General Discussion

General DiscussionSorry but I thought I should mention.

Sorry but I thought I should mention. in General Discussion

    Over the past week the games have gotten really rough with a strange set of individuals not wanting to play along or doing obscure and downright ignorant things in games. With this as well (as others have mentioned) I have been noticing a MASSIVE increase in TBD people in ranked games.

    This is not a small number and I currently sit on an average of about two per game and my analysis of the situation is that there are a lot of smurf accounts currently up due to the very large battle bonuses being passed around either through the compenduim or on the market as a purchase.

    Case and point the dire team had two and we had one

    Does the current burden of having increasingly odd team mates also somehow coincide with the increase in smurf accounts due to the TI4 battle bonuses? Just want to hear thoughts not so much complaining or smack talking bad team mates.

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      Nah I doubt it. However I think pubdota is trash as fck, better start some league where people knows what the difference between hardcarry and offlaner.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        my game quality also dropped. I used to get small win/lose streaks (win > win > lose > lose > win > lose > win > win > lose > lose)

        Now I get these massive stupid streaks of like 4-6 games only win or only loss, it's so annoying.


          yep sick of this bs. You will win or los a couple hundred mmr every weekend if you play alot.

          King of Low Prio

            I enjoy a good bitching wait no I dont......


              has been getting more enjoyable for me


                Same feelings here, baby. And new accounts not only change the flow of ranked gaming but of unranked too (4k scrub reporting in).
                This game still hurts:

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  I am 3K and I notice the slight offness of it as well. TBD's everywhere down here.

                  It also doesn't help that my last game they want to try to solo a five man team against a void.... geez.

                  But that's just me nickpicking, yes the quality is going down.


                      What's your point with this casual game beyond? What are you trying to say and what hero were you playing?


                        Matchmaking is totally legit. I had YESTERDAY 5200, this is an avarega game since then:



                          I always have hated those smurf players. Even here on dotabuff, discussions used to be about heroes, items and strategies but now it is almost all about MMR. Here's an asshole smurf player asking how to get a good starting MMR


                            well... the only games ive lost these last couple of days ive had TBD on my team... so i guess that says it all


                              you know how volvo will fix this problem? they'll give TBDs a random number at the end that only other people see, so you don't flame them. ez game ez life


                                You have just 1 tbd in your games? You are fine I have 4 :


                                  I'm so desperate to get so bad teammates in lane who i start to jungling solo offlaner. Enjoi.


                                    You know what? Its always the attitude man.. them attitude always change the tides of games here are some ridiculous wins that i pulled off;

                                    This was literally in 3 days... all you need to do is just cheer your teamates to do good... attitude win games

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      it helps that they had no late game heroes. attitude doesn't change shit in a game like this


                                        Did i say you can win all games? Just like Bastion says in the game, "Well, you can't win em all.." You win some and you lose some.

                                        Hex Sigma

                                          I've got retarded monkeys as well. should've picked wisp and tp them in the base

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!