General Discussion

General DiscussionWraith King Ability Build Advice.

Wraith King Ability Build Advice. in General Discussion
Krazy Kat

    The most popular skill builds on Wraith King seem to be bad or very situational. I want to make my own.

    I am thinking Q W Q E Q R Q W E W R E W W R E R R

    One point in W at level 2 for crit.
    One point in E at level 4 for life steal.

    Any thoughts?


      You are correct in getting one level in lifesteal early (1 lvl is all you need till you max crit cuz it scales bad)

      Whether or not to get it at lvl 2 or 4, you need to ask yourself. Do you really need crit that early; do you have a high kill potential lane? Do you need to maintain creep equilibrium (dangerous lane) that makes minor regen not worth it?

      blablabla, situational.


        Support Wraith King

        Q > Stats > Q > Stats > Q > Ult > Max Aura > Max Crit wooot

        Also even with carry WK, stats are better for 2/4 (well, if you're comfortable with some other build, I guess you can just use that haha). It gives you a better mana pool to sustain your stuns + ult.


          I would rarely add stats on WK.

          Properly timed magic sticks and general mana mangement means you will always have mana for stun/ult. The miniscule 2 extra dmg and hp will not ever be mathematically worth over a 1.5x boost in damage from burst or regenerating 8-10hp per creep kill.

          That and by adding stats, you put your hero behind 2 whole levels in skills which means he only gets everything by 15. A WK comes online at level 11 when his ult hits 160 second cd. It might be situational now and then but to say it is always better is very wrong.

          casual gamer

            Carry: stun aura stun crit stun ult stun crit crit crit ult aura aura aura stats ult
            Support: stun stats stun aura stun ult stun aura aura aura ult stats/crits

            Support wk benefits from stats early more than aura, but maxes aura by 10 as it is very good at roshing and healing heroes like drow and sf that do a ton of damage.

            Carry wk has the damage to benefit from crit earlier, and it makes him farm and push faster. Get one point in the aura for early regen, it barely pushes the lane at all.


              support, fucking take the aura at level 2, thx in advance.

              Nothing more ridiculous than not having the aura at level 2, which is ~6hp per last hit of the carry, not to mention that wraith king will take shit load of time to get to the level 4...
              And add on top of this that you will help much more your lane in clashing early on with opponent tri.

              Jorges Sanz

                ^ Wouldnt you sacrifice lane equilibrium?


                  15% lifesteal doesn't push the lane as much as you think. Creeps gain like 2-3 hp per auto attack. Its easy to manipulate the equilibrium back hitting your own creeps like 1/2 additional times.

                  Flat is Justice!

                    reason why they got stats in competitive dota as a support wk is simple and important - wk can throw 2 stuns in concession early

                    Lifesteal doesn't heal much early if u are under heavy harness
                    Crit - ahahaha

                    support Wk is ran in a tri-lane, the aura will easily push out the lane for the offlaner


                      If you're going carry go for Stun and Crit, people are very against going the aura because it "pushes the lane" by this is just rinsing and repeating what other people have said or what they have heard. If you're not a dumbass and you know how to control your lane going a level into your aura can only be beneficial (supports can harass and any creep aggro taken is healed with right clicks on hero).

                      Another thing to note about the aura is that it's like saying to Ursa don't go fast Vlads cause you will push out the lane. Its a really useful aura that you can use to your aggressive advantage and still maintain creep equilibrium.

                      > Jungling, max passive and crit but make sure you have a level in stun so you can assist lanes or run if ganked.
                      > Aggressive laning, get a level or two of aura at two and max stun
                      > Defensive farming lane, Crit and Stun only (1 level of aura if you know how to control your lane properly)

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      Von Darkmoor

                        "Properly timed magic sticks and general mana mangement means you will always have mana for stun/ult. The miniscule 2 extra dmg and hp will not ever be mathematically worth over a 1.5x boost in damage from burst or regenerating 8-10hp per creep kill." yeah the kind of farm you will have when your a support, especially since his often played on the aggresive tri meaning no jungle farm either. Support go stats and stun, carry go whatever the fuck you like or just pick a better carry.

                        Bone Chilling

                          stats are a must.


                            @JCIMN, since you don't wanna listen to what I say. Why not Havoc with 5k games or Matrice who is like top 10 in the leaderboards?

                            "just rinsing and repeating what other people have said or what they have heard"

                            I love Havoc.


                              @JCIMN What kind of trilanes are you used to? Trilanes win supports loads of farm if they're played right so I don't see how playing a support wraith in a trilane will mean less farm. Also as a support he is a pocket strat and shouldn't just be picked as a support because.....also there is no better carry than the king.

                              ...and to everyone else, what trilanes do you play? If you get the aura in a safe or aggressive trilane it works. In the safe lane you can come in for kills then pull/jungle in down time and gank when you have the stun and levels to do so. Seems like a lot of you play really poor trilanes and have little experience pulling stuff like this off.

                              Krazy Kat

                                Thanks for the advice guys. I'll try several builds and see which ones are more useful. I do like Wizard's logic that points in stats delay your other skills by 2 levels but what do I know.

                                BTW found this terribly funny build: CAPS LOCK LEORIC



                                  Hailrake build is the best.

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