General Discussion

General DiscussionI really hope they buff alch to make him a really good carry like he ...

I really hope they buff alch to make him a really good carry like he was at a ti3 time in General Discussion

    I really miss alch being the super carry he was at ti3 time, ,what do you guys think they can do to make him good again? Maybe work on his stun, ,i used to love playing alch and maxing his passive and getting a insane amount of farm and just roaming around getting kills with shadow blade. Do you guys feel the same or do you think he should stay as he is one of the carries that is very very rarely picked?

    Ples Mercy

      ',i used to love playing alch and maxing his passive'

      pls uninstall


        Alch is still good carry but not good inaf for competetive current meta,cus of his ultimate don`t gave anymore hp. So Alch now also need Hot with other items which means he need to farm alot more to be efficient. Also its easy to escape him with alot of force staffs so he get kited same as Lifestealer.


          Maxing his passive by 7 and getting complete free farm was legit and with a midas

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Ples Mercy

            its always nice to have a completely useless shitcarry in the laning phase.

            ur prolly an alch which fails so hard and calls after 15mins 'gg, teams retard'.
            pls uninstall.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


              Nice Alch play.

              What's your MMR Hulor?


                Who the fuck is this idiot? Nice spelling and you make a lot of sense


                  And i was going to play carry but instead my team picked stupid shit so i supported and ended up dropping my items on the floor


                    You didn't answer my question, what's your MMR? it will drastically change your opinion on the viability of alchemist as a carry.

                    Also, that's Blunt. He's a troll.


                      My mmr is around 3.3k and i was just saying i had to support with a idiot team so i dropped my items and fed. And that blunt guy is not funny he is most likely a sad person with no life.

                      Rust in Peace

                        I also miss carry alche :'(


                          :'( so sad


                            Only reason alche was played as a 1 role, was his time of farming those 6 items ( he could get it like 15-20 minutes before magina, void, naix ). Alt ought he got nerfed by big chunk, i think he can sometimes be played as a main carry.

                            Also, with those nerfs, he can easier survive vs naix , who was mostly his main counter.


                              i max alch passive at mid


                                lol you dont remember everyone complaining that he was picked every game and was one of the most boring carries in dota history, not to mention op because giving him 5 minutes of free farm was like giving another carry 30

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  He was awesome not boring it was really cool to see him farm alot and just start roaming at 11 mins with treads and shadow blade


                                    Or you could get midas + sb and ac in 15 minutes as XBOCT


                                      next thing this guy is going to say naix is not boring


                                        That was insane farm and naix is normally boring except when you have a storm or nyx with him

                                        Hafla Enjoyer

                                          What carry CAN'T be kited?


                                            Gyro? 1000 range


                                              can't you do that now given freefarm?
                                              I always maxed stun first even when playing him as position 1 and got few points in poison (mostly all 4) before putting points into passive, So I could farm heroes instead of creeps.
                                              Now, after the nerf of concoction, which just killed the hero IMO, I don't feel like playing him.


                                                I hope they buff Magina. +0.6 STR/lvl and make manabreak not orb effect. Ty


                                                  well with max greed you could get a 8 minute bfury with uncontested farm

                                                  by 15 minutes you could have travels+bfury+shadowblade if your supports zone and stack for you

                                                  25 minutes should be 6-slotted

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    I used to go bf on him sometimes

                                                    Von Darkmoor

                                                      Only ppl that liked alch afk farm carrys are Loda fans and we all know how incredibly much they won since the buyback nerf.
                                                      Alch is a wonderfull support very very nice and the worst carry in the history of dota since the nerf but thats just my opinion ive only played him as support since the change with a few exeptions but sometimes i still get this "-IM kärry im Alch" and like you can guess those games are losses 98/100 times. GG


                                                        He's best played as a roamer/ganker similar to how you should be playing Mirana and fills a similar role (secondary lategame carry)
                                                        Since the reworking of his ult, Armlet of Mordiggian has become his most important core.

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          I have two opinions about the old alch carry, first i love to see people 6 sloted so that was fun, but man he was picked in every fucking game

                                                          I still remenber a game where mushi had a really fast bfury and just rolfstomped the game


                                                            I agree with people here. Alchemist atm is really bad carry and get easily outcarried by many other carries with half the farm. He's pretty good mid tho, with blink+medalion+heaven's halberd build, like SingSing plays him quite often. Can easily snowball if you know what you're doing cause the stun with armor reduction does ridiculous amounts of dmg early on.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              Like i dont understand, are you guys saying that the old alch with a lot of hp in his ulti was best played as support ? because that its bullshit, he was close to OP, i still remenber how xboct rushed into the middle of the enemy team 6 sloted at 30 min.

                                                              New alch is kind of trashy even as a roaming support, lets not even talk about carry


                                                                I used to find alch fun to watch when he got so much farm and just rolled over the enemy, people had to stop his farm or he would just win the game with insane farm


                                                                  I remember chinese abused this hero last year, built battlefury with him and taking 2nd and 3rd skill only
                                                                  still lost so hard


                                                                    "I dropped my items and fed"

                                                                    I stopped reading or giving you any credit right there.


                                                                      I would actually like to see this hero played more as an aura carrier...

                                                                      Mekanism, Vlads, Blink, AC, Shivas or other items like blademail and radiance etc. His strongest suit is much like antimage late game but earlier, you can literally overwhelm your opponents with farm and this makes him strong. I used to play him offlane with a soul ring stacking/killing ancients with acid spray and doing the same thing to the lane. I prefer him geared towards support and utility then carry but then again I am a wank carry player.


                                                                        He can carry, support, mid, offlane and just ancient he is a very versatile hero


                                                                          Pretty sure we're aware of that Hulor.


                                                                            Nice one i thought i would say it, now you said that i know you are a faggot.




                                                                                stop posting hulor.


                                                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                  @ OP,

                                                                                  Alch can still be viable, however there are hero's that are currently in the meta that severely hinder his ultimate, and laning stages. Well protected, and if given 30 minutes I'm sure he 6 slots just as fast.

                                                                                  IE : Centuar, Mirana, AA.

                                                                                  @ Everyone Else in the thread with shit-posting,

                                                                                  Try and act like a community guys. This player doesn't understand what he is doing wrong, yet you "Regulars" here on forums aren't helping him improve at the hero. As a player who is remotely new to Mobas/Dota2, I honestly wish someone told me what my mistakes are so I could have improved them earlier and I am sure the same is true with all of you.

                                                                                  If you can't help this player improve and you're just going to mock him for his mistakes, you might as well go here. You will most likely fit in better.


                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                    WOWoo !!! this melody is such a badass D;; with the link to league of legends and shit D; scarrii!

                                                                                    can u please stop posting on this forum already melodie ? rly im sure if i do a petition rite now i have 99% of the forum with me.



                                                                                      Nova for president.


                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                        Nova too stronk, plz nerf.



                                                                                          [Color=#7f7f7f]Punctation zano, you forgot the . bro .. (.) dont forgot it![/color]

                                                                                          Fame doesn't last forever.


                                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                            "English doesn't have an official institution responsible for overseeing the language, therefore fuck it's rules"


                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                            Hex Sigma




                                                                                                sometimes i wish i was a dog the good kind of dog


                                                                                                  Wtf has happened here?

                                                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                                                    I just bought this sleeping bag it's so awesome, it's got like extra warm bits or something. Really cheap too.


                                                                                                      Wtf XD

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!