General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat would you do to Tinker to make him "not broken"

What would you do to Tinker to make him "not broken" in General Discussion

    he's the kind of hero which forces you to change your mindset and play in a more effective/efficient way - you have to block his stacks, play cautiously if he gets fed, smoke and catch him before you can go high ground, or push different lanes in forcing him to choose a lane to defend.

    ideally this should always be the case but in most pubs you can just roflstomp them by walking up to their t3s and rolling over them with your superior farm

    tinker thus makes it much more likely that the opponent team makes mistakes when trying to go high ground

    Quick maffs

      When is Earth Spirit going to be added into CM ? I would love to see this hero


        With what Zenoth said is why tinker has a lot of success in pubs, people don't have the much coordination unless you're a stack and usually you build coordination as the game goes on but by then it's usually too late if the enemy has a tinker.


          Make march of the machines do magical damage. There needs to be a way to fight in it, it just does way too much damage early-mid-mid/late. You should be able to get bkb/pipe so you can actually push a tower, or just heroes with built in spell immunity.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            universal damage is still reduced by magic resistance and blocked by pipe, so it only becomes an issue when you still lose hp rapidly while BKB-ed.

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              make rearm unable to refresh Boots of Travel or blink, like how they stop midas & rearm. No more split pushing, he'll actually play defensive now.

              Quick maffs

                I hope you are trolling


                  He isn't broken... He has no escape, easy to beat mid with a lot of popular mid heroes, easy to gank and easy to shut down. If you lost to a tinker, learn how to play against tinker.


                    This thread's golden


                      Antimage, batrider, beastmaster, clockwerk, doom, faceless void, nyx, sand king, storm spirit, viper.

                      There's actually even more heroes that hinder tinker quite a lot, but these heroes all destroy him. Viper most likely can't kill him, but when the tinker realises he cant blink then entire game, he will most likely just d/c.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        BE A MAN
                        PICK THE BLOODCYKA


                          what to do to make him not broken?
                          that's easy
                          delete the cunt

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