General Discussion



    So what you think who have most powerful early game lan phase, i think its:
    1. Lich (definately number one due eating creeps and spam his frost spell, he make always fight near your tower also).
    2. Silencer (very powerful harrasing spells)
    3. Venomancer (also powerful harasing tools)
    4. Dazzle
    5. Crystal Maiden


      All depends on matchup, however I don't agree with your opinions. I neither really understand your question compared to the heroes you listed,


        From your list, I feel that only Lich is great lane controller. Orb walkers (like Viper, Huskar) have more lane control. Axe and Broodmother are fast lane pushers.


          I'd rather go with kunka then your pickers.

          Also, orb walkers as mentioned.

          waku waku

            in possible order of difficulty starting from easiest
            1. Huskar
            2. Viper
            3. Lich
            4. Necrolyte
            5. Silencer

            Dire Wolf

              Dazzle controls lanes? With what? His heal? He just keeps carries alive but he is a poor harasser.

              No love for AA? Dude has multiple slows, a major harass spell.

              GENGHIS KHAN

                Mark- Dazzllel is liste as 3 stars lane suport so he is must be strong in lane, but agree viper huskar are strong on lane too but lich is stil strongest.

                Flat is Justice!

                  3 stars lane support?

                  where are u getting your info from? newbie's guide to laning?

                  Dazzle is a defensive support - he aint gonna control the lane but hes gonna keep the carry alive, it helps if the carry is aggressive then dazzle will shine

                  Lich is unique, because he is the only hero that can deny creeps b4 they even go near the xp range of the enemy(no engima doesnt exist..engima must jungle..go jungle engima, stop laning) but he is so-so in terms of nukes


                    "Dazzle controls lanes? With what? His heal?"
                    His heal does pretty silly damage against melee heroes who are trying to last hit. But Poison Touch is frequently underrated by a lot of people and should definitely be maxed first because his heal does enough work at level 1 to still be cast. Poison touch is your key to being a very aggressive support.

                    I think that the hero that changes the lane dynamic the most is Ursa. One good stun is sometimes all it takes.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                    Dire Wolf

                      Yeah but the question was who controls the lane. Dazzle keeps you alive so the carry can control the lane with last hits and denys, he doesn't actually control the lane well on his own. It's kind of like saying omni knight controls lanes. One nuke/heal isn't really that great control, but they are still good lane supports.

                      Earth shaker also needs a nod, you can cut off entire waves/heroes with one good stun.

                      Miku Plays

                        skywrath is a good lane controller... pew pew pew everytime


                          Necro with maxed aura


                            necro maxed aura is garbage during the laning phase, and it wont "control" the lane, it will just push the lane.

                            Kunka is also terrible for lane "control" unless he is solo mid. Yes he can harass someone else out, but he is still cleaving and thus pushing the lane.

                            Honestly IAmGala... you seem to be confused.

                            Bot (Passive)

                              AA has to be #1 if you're assuming that support will not get many levels (probably level 6 at ~10-11 minutes, not afking in lane and stealing carry xp, since you're harassing and controlling lane). at level 1, the hero can pretty much keep the enemy offlaner out of xp range the entire time just by sitting there with his e, and if ur carry has a brain you can kill him any time he leaves the tower.

                              in a 2v2 scenario lich is probably better since you cant afk harass while not getting xp, you end up getting levels and ultimately wins the war of attrition

                              necro should only get 1 point in heartstopper as a value point, the succeeding levels are not much of an upgrade and he benefits way more from extra levels in sadist followed by pulse (2 levels in pulse is all u really should ever get before maxing sadist, he cant support maxed pulse)

                              husk is prob the best farmer


                                skywrath is hands down #1 at controling and zoning out any lane
                                lich goes for #2
                                then goes carries like viper silencer huskar who can orbwalk

                                and then rest shit who sucks

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                Bot (Passive)

                                  skywrath isnt necessarily true against heroes that come with a ton of regen or heroes like nyx who can manaburn/have crazy base regen since skys starting manapool is pretty godawful (350 without stats is like 5 q's)

                                  Miku Plays

                                    ^ those 5 still hurt early