General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do pros

Why do pros in General Discussion
casual gamer

    build a second BKB when they could just build a refresher? Especially on heroes like bs/void/luna who actually benefit from refresher anyway

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      probably 6 slotted (with bkb) so they don't have the room. Also if they really really want the magical resistance duration, a fresh bkb is 10 sec while a refreshed one is only 8.


        maybe because refresher doesn't refresh items


          It does...


            Refresher is more expensive and consumes a slot, that could be filled with a dps item.

            Dire Wolf

              Yeah my guess is they do this when 6 slotted and have the extra gold to buy a new one. Refresh also uses a ton of mana so it's not practical for every hero.


                If you really think about it, refresher is a wasted slot and wasted money if built on a main carry.


                  raspharus dropping knowledge bombs on us.

                  second bkb is cheaper than refresher and is only 1 slot. although once i did have a luna game where i needed a 2nd bkb, wasnt 2 slotted so i just had 2 bkbs, and that also let me use the 4s bkb whenever i got ganked, while saving the 10s for big fights


                    More expensive and I doubt it resets the BKB duration.


                      3900 gold or 5225?


                        refresher works on bkb, it works on everything but itself

                        logical since refresher is superior to rearm besides the fact that it has a cooldown.


                          ^But does it reset the duration? Like, if I have a 4 second BKB and refresh it, does it go back up to 10 seconds? I doubt it, that's why a new BKB is much better.


                            no he is saying you would get a 4+4 second bkb basically.

                            This is only viable on a hero like silencer who would get both naturally


                              do refresher work on midas?

                              [DFG] Whale King

                                Yes it does.... Feel free to farm 6000 something gold to use your midas an extra time every 180 seconds :)


                                  Refresher is great on faceless, so if you burn your bkb to 4, it could be worth getting refresh over second bkb.

                                  If I'm desperate for magic immunity I've gotten the new bkb because I need the full 10sec uninterrupted, versus 4sec (which doesn't even last one full ult) then a second 4sec hoping I get second ult off.

                                  But definitely do not get refresher solely to dbl bkb lol. You get refresher bc of dbl ult usually, bkb is a perk.


                                    stop thinking items for heroes but items for games and laneups


                                      you scrubs, everyone knows refresher is made for couriers


                                        OMG RASPHARUS NOOB


                                          ^says the other noob


                                            New BKB= 2000
                                            Refresher= 5225 +1 slot

                                            But with heros like doom and void it can work i think NOT LUNA


                                              bkb can't be sold, so it's 3.9k still


                                                Oh, i didnt know it


                                                  that's to be expected though

                                                    이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                                                    Russell Westbrook

                                                      only worth on spectre/void

                                                      the slot is really valuable on most heroes, but on those two the value of their ultis is greater (and void gets to use bkb too)

                                                      otherwise, 10 second bkb saves a slot and its possible that if u get bkb-piercing stunned the likelihood of being able to pop fresher and bkb again is very low since u will get bursted


                                                        refresher needs to be reworked.. simply too broken


                                                          ok.... so i didnt knew that refresher also refreshes items. I thought it only refreshes skills. I didn't know about it mainly because i rarely build it(only on zeus). My mistake.


                                                            Don't forget that 375 mana cost too.

                                                            If you have a lot of high mana skill and a reasonably low mana pool e.g. CK, Void, SK, etc... You just might not have enough to reliably actually get the refresher off


                                                              From my experience, magic immunity is almost always better than having extra ultimate. Most of my teamfight defeats came from not having magic immunity or BKB running out of duration.

                                                              For most heroes, (10 sec of BKB + ulti + attack) is definitely better than (4 sec BKB + ulti + refresher + 4 sec BKB + ulti + attack).


                                                                after they manage to farm RO, their bkb duration must be already down to 6/5.. so refresh the bkb it only gives 11~10 secs of magic immunity. much better to buy a new one and swap that old bkb with something better if the gold is there.

                                                                Russell Westbrook

                                                                  a) in a lot of those ultra late game games carries end up saving 10k gold or whatever cause they have nothing to buy so its not an either-or

                                                                  b) you can put the refresher on the courier and now you have 19 secs of bkb + 2 ultis + items and what not.


                                                                    ^ a is true but for b u need to be eternalenvy lol

                                                                    Russell Westbrook

                                                                      just buy ur own and fly it around it looks cool too lol

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