General Discussion

General DiscussionUrsa Counters

Ursa Counters in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Ursa has been blowing up my games lately, either on my team or against. Was wondering what some good counters to him are. However when I play ursa, which isn't often, the biggest counter is usually my own team, not the opposing. If my own team has little to no slows or disables it's hard to kill anyone. If we have tons it's easy, regardless of other team. So I'm not really sure here what to pick against him as in most recent games he destroyed us in a tri lane with lion and windranger (3 disables!!!) and other time we wrecked opposing team with dual lion + ursa.

    So I'm thinking either heavy disable or heros who can kite. Like storm, qop. CM, SS, lion all seem good here as well except that ursa can 3 shot them if he gets on them. You're going to need good vision so he doesn't blink on you. So what about a high strength hero with disables like slardar, centaur, sven or wraith king? They seem like they might be good carries vs him.

    Razor and viper might be good but I could see them needing to go some space making items, not just their usual kiting, like either blink or force staff. Drow with a force staff maybe? Force out of his aftershock, light him up with frost arrows?


      Propper position ( force, euls, ghost scepter ), atos,

      Viper ( good kite hero )


      Axe, sigh . . .

      Visage could work also, maybe clock ( with force , cogging him )

      If you want to out carry him ( which isn't big deal in late game ) pick illusion based heroes

      The most important thing is NOT to fight him 1 vs 1, no doubt you will lose it. Also guard roshan constantly, don't let him get that first aegis.


        Good position counters Ursa, Slow and high mobility.

        I'm pretty sure you know what counters Ursa quite well so prob a bit useless thread?

        ICE SKULL

          gondar counters ursa

          when he tries to hit you, you go invis lol :P


            shadow demon

            basically any hero with slows to kite him. ursa just gets kited too easily. notice how both those heroes ults go through bkb and slow the shit out of the target

            My dawg


              My dawg



                  Nothing's more amusing (to me) than watching Ursa running in circles around a Furion sprout.


                    Mirana works. Just leap pretty much counters the whole hero.


                      force staff is the nr 1 biggest counter to ursa


                        anyone with a slow, Dblade, or can overpower heroes.

                        Naga, meepo, bane, mirana, viper etc.

                        Hell CM for her slows and disarm.


                          cm and trax in low pubs


                            ghost scepter , force staff , stun , slow , halberd . hex , eul


                              lion is pretty good, can control him ez with stun and hex
                              also shadow shaman


                                If you want a support that counters Ursa, pick Treant. Others are countered by BKB - first "big" item for Ursa.


                                  How about veno?
                                  Really annoying ward (DPS) also 1st skill(Lethal damage)


                                    Best counter to Ursa is Ghost scepter and mass force staffs. What bear cant reach, he cant kill. End of story.


                                      Nobody mentioned pugna. DAT decrep and lifesteal fucks him hard


                                        >team with multiple disables
                                        >ursa doesn't snowball
                                        >slow farmer
                                        >by the time ursa gets blink bkb he can no longer solo kill anyone

                                        Too much explanation on late game counters. In the first place the strength of Ursa comes from his snowballing potential.


                                          A dagger Ursa can pretty much blink in and take down almost any main carry on your team after he gets a bkb to deal with the stuns/disables. I think there's no point suggesting ways to prevent his snowballing into blink bkb because if the Ursa can't even get the farm for those items he's basically not a player who is a threat to you (If you could shut him down early then you wouldn't even be opening this thread right?)

                                          We should probably focus on what we can do AFTER Ursa gets his bkb blink up.

                                          Personally the most annoying thing I face when using Ursa is positioning items/skills (forcestaff, eul, disruption, astral) and ghost sceptors. Wastes your precious bkb duration and late game I always have to purchase a new bkb, cause 4 seconds is really not enough to deal with all that nonsense. Having lots of forcestaff/euls/ghost sceptors makes life really hard for Ursa.

                                          With the 6.81 patch I have seen some Ursas get diffusal to purge off ghost sceptor, so keep that in mind that it's now a new alternative for Ursa to deal with ghost sceptors. But they can't really do anything about forcestaffs and euls.


                                            Blademail and heaven blade.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              JUST DONT 1 V 1 HIM.. HE WILL BEAR HUG YOU ALL DAY
                                              #BEARHUGALLDAY #STRAIGHTUPGANGSTA #DATBEAR

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Good replies thanks.

                                                OY BLYAT

                                                  Ghost scepter, force staff. Doesn't matter what hero you're on, if an ursa is raping you, buy this.


                                                    no one mentioned OMNIKNIGHT ??

                                                    when i see enemy team has ursa, i'll pick omni instantly

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      What's so good about omni? His ult?


                                                        yes. guardian angel really counters usra in team fight.
                                                        So your team can basically ignore ursa even he got bkb.

                                                        beware that now ursa can build diffusal blade to counter guardian angel.
                                                        or he can blink in and abyssal you and burst you down before u cast ur ult.


                                                          Shadow Dæmon

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