General Discussion

General Discussionto all smurfs out there watch this

to all smurfs out there watch this in General Discussion
Jorges Sanz

    I don't see the point you're trying to make. All i see is a LoLthrashplayer playing dota with inverted ui.

    Maybe you should follow your own advise first.

    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      I like playing as the hoppy deer dude.... =/


        i got a level 15 LoL account and every single game i have played on that account had at least 1 smurf in it. i even got a few level 30s who were silver-gold and had full masteries/runes, imagine starting with 30+ dmg at level 1 and it gets better every level. i asked people on lol forums why do they think its fair to match level 30 with level 10, and they told me to l2p. fucking lol kids will never admit their game is trash

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        harvard graduate

          Ye I was thinking the same when I watched that video. Stomping people that never played in their live cant be too rewarding I imagine...

          Quick maffs

            Fun video


              @regulator, mb cause there was a level 30 in your team aswell ?
              Mb cause getting to level 30 don't even take 2 weeks ?


                i dont know how long you're playing but it takes longer than 2 weeks for normal people


                  yea took me a month.


                    LoL scrubs get the fuck out


                      Smurf accounts don't work like that, after 5 games you get put into a very high skill bracket if you deserve it

                      Sexy Vicious

                        I played LoL once, we lost against the bots though never played with real people.


                          2:20 to 3:30 for put skills.

                          You have no excuse for be stupid bb.

                          I played Lol once, i picked Blitzsomething who is lane support pudge and nothing 3 games and i got so much commends beacouse they say i'm good. We were something as 20-70 to bots, and then they sayd "You seems good, we have a good feeling about you". Yeah, sure.

                          Oh, i have to say when i see SETS UPDATE, EVERYTIME I RAGE A LITTLE. But if this is the price for have all heroes, no runes and no levels.. i think it worth it. It's fucking ufair, i play LoL when i'm at my cousin's house and first day i love blitzsomething.. the next week i go again and i search for blitz and when i understand the FREE WEEK i close the game and unistall. Then i wrote on a blocnote WHYDONTPLAYLOL.TXT and save it on my memory.

                          Austic.exe in action.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            I hope you realize this video is a joke. Even LoL players know to take their ult at 6


                              what i see Lol > Dota


                                nice video :D

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!