General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you're in offlane, the enemy getting free farm and your job of cou...

If you're in offlane, the enemy getting free farm and your job of course is to survive (get what you can etc), what other secondary options/tasks should you do? in General Discussion

    LMAO The other day I got my ass whooped as Puck by CM and was completely zoned out with the help of their jungling Axe. I normally don't play offlane and I don't like to go mid on a hero I wasn't familiar with so we let the PA go mid, while the AM on the other team got free farm. We eventually won the game anyway.

    But what other secondary tasks should I watch out for and what should I do to get Experience?

    I remember watching Funnik play Puck offlane and hes leeching off XP by sitting in the trees on the side. Should I, get as much XP as I can, and have a TP in had to help out a lane if they get jumped? Simple things like that? Thats what I generally do as support, but IDK... I ended up buying a few wards anyway rofl

    I think I got the Maelk award that night rofl.


      CM is quite deadly for zoning out offlaner, don't underestimate her early game.

      Some hero could stack ancient like bristle/beast
      If you really can't get exp, get a hero that can jungle and carry 1 TP to TP on time when they are attacking tower.
      Thats why Bulldog choose hero like batrider, dark seer, NP or Lone druid, they could jungle easily after stacks that Akke/EGM made


        As far as I know it's that + disrupting pull camps, trying to stack ancients if the lane is too pushed out etc. If you find that the other support + carry (if tri lane) or carry is too far away to help the support, then harass the support out IF you can.

        Try and ward their camp before the game starts (in a very obscure spot). If you do that, you've practically guaranteed yourself XP. If in radiant, try and pull the hard camp if their supports are pulling their small camp so as to ensure that the lane pushes towards your tower.

        Those are just some of the things I picked up playing support vs offlaners and in my limited experience playing offlaners and watching offlaners do their stuff. I'm sure there are people here with a lot more to say

        Edit: And ideally, offlaners can start ganking by 6.

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          stack ancients if you can or a teammate can farm them. if not head into the jungle and stack camps, at least puck has aoe. even if you dont have aoe, someone else can farm them and you just take the EXP.

          if you can help out other lanes, do so. you can zone out the enemy mid for example if you are ranged and have good hit trading e.g. windrunner + puck. if you're getting absolutely nothing, like not even XP, helping your other lanes win their matchups can salvage your lane. just make sure you carry a tp incase the enemies double-wave to push, because you can get alot of XP, and if the tower does go down, the creep wave pushes towards you, making it easier to get XP.

          e.g. you help a storm win mid lane, now storm can go ganking while you take mid lane.

          depending on what bracket you're at, you may or may not want to block the pull camp. sometimes you dont want to because supports won't zone you out so you can steal the XP from the neutrals, or better, they only single pull, and causing the enemy to get a double creep wave which pushes towards your tower for easy XP.

          plus they're less likely to deward if the pull camp isnt blocked and you just have a ward that scouts out the lane for safety. they won't know whether you're backing off because you have a ward, or because you're just playing really scared.

          on dire offlane though, because it's more difficult than radiant offlane, and also because there's more places to place your ward in order to block the pull camp (thus making dewarding harder), blocking the pull camp is a better option compared to doing it on the radiant offlane, although a successful block will probably be at the cost of vision since you'll be putting it inside trees most likely.

          if other lanes are being pressured by supports, then you aren't doing enough in the offlane to keep them stuck to their carry. if that's the case, now's your time to get some last hits or XP since you're 1v1 vs the enemy carry.

          since you have a low gold income much like a support, it's imperative that you make the most of your gold and not make wrong item decisions. drum for example is a waste on puck, it's way too expensive for what it gives, and stats aren't what makes the hero survivable, it's active items and abilities. drum does not help puck whatsoever. against silences, you're going to die regardless. if not silenced, you're better off getting force or euls. if either of those items dodges like a 250 damage nuke, it's basically given you more HP than drum.

          dagon too. unless you're crushing your lane and you're snowballing, dagon is an item that quickly falls off in effectiveness, especially since 4 out of 5 of the enemy team are tanky, and 3 have blade mails.


            also thats the longest title if I ever saw one


              Going offlane with a survivable str hero isn't always a bad idea. Heroes that can CS with their skills without being punished too hard, like Timbersaw, Tidehunter, and Dragon Knight are pretty safe bets.
              As for puck, if you're just trading hits with the CM you should probably come out ahead and without much risk of dieing as long as the carry continues to farm. In this case Anti-mage shows off his strength in a farming dual lane, if things are going bad for the CM he can step in, if things are going poorly for you he can try to finish you off...
              Bottle isn't too optimal for an offlaner or a safelaner for the most part. Taking a Helm of iron will (goes into Veil) or a Ring of Health (goes into linkens) from the side shop sounds like a better plan.


                bottles gives more regen and also faster regen, as well as restoring mana. it'd take much longer for a ring of health or helm of iron will to heal you to a safe amount of mana. since many offlaners are dependent on mana to cs or to do anything, the alternative to bottle for me is soul ring.

                Dire Wolf

                  "depending on what bracket you're at, you may or may not want to block the pull camp. sometimes you dont want to because supports won't zone you out so you can steal the XP from the neutrals, or better, they only single pull, and causing the enemy to get a double creep wave which pushes towards your tower for easy XP."

                  This is absolutely true. I played sniper offlane vs drow and tide. Should be super easy for them to zone me out or kill me outright with multiple ranged slows and a nuke right? Well tide basically pulled non stop, I would just leech a little xp in the woods, then lane would push back to my tower and I could last hit a bit. So drow got free farm but I kept up in levels and my farm wasn't terrible early game. We dominated late cus our trilane got void a ton of farm. That's really the key, just don't feed and your other lanes better win.



                    You can stack your ancients/ leech experience with the enemy pulls / get over the lane, but with puck is a bit difficult / try to block the small camp/ stay close enough for get creep experience / try to kill support / dont put the ward on the pull cam and put it where u can see the supports, so if they go to gank mid or other lane u can see and farm a bit/ do a bottle and every pair minute go to your rune and mid for the other rune, u will get all the rune control.

                    If u have a mid like Nightstalcker you can go in the min 8 at mid and get some farm.

                    At lvl 6 go gank other lanes or try to get your offlane tower destroyed to secure a bit more your farm.

                    If the enemy carry is freefarming and u cant stop him, don't worry your carry should do the same.

                    Puck in offlane can get the blink in 13 min if he dont exit from the lane, and for me its very ok.

                    If u are solo with a windranger try to stack the ancient to get the dragons, when u get that, they are vulnerable to the magic of your powershot, and you can stack the ancients every 52 sec without go out from the lane.

                    If u are solo Magns, Centaur, Axe or something like that u should get out from your lane at lvl 6 and begin your ganks.

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