General Discussion

General DiscussionDOOM AND AXE ON 1V1

DOOM AND AXE ON 1V1 in General Discussion

    How can i win this shit strategys?

    When i played vs Doom, he only stay at ti2 waiting for her ulti

    And axe stay in te middle of tier 1 ans 2 and kill all the creeps pushing tier 1 tower so fast

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      try meepo


        Pick ranged heroes, slows, and disablers. Axe and Doom are very weak to these kinds of heroes.


          mipo tu mach skeells for meh


            idk how the fuck doom could win against any good mid hero

            like with sf u can 4 hit him at lvl 9 with m ax souls

            u just need to dominate ur lane until hes 6


              i was mele, and when he had ult come to tier1 and just ult and kill me 2 times with the same shit.

              Flat is Justice!

                Your English is degrading as the thread goes on, I was shredding tears of joy to finally understand you after the 4th read through

                Your biggest problem is, you are fucking playing PA.
                Any decent mid player will crush PA unless your name is artz

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  pick doom or axe,
                  and watch how they win


                    i bet i would fuck up artz mid in 1v1 unless he would get lucky getting regen as first rune or dd later on and crit many tiems

                    Dire Wolf

                      Doom is incredibly weak when hellfire is down and lvl 1 hellfire doesn't last that long. Doom has barely any base armor, just go viper, push him out of lane. By the time he's lvl 6 you'll be so far ahead, just run away when he dooms you, let tower hit him if he chases, then go finish him off.


                        I forgott something... in 1v1 u can't see the enemy pick, but ok if i have to counter him i will pick something like vipah!


                          ive been picking sniper ta viper on 1v1 and won majority of the game

                          ive also been randoming alot in 1v1 too won every single game when randomed


                            Doom doesnt have any armor, just harass that fucktard and domonate him before lv6


                              brood is imba


                                RTZ wins mid as PA because he gets rotations. Copying shit you see in pro games won't work in 1v1 because TP reactions and such will never punish overextension.


                                  I really only saw 1 artz pa highlight i play it cause its easy

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