General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you guys saw what we almost threw, you would be shocked

If you guys saw what we almost threw, you would be shocked in General Discussion
Everyone loves Chibi

    3.8-3.9k mmr, stomped the game like 40-7 (i had like 6 or 7 min blink on cent), and then almost lost it due to retarded people on the team running into them one by one and diing like complete idiots. How is it possible that people play great, but the next moment they start to play even worse then oponent team. Is there a trigger in their brains or what?


      ^ because you get constantly good performance?

      They can get tired, get stressed out, go into a fight with mother/father/sister/brother. Maybe they got irritated by something?

      Also, diing :3

      Everyone loves Chibi

        If i'm something, i'm a solid player even if i dont have the best game (in this case i had a fantastic game). How can they shift in their way of thinking in like 1 minute? I mean all of the team. They listened really well throughout the whole game and thats why we were stomping so much, but then they just started runing mid lane trying to do i dont know what. Told them countless of times first get rosh, then lets push all and win, but no. Oh well, i guess people in this range are still retarded about how to end a game.


          Well, look what these guys threw:

          We came back from 20k XP and 15k gold disadvantage at min 30 :)

          Everyone loves Chibi

            Sick :D But you had Void, so it's understandable. That hero rapes late game.


              Overconfidence. Usually when you are winning you tend to start overextending, you start going alone, you think you are unkillable and then you die one time, 2nd time, and then you realize you just fed them for more than 1k gold because you almost had godlike at the first kill.


                Yeh cause you're in 3.8k mmr, it's what my 3.8k mmr friends do, too.

                Just get pass 4.5, then you'll see less of those game throwers.

                Everyone loves Chibi

                  Well, i died only twice although i tanked tons of dmg every fight and was in front lines. I know the limits of my hero, the problem is people in this range dont. Yeah, i have to get higher mmr to get more competent players, i'm expecting too much from them i guess.



                    game of throws

                    weaver looks like he has the best score right?

                    he played the worst on the entire team despite that score, always going for the wrong targets in team fights, not taking objectives, getting caught out and burning aegises...

                    whole team was pissed off at him all the way

                    went 5-1 on the offlane, got two raxes and still lost


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                    Everyone loves Chibi

                      OMG how in the hell did u lose that game with that tower dmg? :O That kind of games are so damn frustrating. Now imagine how it is in my mmr range where this shit happens really often. It's hard to handle it if you got at least some brain, unlike most of players there.

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                        Is that juger skuill build even legit?

                        Or it is trash?

                        Edit : is this sugar hael?

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                        Everyone loves Chibi

                          I'm seeing lots of Jugger builds like that: Phase, Drums, Agh's, Refresher, Mjolnir, Butterfly. And it works pretty well. I wouldnt get a Daedalus on him tho, it's pointless.


                            I was about skill build, please, remove your self from here. Ty

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