General Discussion

General Discussionphantom assassin item build?

phantom assassin item build? in General Discussion

    so guys what do u build (starting build -> ... -> very late game build)
    and where do u go (mid\hard\easy)
    that would be nice to see also some replays, thanks
    im not sure my build is good to get to 5k, need some advices


      not sure but i think its bfury > bkb (if needed) > basher > gg


        yea cuz its the build who's gonna make you 5+


          well actually that's my build, but sometimes i make domi/vlad after bkb
          pa is very good vs heroes that doesnt' require bkb
          she sucks vs fat carries or carries with bkb (because u can't just blink n' kill)


            My ultrasick, commend granting, elo acquiring build:
            phase -> dominator -> yasha -> sange -> (depends on other team)bkb -> skadi -> basher -> satanic -> abyssal blade

            YES skadi + s&y, WHY? Because tankiness is just OP on pa.

            Hex Sigma

              I am really confused aswell regarding her build mostly because battlefury is no longer such a high priority.


                when rtz doesnt go for bf im pretty sure he goes for maelstrom


                  I never go mid with PA unless nobody else picked a decent mid hero. Usually I go safelane with stout shield, slippers, tango and 2x branch. I get my poor man's asap from the sideshop, after that I rush phase boots. That's the core and it's the same for every match I play (don't ever get treads ffs).
                  PA is a very situational hero. She melts to nukes early game because she's squishy as fuck. Therefore your build should be based on the enemy team lineup rather than a strict build.
                  Battlefury is trash on PA in most cases. You get it when you can take advantage of the cleave:
                  a. You have supports stacking for you (this is why rtz builds it, doesn't happen in most pubs).
                  b. You have an ally who can set up your cleave (magnus's rp, enigma's black hole, etc).
                  c. You need to go lategame. In this case you can pick up a dominator (later turned into a satanic) to stack ancients and speed up your farm.
                  In every other case, Desolator + Vlads >>>>> Battlefury. Gives you more raw damage and nice stats and armor as well.
                  If you need to fight early, Drums + Basher.
                  BKB if they have disables and/or nukes. Skadi if they have nukes but no disables.
                  For the lategame MKB, Abyssal, Satanic, Rapier are all good choices. Butterfly if you're stomping (and if you know they won't have the farm to get an mkb).
                  Items to avoid:
                  SnY. While its not bad, I feel some of the stats are kinda wasted (i.e move speed, AS).
                  Mjollnir: You don't need AS, you need raw damage and stats to be tankier, AS is a waste on PA.


                    I went treads dominator yasha bkb basher going mid
                    Lifesteal and bkb is core on her, yasha is personal, you can build drums for the health


                      My most recent game I went:

                      PMS -> Phase -> Drums -> Battlefury (IMO a good pickup if you can get these four items in 20 minutes or under) -> BKB -> HotD -> MKB (cause was playing against evasion)

                      Is this an alright sounding build for a safelane farming PA?

                      casual gamer

                        Farming - Midas Treads Basher BKB Abyssal Butterfly/Mjol/Manta Satanic/Daedalus
                        Aggro - Treads Aquila Drums Basher BKB OR Treads Vlads Basher BKB OR Phase Drums Maelstrom BKB
                        Ultrafarm - Treads HotD Bfury BKB -> Anything


                          Omfg stop getting treads on PA. Getting treads on her is like getting treads on BH.

                          casual gamer

                            Omfg stop getting phase on her. Getting phase on her is like getting phase on tiny.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              You forgot that she gets 130 AS when she blinks. That's more than enough to kill anyone if you have some kind of damage (AKA Phase) and allows you to chase better. You need raw damage in order to proc a good crit, not AS.

                              casual gamer

                                You lose the IAS outside of 4 hits and you can't blink on bkb. If you build no ias at all (Phase hotd bfury basher) you become very unreliable as a carry

                                She also benefits greatly from tread switching because of her absurdly low int and likes hp because of her physical ehp multiplier


                                  get bkb and win, not even joking. rush bkb -> 5 man push

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    more attack speed increases the chance of a crit though. the difference between 8 agi and 24 damage is 16 damage. assuming you're level 16 with max crit for 450% damage (or +350% extra), then the difference is 72 damage.

                                    she may get 130 as from phantom strike, but that's nowhere near max attack speed, so there's no argument against the attack speed from treads benefitting her crit.

                                    early game it maybe makes a difference, but late game, proccing crits more reliably is better when that 24 damage is negligible.

                                    ICE SKULL

                                      attack speed does not increase the chance of doing a successful crit

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Move speed though!


                                          "attack speed does not increase the chance of doing a successful crit"

                                          Of course it doesnt. But it increases the number of attacks you do and therefor your chance to crit more in same amount of time. Still havent found my standard build tho, working on it lately.

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            last replay is still hot, 4 days ago o.O


                                              'attack speed does not increase the chance of doing a successful crit'

                                              yes it does


                                                wave probably assumed what I meant was that attack speed affects the chance to crit per attack, which it doesn't, more attack speed simply means more chances.


                                                  She's not supposed to carry lategame though - she will lose against any true hard carry unless you get really lucky.
                                                  She comes online pretty quick and you should take advantage of that, therefore building here for early mid game is much more eficient than trying to go lategame. In that scenario, Phase >>>>> Treads.


                                                    ^whats a true hard carry? she scales pretty good, 4.5x crit built-in sounds pretty good for late game to me, and her stat scaling isn't bad at all

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                      I agree with Oleksandr on that one. If you want to fight quick, then Phase, Hoth, Drums and Basher is the way to go. You really need that extra dmg early game. I usually take her lategame or at least mid game, maybe the point of this hero is to fight quickly and i'm doing it wrong. Have to try out few builds and we'll see what does the job best.


                                                        "therefore building here for early mid game is much more efficient than trying to go lategame"

                                                        that argument doesn't disprove that treads are good on her. the stats from treads are still useful early/mid, that's why you also get drum on her. if you already have drum and a 4-4-1 skill build, not having the phase active isn't really a big deal, you're blowing it way out of proportion, as if PA can't hit anything if she doesn't have phase boots.

                                                        "She's not supposed to carry lategame though - she will lose against any true hard carry unless you get really lucky."

                                                        sure she won't deal as much damage on paper as the mega hard carries, but you're not fighting against void/spectre/medusa every game though, nor are you always going to be in a situation where you always have to 1v1 the enemy carry. there are no concrete situations where "PA will lose 100% to X hero". you can always outplay opponents or itemise better against them.


                                                          ^^^ she doesn't scale as well as some of the other carrys in the late game, the evasion is pointless once the other teams hard carry picks up a MKB, the attack speed form her phantom strike doesn't do that much super late, and at max rank her crit only increases her average damage by 52.5%. That might seem like a lot but when you compare it to some one like gyro or dusa who's ability's can increase their damage by 300% or 400% it stops seeming so strong.
                                                          Even so I still play her as a late game carry, but maybe I m just bad.

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                          kanye went to uni

                                                            PA's not that good late game; she doesn't split push very well and can't slow/blink on anyone with a BKB in a teamfight. You usually want to end the game early, I think.


                                                              Actually, PA is awesome late-game, no need to take all credit from her. Yes, she's not as hard as some (very few) other hard carries, but she's one of them nevertheless. Also, she does have better early game compared to them, on top of a great way of securing her farm.


                                                                phase -> drums -> bkb (if needed, which is almost every time) -> abyssal (maybe a hotd before the sacred) -> satanic -> whatever u want, game is over already

                                                                kanye went to uni

                                                                  @epsik-kun: I disagree, in the average pub game I would say there would usually be another hero that carries harder.

                                                                  A 6-slotted PA:
                                                                  -Doesn't split push as well since she has no reliable escape nor damages towers any more than any other hero
                                                                  -Doesn't do any sort of AOE damage (let's be honest, cleave crits are very very rare unless there's some sort of set up)
                                                                  -Gets (admittedly, semi-) countered by BKB in teamfights

                                                                  Compare that to a six-slotted Void/Spectre/Terrorblade/Gyro/Naga/PL/etc. Of course if there aren't any opposing carries that carry harder, then by all means play for the late game, but like I said, in most pub games there's probably something that carries harder.


                                                                    It does disprove it. Early game you want cheap damage items so your crit is decent enough to take down someone (because w/o any damage item PA hits as hard as crystal maiden) and Phase boots give you that. Plus they allow you to chase better and escape better because your escape isn't realiable at all.
                                                                    While your mana pool is very limited, so is the mana cost of your spells. You'll never run out of mana chasing someone down, therefore tread swapping is not needed at all.
                                                                    Yes, PT scale better than PB because the AS is much more useful than 24 damage past early-mid game, but once again, she is not meant for the lategame. You should capitalize in how fast she comes online.


                                                                      A question though, i think BKB is like core on this girl but that russian guy who has high KDA and winrate with her doesn't build BKB every game and looks like it's situational. I always thought BKB is core for PA like BKB to luna



                                                                        ofc it is situational, depends on enemy lineup

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