General Discussion

General DiscussionLeshrac one dimensional and sorta weak.

Leshrac one dimensional and sorta weak. in General Discussion

    He's no doubt one of the best early game pushers. I don't think anyone melts a tower faster at level 7.

    But thats it.

    He's crappy as a suppork because 1. unreliable stun, 2. worthless suppork ult (way too squishy). His lightning spell is pretty meh and his DE is the sole reason he's picked.

    He's crappy as a mid. No survivability to escape ganks. Mediocre lane harass. Requires quite a bit of farm to become useful (he needs bkb to stay in fights but without int items his mana is shit).

    Can't offlane. Isn't suitable to be carry due to easy counters.

    I think he should get a buff/rework of some sort because atm he's really... pathetic and one dimensional. Like the poor horse is mostly picked for gimmicky push strats.


      I agree. DE is an amazing skill, but his others are, meeh..

      Change ult and 3rd skill and he'll possibly be a fantastic zapport.


        They should make him like Torturer from HoN. Basically same hero, different 3rd skill.

        Better animation.


          well its all about positioning 1 bad move and ur dead by anything ^^ but with some practice in my opinion hes one of the best supports. in the early he can kill offlaners like wr and ds solo if they dont pay enough attention , can easy kill towers and if its needed u can get some easy gold in the jungle aswell. btw the new lightning is pretty awesome , if the enemys have much stun or offlane heros like potm id always go for lightning instead of edict.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            He needs items and levels to work properly. As support kinda' sucks.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              don't level his ult

              he has the 3spellsaregoodearlygame syndrome (I made that up) like crystal maiden where you want to level all three of your spells early game because they are nukes or are just more effective early game but you can't because… well, you can't.


                are you guys insane

                Go mid, get bottle, arcanes, bloodstone, shivas/hex/bkb

                1 level of stun, max edict and lightning, dont get ulti until 10+11

                Walk around destroying everything in your path


                  suppork? SUPPORK? bro, get your grammar right.

                  also lesh is incredibly strong, if things go smoothly. if. he doesn't need a rework, but maybe a few buffs might help.







                    read post.

                    b4 u argue about anything, picture yourself playing as an Invoker/QoP/TA/OD against a Leshrac mid. do you see yourself losing the lane. cuz if lesh no stompy lane he get item slowy and he squishy die boom gg wp quit doto. cuz 700hp at lvl 11.


                      that same rule applies to sooo many heroes

                      waku waku


                          Play him as a core on an agro tri with stuns to set up yours. GGWP.


                            leshrac owns, if u cant maintain 75%+ win on him u just dont understand the hero


                              He's kind of like Zeus, he mostly just does tons of raw damage, but he requires a more dangerous positioning to deal the most damage. That makes survivability a higher priority than mobility, and that means even though it seems like he wants a blink and a force, you should probably look to hp/armor/regens first.


                                I liked torturer in hon better. His third skill din't bounce targets, but instead hit them all at once and pulled them slightly towards one another like a weak vacuum.

                                @UZS160: load of nonsense. If you have 75% win with a hero you are a top tier player, or playing against shitty opponents beneath your level or stacked against a pub. Just my two cents.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                  Leshrac has the worst catchup, he's outlaned by most and he's by far one of the easiest heroes to gank. Most mids have easy escape skills mind you. I just played him mid twice and they were both stompish but honestly, Lesh isn't that good.

                                  I could literally take any random hero and make them sound strong mid the way you did.

                                  "are you guys insane gyro mid op

                                  get bottle, treads, bkb, mkb, daedelus/bfly/satanic

                                  1 level rocket to control all runes, max barrage and flak and outharass/burst your enemy mid.

                                  walk around destroying every teamfight and win game"

                                  "are you guys insane witchdoctor mid op

                                  get bottle, arcane, bkb, aghs, sheepstick/eul/shiva/bloodstone

                                  max cask and male first before the rest and always get ult

                                  be a muddafawking mobile tower that kills you even if you escape with 40% hp"

                                  I could go on I'm srs its quite fun actually.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  Flat is Justice!

                                    Leshrac is like that short shrimp in school with big ass tattoos running across his arms
                                    looks dangerous, but paper like shit



                                      "Im bad at leshrac mid, therefore leshrac is a weak mid hero"



                                        I like how you say everything other than proper reasoning. Idk at least Sampson would explain why X hero is good.

                                        And I just stomped twice as mid with him yesterday. He's still underwhelming.



                                        Ironically, I've played him slightly more and stats show I've been more successful with him than you. So can you not try to talk down to me on a hero you don't even use and clearly don't know about?

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          I'm surprised someone who uses the forum as much as you doesn't seem to know that I spend 3/4 of my dota time at inhouses

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            - 7 matches is a reliable data sample apparently

                                            - as if scores in pubs matter

                                            - knowledge != execution, and doing well != executing well either


                                              Remove cast point on Edict and he is OK


                                                No-one ever heard about the aesthetic man legend?
                                                Ok let's tell the myth: He was #1 dotabuff win rate, by playing leshrac with wisp.

                                                I doubt leshrac is any worse than other heroes, his skillset is just not that of a regular supp, more of a core.



                                                  -dota ! = good comprehension !

                                                  Please indicate how exactly did you infer that I said it was a reliable sample test. Mind all I said was I played him MORE and I didn't want someone who doesn't even play the hero in the way he described to lecture me on something he doesn't know. Btw, none of you have yet again explained how Leshrac is good. Plz respond completely irrelevantly once again trying to explain how I'm stupid/noob without talking about Leshrac.

                                                  Rather fedup on creating discussion topics to have people going off topic trying to explain or IMPLY how they are a better player without contributing to the actual discussion other than saying its shit/nonsense. Jesus Christ, man.

                                                  @mohouzeg, yeah Leshrac would be best in core to me. But as a situational one because he's weak against BKB holders. The hardest part is convincing people to give you safelane farm and he's reliant on the team playing around him (taking twrs, protecting him). Which is why I feel he should receive change to make him more viable because he's stuck in an extreme pushing niche.

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    Leshrac is good as a core. He's just not going to be the only core hero in his team as, like you said, he's weak against BKB. But don't be stupid either, the other team is not going to carry 5 BKBs unless the game goes stupidly long. While a BKB is active, Lesh is going to continue dealing massive damage to the rest of the team because basically every spell of him deals AoE damage, supports are going to waste spells and CC on him. So, as a core, he needs to build both tankyness and mana pool and regen to keep up Pulse Nova and rely on his team to keep the enemy in place.


                                                      still the coolest hero ingame^^



                                                        I agree with you said except about the BKB thing. Leshrac experiences a severe drop in effectiveness the moment there are 2 BKB holders on their cores. I think its acceptable as long as you have other cores dishing out physical dps but I swear to god Leshrac is a weak mid so you gotta put him in tri. You're only going to do well mid against people you outskill. Placing him as a tri-core is situational.

                                                        Which is why I think for a hero that feels somewhat underwhelming in pubs/competitive play should receive some sort of buff that raises his viablity. Unless the verdict remains to keep Lesh this way so he remains a situational for push strats.

                                                        Btw, he's a super strong situational. I mentioned how he is THE best early game pusher. I just wished he was more viable and isn't a hero thats a niche within a niche. (He fits into only a few pushing strats)

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                          Leshrac was only viable as a support into carry like LightofHeaven used to plaay him. Good tower pusher and forest juking hero.

                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!