General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does the mmr system works?

How does the mmr system works? in General Discussion

    Can someone explained cause I've been matched up with TBD most of the time

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      this forum is dead eh?


        you have to be more specific than that yo. How many rank games have you already played? How many tbd in your games? Whats your mmr range?


          MMR = 2249 (Cause Pinoys , shit teammates)
          How many times played ranked = More than 20

          I play mostly supports cause no one likes to support in this shit tier

          Jorges Sanz

            There is a learning curve to dota, not every legit non-smurf (who is just starting out) at your low tier mmr is just gonna waltz in and start racking up a ton of games in ranked. Just like how you don't jump immediately into the deep end of the pool when starting to learn how to swim.

            Come back when you have played > 1k Games.


              434 games to go then

              Hex Sigma

                on the other hand it also depends on the player. I know players with more than 1500 games that are still 3k. In the end its all up to you


                  You get lots of tbd because 2.2-2.5k is the average mmr. Therefore, the amount of people who needs calibration matches is higher than, lets say, in the 5k bracket.