General Discussion

General DiscussionEZ4RTZ

EZ4RTZ in General Discussion

    "I respect people by how they behave, how they act and what they say"

    And you dont respect Dendi as a person? Dorkly, your nickname really speaks strong by itself (short: Dork).

    King of Low Prio


      every single team going to TI is saving strats (In one of the interviews with Mason he has to cut a question short because he almost gave away some of them).


      bullshit, acting like you care about other peoples personal lives on a forums. Go spread your likes on facebook to go help the world -_-


        European are raging at each other cause once again murica beats them.

        King of Low Prio

          @Hurricane Hurricane

          do you respect me as a person? I highly doubt it but guess what?????That is your own choice. Dendi is a professional player and he does not do much more for the community than any other random pro player.

          King of Low Prio

            well Hurricane got so angry when I ninja qued into US (after he said how easy US is compared to EU) and he got rofl stomped mid so hard :D


            King of Low Prio

              Viper vs melee mid

              game was hard


                Why should i respect a piece of shit like you Sampson? Give me a good reason.

                Meanwhile Dendi is a total oposite of you. He's a warm, carring and friendly person trying to make people laugh, he's not cocky (he could easily be according to his reputation as a player), he doesnt flame and he respects all of other players (hughing them even after they lose, trying to make them feel less dissapointed, etc). If that's not a good human beiing, then i dont know who it is.

                King of Low Prio

                  Dendi abuses the report system in pubs when people dont follow his instructions. Such a Caring person.....................God these Dendi fanboys think Dendi is some kinda saint lol

                  King of Low Prio

                    'do you respect me as a person? I highly doubt it but guess what?????That is your own choice.'

                    I think I made it quite clear I dont care if you respect me or not......

                    King of Low Prio

                      you seem to want my admiration so badly though (begging me to add you to my friends list, begging to que with me, getting so angry that I kicked you from team that you started e stalking me etc.)

                      get off my nuts bro


                        my boy artour


                          No one respects you on this forum and i see no reason why someone should. If there was same report system here on the forum, you'd be long long gone boy :)

                          You dont even have balls playing this mini dotabuff tournament, making people mad at you even more. But anyway, no one expected you'd show up anyway, all you can do is using your fingers to flame and stimulate your boyfriends anus.


                            get higher


                              Can't get higher, i think i just solved the million dollar question how to silence the biggest flamer, troll and scumbag on the internet.


                                you're giving him the attention he wants


                                  Arteezy's mid PA is strong as hell tho. I think we'll be seeing a lot of new stuff on this TI due to some players with balls :)


                                    i was surprised to see eg won since i went to bed after a crushing 2-1 loss :p
                                    just woke up and gg EG :D!!! rares increased.... sadly i had already lost my arcana with those noobs navi...

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      'please drop us an email at or tweet @dotabuff.'

                                      you can report me Hurricane. Or are you all talk?

                                      King of Low Prio


                                        why would you bet on NaVi atm o.O


                                          Wow. New thread - 2 hours ago. 2 pages long.
                                          I think to myself, either Hael commented something and everyone is flamming him or Sampson is here. Well, whaddayaknow! Lucky guess!

                                          Lol i bet against dk 12 hours before their game when it was DK vs TBD just cause the odds are good enough. TBD = Winning team always!


                                            Hael is IP banned from the forum fly, maybe the same fait soon finds Sampson too, you never know :)

                                            TBD = Take bloody dollars.


                                              hael is a faggot can you stop talking about him? fuck you already summoned him, he'll be here soon

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                Banned from Dotabuff for kicking retards from team lol


                                                  "I got a team suspension for telling one of the team executives that he is better off staying at home than embarrassing our university at the upcoming tournament :)"

                                                  I understand your frustration Sampson. But it's about time, that you disband with your bunch of pussies already too :)

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    I know you think of me as some god but I am sorry to disappoint you that I am not the team captain :( I have no control over the matches I only just gave my availability.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      I am still curious how Viper can lose mid to a melee hero, plz teach


                                                        I think low iq people like yourself should not try to disscuss things they dont understand.


                                                          typical db thread fucked up.


                                                            What a surprise Sampson is in it once again.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              Not my fault angry nerds stalk me because they get pissed off that I choose not to play with them :P


                                                                We saw your picture once on this forum, it can't get any more nerdy then you bro :D

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  I look nerdy? rofl that is a first.


                                                                    I think you guys never watch dendis stream? He flames alot, reports everyone when he loses,etc

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      HOW DARE U SLANDER SAINT DENDI'S NAME

                                                                      nebunu la jokuri 77777
                                                                        이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                        nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                          ^(deleted by mistake)
                                                                          I love it when people say "Omg I love Dendi, best mid, so good"
                                                                          But then you ask them: "What other mid players do you know?"
                                                                          They'll answer :"unhhh, uhh, oh...well....none, but dendi is good"

                                                                          I don't get it why all the new players' instinct is to worship Dendi...

                                                                          nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                            @Sampson, actually, Dendi did something for the community, he had spread the "I go pudge mid or feed" disease


                                                                              the fuck is wrong with you people.

                                                                              Dendi is a very talented and a great player just like many other pro players. You people sound like a shitty combination of raggedy pimp haters and scumbag hipsters trying to let everyone know how cool you are.

                                                                              jesus christ.

                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                EG sucks. DK will win TI4. rtzsoez.


                                                                                  Jesus, Sampson you're just like Melody now, you're both keyboard warriors who get so mad.

                                                                                  Dendi is a great player, and seemingly a great and interesting person. Maybe he isn't the best, who gives a shit, why are you getting so mad?


                                                                                    this many tears... so much hate...
                                                                                    i like it
                                                                                    wp OP


                                                                                      sampson didnt even start flipping shit, no idea why dd reacted to strongly to that comment

                                                                                      mechanically dendi definitely isnt even in top 5 mid players, even fy has stronger mid mechanics than him

                                                                                      what makes or breaks a mid player isnt their mechanics but their contribution to the win, and recently navi has been in a pretty big of a slump

                                                                                      not to take anything away from dendi, he's still a great player, but there are many people who can go toe-to toe with him and some in terms of midlane mechanics

                                                                                      objectively his character from what you can see on stream is pretty shit, he likes to pick a mid hero after someone calls it and get that person to screw off, else will bitch and complain about that person whole game, spamming reports on him, raging all the time etc

                                                                                      not even kidding

                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                        I came for the lollipop

                                                                                        Quick maffs


                                                                                          Well you actually know why he did react that way to that comment, for the same reason hurricane reacted that way and for the same reason every fanboy reacts this way, like i already stated i dont have anything against dendi itself BUT those fanboys man, they talk like you NEED to like Dendi, either for his personality ( something that i dislike ) or for his dota skills ( something that i disagree with ).

                                                                                          Anyway for those who care, Sampson was only saying his opinion about dendi like I did, we both got flamed for not liking the guy, that its the only thing that happened.

                                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                            이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                              11 hours ago
                                                                                              Dendi is so fucking overrated seriously

                                                                                              LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL your 3000 mmr is overrated bro.

                                                                                              King of Low Prio


                                                                                                why exactly did you skip over the fact that 5.5k+ players agreed with the comment?


                                                                                                  ☐ Smart ☐ Not Smart ☑ So smart

                                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                    im european and i like EG and i think they're going to win TI4

                                                                                                    mostly because i watched rtz stream almost every night, it was like a routine for me

                                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                      ty for the rares arteezy

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!