General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy all the hate towards only russians?

Why all the hate towards only russians? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    DISCLAIMER: i am not defending ruskis, they ruined my games too

    What's with all the hate specifically aligned towards russians? For example i am from Romania(aka 3rd world country) and most of the ro's that i've been matched with are equally as bad if not more stupid than russians. Yet no one complains about them. I have been matched with greedy dutch players and then again no one flames them. So why do people tend to send the blame more on russians and br's

    From what i've observed they(russians) have a very aggressive playstyle(mid or feed) and can sometime become killing machines if they are fed. However if they fail(tunnel vision, greedyness, overexteding, lack of map awarness etc) they just become a feeding machine.


      generally spamming cyrillic = russian, and people learn to recognise cyrillic text.

      idk if it began with people flaming russians for being russian, but more like they were flaming them as well as pointing out they're russian. selection bias ensues, people tend to remember russians ruining their games more than other nationalities, then everyone jumps onto the "fuck russia" bandwagon.

      e.g. if you call someone a "russian asshole", you're saying they're an asshole who also happens to be russian, not that they're a d-bag due to their nationality.

      people don't flame romanians cos they have no idea of what the romanian language looks like. cyrillic text is often associated with russians, if you were to talk in romanian which use a variant of latin alphabet, for someone who doesn't understand, that could mean you're from basically any european country, making it harder to direct insults towards your nationality.


        oh this topic again ?

        Hex Sigma

          @androgynous i like your answer here is a cookie

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            Because there are 50 times more ruskies than romanians.

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