General Discussion

General DiscussionDiscussing the validity of MMR.

Discussing the validity of MMR. in General Discussion


    Respecting dd-sama's wishes.

    I should stop caring about MMR so much.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      not this wizard trash trying to make himself look good again....



        MMR, Win/Loss ration etc etc etc have no importance in Team Games. Cause the ELO it's supposed to work on 1vs1, and it in dota2 wouldn't work cause i play support and 1vs1 i have to pick a midler or a hero who win 1vs1 easly like Troll, Blood, Tusk etc etc etc.

        My opinion: Play good, try to be better and don't care about score. Or it will be the long-penis challenge.


          I don't see a reasoning of this. (I have no hate towards you), but seriously.

          Who does actually care about rating? Yes, I, I do. I care about my own rating, but does other people care about my rating? No.

          I play to improve, to be better. And other people won't stop me because some random guy at 5k tells me, lol u 4k scrub or anything.
          I do neither get offended or anything among these lines.

          If you get offended or actually care what people think about your rating, keep that to yourself. People usually use others people rating to make them feel back/troll/etc.

          EDIT: If you're making this to tell people you think you're better than your rating says, then all I have to say is nobody cares.

          People are mocking at you because you make threads like this, when in the end nobody cares about your, mine or wavesamas mmr.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            OMG, sometimes I wish Valve didn't introduce MMR and just make some sort of inhouse leagues or something. This whole MMR discussion is giving me AIDS.

            MMR means you get 25 points if you win or you lose 25 if you lose. It's kind of like a winrate. Case closed.


              I have not risen my rating despite tryharding for 20 games hence I've given up convincing myself that I am 4.7k.

              You have said exactly what I want things to be, for people to not care about MMR. To not take it that having a higher MMR means they know better or play better (subjective). How many times have you seen people bring MMR up as an insult here? "Oh you're 3k trench your opinions and thoughts are all invalid."

              I just want people to know that MMR ISN'T everything especially when its a number based on so many variables. Because I'm sick and tired of 5k players telling me to shutup.

              I theorycrafted Brewmaster and Death Prophet waaay back on dotabuff when these heroes were obsolete but people like Sam Peckinpah told me to shutup (in summary) and that I obviously don't know better because I can't play better. I find that ridiculous? You don't need to explain or give reasons and all you have to do is bring out your MMR and a whole bunch of people side with you.

              wave's a god damn dick but people agree with him all the time when he hates on lower MMR players.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Why do you seek approval/appraisal from random people on the internet. I just post on this forum to see what other people think about certain aspects or to ask for some advice. If someone is being a dick, that's his/her problem and I don't care. Got better shit to do than talk to random imbeciles over the "interwebz". I suggest you do the same.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Quick maffs

                  I am only speaking for myself but, I dont care about my MMR, in my opinion people bitch too much in ranked games because of " muh mmr " so i just dont play that.

                  I dont care about others people MMR, if i want to know if someone is good or bad i look into some games or i play with him.

                  I dont believe that because someone has higher MMR his opinion about the game is more valid.

                  I still try to improve, but i just dont care if i win mmr or not.

                  Do you want to be in a competitive dota team ? then i guess having high mmr helps, otherwise it does nothing.


                    Wave sama's e-personality is just being a dick. He doesn't care about other people on internet who's not his friends, but he is a very good and experienced player.

                    That people hate on those so-called 3k trench blabla is something I've seen every day I'm on dotabuff more or less, but that those 3k "trenchies" come with bad/stupid/inexperienced suggestions/items blabla is true most of the time. However I wouldn't use 2k trench, 3k trench, 4k trench as an insult, I'd rather insult the player himself. Not by saying "omg 3k trench nub shito", but "pretty srue there's a reason why you're only 3k)))".

                    However, you need to accept that people are different, both on internet and in real life. Everybody thinks different, so in the end we're all a bounch of autists. Not only on dotabuff, but the entire world.

                    Quick maffs

                      " How many times have you seen people bring MMR up as an insult here? "Oh you're 3k trench your opinions and thoughts are all invalid." "

                      Well the ones who does that are a bunch of retards, so if you see someone saying that just ignore them.

                      If everyone tells you to shut up i dont think its because of MMR man :P

                      King of Low Prio

                        why are u low tier scum even having a discussion without my written consent?


                          Yeah well, I can try accepting some people are different. Some ARE douches though. Though I can't say I will totally not care about MMR anymore.

                          "If everyone tells you to shut up i dont think its because of MMR man :P"

                          Ouch >_>. I had some people agree with me on the previous thread.

                          btw sampson bomb incoming.

                          Quick maffs

                            What i mean is usually people doesnt flame because of mmr they flame because they didnt like your opinion

                            and the ones who does flame because of mmr, well, do you get mad if a 6 years old kid flames you ? Because is the same situation


                              i think opinions are fine

                              some 2k dude might come up with a revolutionary new meta as unlikely as it is but people will shit on him for his rating.

                              which is why i dont like to bring rating into discussions until someone either does it first, or it involves personal anecdotes

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              ICE SKULL

                                i dont hate bad players but i hate them if they don't want to improve


                                  ^Exactly, he wants to see other people improve rather reading about them thinking they're better than all their horrible team-mates and opponents they somehow can't carry.

                                  I've not seen very much of shit comments by Wave since I found dotabuff, so I don't understand why everybody is so mad about him.

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    i am the flamemeister


                                      du er min flamemeister <fanboy1> woho

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!