^^Where's the racist part in saying the "n" word? Isn't like you'd say someone is a nerd or geek?

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              ^none of that matters, sampson just wants people to cater to him..

                                                              Mikkei Combine

                                                                If sampson really had his way, this forum would dwindle down to about 10 users. Saying the n-word is a no no but being ethnocentric and insensitive to other things that have been talked about on this forum is completely okay. What a ignorant western type mentality.


                                                                  I don't know the history of the "n" word itself...english is not my main language, so cannot say if it actually has racist origins.

                                                                  However, the racist part in the "n" word is saying it with a racist intention...which has happened in these forums and if someone didn't notice it when it happened, you either were not there at the time or are just too dense to understand it.

                                                                    Mikkei Combine

                                                                      Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a person of ANY race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

                                                                      Which is the term I using for the post you made cause you were pointing out that a white guy called him the n-word and they fought over it and I was pointing out that he was making that claim seem true by doing some primitive barbaric comeback. aka fighting. GG
                                                                      Wasn't using it for any black racial slur.

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                          do u guys ever get tired of arguing about retarded shit


                                                                            is mid or feed hael's new account that he's also managed to drive below 50% winrate?


                                                                              sampson do u have a life

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                yea that is Haels new account (he is using the 'my friend played my account excuse again tho)



                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    and nope no life just forums


                                                                                      I love how sampson gets flamed like mad for stuff i do as well


                                                                                        Yeah, but you were instabanned, so I guess it's fair :P

                                                                                        Jorges Sanz

                                                                                          Sampson, didn't you also bypass your previous ban with a smurfette as well?

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            It was a mute and yes I did because of how easy of a loophole it is



                                                                                              u dont follow the rules

                                                                                              that's the saddest part
                                                                                              u hypocritical tw*T

                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                He's the hero DotaBuff deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector.

                                                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                                                  He is the shadow, the one who supports the forum from the dark abyss


                                                                                                    Sam youre about as silent as a stampede of elephants near a nuclear test site

                                                                                                    Quick maffs
