General Discussion

General Discussionis everyone on this forum actually trash

is everyone on this forum actually trash in General Discussion

    so since we realized one of the biggest trash talkers is actually 3.5k (lmao)

    is anyone here really at the rating they say they are or is everyone a frauding faggot?


    btw blunt is the 3.5k trashcan i was talking about

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      Well, not everybody are trashtalkers and I'm pretty sure most of the people tells their real rating.
      Unless they are some special kind of human, obviously.

      Also, your picture doesn't work as you have "['lastname'];" in the end.

      EDIT: you fixed it.

      where did you get this pic? Also it's very small.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        You can't even take a screenshot.


          the pic was fine when i posted it the first time, its not my pic anyway


            fucking trash website

            ICE SKULL

              sick pic bro, are you a fucking ant?


                both wave and vroks are 5.5k+ (vroks is 6k+ i guess, he abused low priority but he is no doubt a very good player)

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  What is your MMR on your first account?


                    i havent played on my first account in 12 months bro it didnt even have a mmr, but i win ranked games at 4k mmr regularly so thats that


                      Gud pic mate. I can see everything, very smooth.


                        Anybody can win games at any rank, because your teammates may carry you and enemies may fail.


                          need one of those "post a ss of ur mmr" threads


                            @Soultrap really? so i can go at 6k and stay at 6k even though im clearly not a 6k player?

                            pic was posted by Navi.Dendi in another thread and it shows that blunt is a 3.5k trashcan, dunno what happened to the resolution since it's posted on a trash norwegian site

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              I can't see the picture at all, what is it




                                  i think the funny thing is a while back, relentless talked about how "people get matched with players far above/below their skill level" when that only applies if ur 5k+

                                  if ur 3k the mmr ranges are < 100, if ur 4000-4500 the mmr ranges are < 200, if ur 4500-5000 the mmr ranges are typically 200-500, every now and then you'll get matched with a 5500+ player. after 5k it's probably anywhere from 300-3000 (waga getting 4k trash while he's 6500+)

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    ^nice, how did you get the pic?

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      i just used chrome, edited the edges with paint, and posted in imgur (probably the most reliable image hosting site)


                                        yeah i mean how did you get the pic to show in full resolution


                                          I still want you to answer: what is your MMR on your first account?


                                            used google chrome instead of shit mozilla


                                              @Soultrap i already told you the last time i played on my main acc was 12 months ago and mmr didnt exist then


                                                All i can say is gid gud. And i can ask how to post pictures.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  ^not sure what this trash is saying but posting images isnt rocket science. i reposted that image and seems like the website resizes them after a while


                                                    Why not to enter your old account now and check?


                                                      id have to play placement games and im too lazy to do that, are you trying to make a fucking point here or what


                                                        The question is, are YOU trying to make here a point, or what?


                                                          actually i'm 3.8k trash but nobody has ever played against me so no one has found out

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            I just want to say that i got this pic a good time ago but i am such a nice guy i didnt post it

                                                            and people call me asshole pffff


                                                              Nothing... My only point is that good players don't call others "trashcans", "faggots", etc.



                                                                commended for friendliness and forgiving


                                                                  well it's alright as long as you don't fraud, everyone was trash once


                                                                    I am only 4.1k mmr


                                                                      I'm 1.5k.

                                                                      Jk I don't play ranked enough to drop that far.

                                                                      Quick maffs


                                                                        THX MATE


                                                                          anyone gives a shit?
                                                                          plenty of good people if you want to listen.


                                                                            3k too stronk


                                                                              A lot of us know each others MMR but keep it to ourselves cause what's the point of calling people out on it when obviously its a sore point as nobody wants to be ruled by a number.

                                                                              Commending Zenoth for forgiving.


                                                                                Blunt = EXPOSED.


                                                                                  B-GOD ?
                                                                                  Photoshop obviously


                                                                                    U mad, ye.

                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                      Lol owned
                                                                                      This guy talks all the shit flooding threads 24/7 and he's lower rated than me XD


                                                                                        stronK players in this game

                                                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                                                          So yeah, where are all the people flaming?
                                                                                          Why does noone care?

                                                                                          It's almost as if people know, but where from? :o

                                                                                          Answer is simple:

                                                                                          Basicly i let my friend play on my account. I try to get matches so i can have good examples on how to win a game despite ur whole team sucking ass.

                                                                                          For those who are interested, the screenshot is 3 days old, account is currently at 4K. Thats 438MMR in 3 days, avg being 146MMR per day.

                                                                                          For all who thinks that 'ELO HELL' exists, suck it. It doesn't, it's something a scrub made up to justify why he's stuck in trench tier. So if you're crying because you think u're in ELO hell, go uninstall u shit.

                                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                            > "It's 3 day old screenshot"
                                                                                            > "Friend was playing"
                                                                                            > "I am 4k now"

                                                                                            Smells like Orc mischief to me!

                                                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                                                              (1 day playing):
                                                                                              738121328 3590 - Screenshot match
                                                                                              739671844 3714 - 'Very high' starts at 3,7k
                                                                                              739944914 3764 - last game i played on that day

                                                                                              Guess i was hacking Volvo or something and wrote in their database that now 3,5k matches are very high, AMIRITE? HUE HUE HUE

                                                                                              I know it's hard for you to accept that you are stuck at 3k trench and don't like to see how people can play an account in a couple of days out of that range, but thats reality bro :(

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                              Quick maffs


                                                                                                but whatever man, like yourself said no one really cares, what i dont know is why you keep posting things like " 4k scrubs get out of my games " when you are a 4k scrub, i just dont understand why trying to get attention saying that kind of stuff.

                                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                                  Dude but you cant go out there calling people scrubs and trash when they are in the range of your mmr

                                                                                                  Once you actually go up and get to 6k i would understand it, but right now you look like a scrub telling to other scrubs that they suck and you are better than them when you actually cant prove that. You have flamed a lot of people here for being 3k-4k mmr.

                                                                                                  Anyway, like i was saying i got this pic days ago and personally i didnt gave it to much importance.


                                                                                                    3K isn't that bad once you settle in and get comfy, but then you would know. I was 5K but my rabbit has been playing for me in the last year so it really isn't my fault I am 3K now.

                                                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                                                      Ah you prolly don't know.
                                                                                                      I have a tryhard account with almost 1k matches which has a higher rating. Everytime i play on morning or nighttime i get 4k scrubs on my team and have to play against 5k people, its really fucked up. I even lost bcause i had a fucking account buyer. Fucking luna skilling glaives and had 28 cs in 10min. Since i do tryhard on that acc. i easily get mad at people and tend to rage alot.


                                                                                                      lol'd Havoc is 3,6k x'D

                                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                                        Man, i bet my dog could win some games too

                                                                                                        Gonna try that