General Discussion

General DiscussionWHATS THIS SH*T

WHATS THIS SH*T in General Discussion

    Play at 5AM and get matched with -1000 MMR players. Srsly matchmaking, whats this. 4000 MMR ppl when yesterday i was with Waga?!


      To think that someone with 5k mmr doesn't know how the mm system works


        matchmaking pls find me 5k mmr people even though there are none playing atm


          LATE NIGHT DOTA!

          Bristleback in my last game insisted that Spectre was a support and flamed me for building Radiance instead of buyin wards.


            Hard to believe there's no ppl since i always play this early... and the lowest was 4600 so far, but today even at 8 AM i get 4100 mmr allies.


              Times like these I really like Late Night Dota 2. It's kinda like gambling.

              You can role and get the good players and have an easy game, or you can have the bad players and have a tough time trying to win.


                which type of games is easier to win?
                1. 9 pros and u are the nubest
                2. 9 nubs and u are the proest


                  right, did you come here to cry when you were matched with waga (+1000 mmr?)

                  i could have sworn i didnt see waga crying thread when he got you on his team..


                    im always playing with them. so what?


                      There are like 200 ppl who constantly plays on solo EUw within 1000 mmr range of Waga, sure he won't say a word if he's matched with someone below that. But plz tell me there are only 200 players within 1000 mmr range from me as well...

                      If i know im with lower skilled players sure i'd go mid or pick a core hero and easy gg. Too bad i can't predict my allies' skill level in advance. But the thread wasn't about winning the games anyways. I just found interesting that im on a losing streak and it started matching me in several games with such lower ranked players.

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