General Discussion

General DiscussionRight-click Lina

Right-click Lina in General Discussion

    Few last times I played with Lina, I prioritized her passive over her nukes. One point in stun on 1st lvl, one point in Slave on 2nd and Laguna on 6th. Everything else is for her passive. I don't say it went extremely well, neither did it failed. Out of three games one was lost, one was won without me having too much effect and one was won due to me creating The Space™ for the main carry.

    I mean, look at numbers in description of Fiery Soul. They are BIG. Like, really big. And everyone is so thin first few levels, that even Lina can do quite a damage with her right-click.
    Stun duration stays same on all levels. Dragon Slave has a better scaling, but still not that powerful nuke. I think, that even on 3rd hero level, one level in your passive will allow you to do a LOT more damage, than you could do by putting this point into Slave.
    Also, if you're not playing as 5th position and can actually afford yourself to not spend all your gold on the wards, buying PB will give you great boost in dps, because starting on lvl 7 you will have 255 IAS after your procast.
    Also, you'll have that nice MS bonus, that could actually save your life several times.

    So, what do you think about this build?

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      You only need one level on in her passive at low levels because they don't scale enough to make it worth prioritizing over early game burst. Especially when Lina has such a potent early game.

      You give up on flash farm spells and the ability to snowball so you can hit fast. You won't be able to kill any hero thats not alone with your buiild.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        I am not sure, that getting 70/60/50 nuke damage outweights 30 and possible 45 IAS (and 2%-3% MS) for every lvl of Fiery Soul. you get. The thing is, I think that prioritising passive over nukes actually gives you much more DPS. Not only guarantied DPS over time of her stun, but also for few seconds after it, which also has great synergy with MS bonus and Lina's great range.
        Level of snowballing is actually much, much higher compared to what burst build has, because right-click scales so much better with items.
        And it's not like burst-oriented Lina can fight more than one enemy at once. She's dead meat after her burst.

        And as a bonus, you have little problems with mana.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          The problem is, a burst oriented Lina can easily transition into a carry Lina but not the reverse.

          How on earth are you going to snowball when you're lowering your kill potential? IAS stacks diminishingly on your damage output which is why its entirely pointless to stack it over burst. Burst is more important than IAS early game. You give up up AoE and the ability to flash farm so you can do a larger amount of damage to a single target which has to remain in your range for X seconds for you to do more damage in the first place?

          You won't be able to Dragon Slave people in distant places or pull off fog kills. You could put off adding light strike array but maxing the passive first is wrong. Its an extremely situational build and makes you reliant on your team to keep the enemy in range and away for you in order for you to dps them.

          I love funky builds and everything but this isn't really arguable in terms of efficacy.

          The universal law in dota is BURST>RIGHTCLICK early. Thats why you don't see Nightstalkers maxing their passives first or aura heroes like WK or VS maxing their auras first even though 30% lifesteal or 36% dmg output are amazing in their own right. Its why shotgun Morph exists even though people could build other carry items on him instead of EB.

          Sorry if I'm coming on too hard but I'm just explaining it thoroughly.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Flat is Justice!

            That build is a pretty common pocket strat, when there is a set up stun for lina + when lina needs to kite around certain heroes. eg axe/naix

            But other than lina cast skills are picked first over passive because of their huge ass aoe
            5x280 + 5x280 in team fight = POWER LEVER OF 9000 (degree in maths confirmed)


              Right click lina is about going semi-carry with a deso imho. Its still preferable to go 4/4/1 or 4/1/4 to start.

              basically... blink sheep deso and destroy.

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