General Discussion

General DiscussionIncreasing Skill (Not MMR)

Increasing Skill (Not MMR) in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    My current MMR is the trench's trench at 1.4k. Though I'm not worried about raising said MMR (it's currently skyrocketing with advice from SirActionSlacks), I want to actually get better.

    Some helpful advice would be how to comeback from a losing game (as a support), and what to do with free time (as a support).

    Adam Reeks

      When free time as a support obviously you could stack neutrals, farm jungle for yourself (peaceful time)

      Oh Shit Waddup

        how to come back as a support- create space, buy time, set up kills, ward. I dont want to bring MMR into this, but at your MMR it is going to be hard to find people who know what to do, and i dont mean that in an offensive way, but you might be creating space etc but your carry will be jungle farming/pushing the wrong lane/feeding. it will be hard for you to notice improvements in games and it will get frustrating, but once you focus on what to do as a support you will really see changes to your games. Disruptor is a good support to learn, you just need to hit level 6, learn to count to 4 and focus on a hero, and then glimpse after setting up kinetic field and then ult and you should get an easy kill.

        Free time as a support should be used trying to get kills, wards up, making sure your lanes are winning. whichever lane is winning the hardest, my advice is to stick to that lane and make it win harder, cause chances are the guy who is winning knows what he is doing more than the others so give him all he needs


          1. Do not support.

          You can setup 20 kills, and still lose, cause in 1k bracket nobody has the slightest idea about what is going on. In games arround 4k supports start to be the real matchwinners. 2 roaming supports, that do their job well, usually win the game.

          In your bracket wards are waste of gold. Nobody watches the friggin minimap.

          2. Pick a carry/semicarry, that is strong in all gamephases or an invi faghero.

          Viper/Razor/Bloodseeker/Lifestealer/Bountyhunter etc.

          3. Learn to farm

          Open a lobbygame, pick whatever hero you want to and try to get 70 CS and 40 denies in 10 min. Everything arround 70 is a decent value for 10 min freefarm. This way you will be able to get at least 40-50 cs in a contestet lane.

          4. Stop feeding

          Just work on your positioning. If you feel, that your mates might die, leave them alone. If they flame you, mute them. In your bracket nobody has the slightest idea about how the game works. So taking advice from your mates is pretty nonsense.

          5. Watch replays

          Watch your own replays of a certain hero you want to learn. Watch replays of professional players, playing this hero. Stick to one hero for a longer period of time. If you want to learn clock offlane. Play clock offlane at least for 1 week straight.

          By applying these tips you should allready move to 2-3 k bracket. Overcoming your current skill is pretty easy and thankfull. You have "big" things to work on, that will show results fast.

          Pretty good guide for overall lanecontroll.

          Pretty good guide for supporting.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            play all heroes 1 time.
            Play all heroes 5 times
            Play all heroes 10 times.

            focus roles and specific heroes. dont over think it.

            Hex Sigma

              You're gonna get the same bullshit answers that all low skill players get go mid, rape, win rinse and repeat.


                Sum it up:

                Learn to farm

                Stop to feed


                  Add me, I can spectate your games and point out some tips in play.


                    Play lich for 50 games in a row. Your MMR should increase quite a bit.


                      Play against or with better players, try to learn from them and listen to their criticism.


                        lich and witch doctor are your friends at that mmr :D wait for the inevitable 5 man charge from enemy team pop ulti and win




                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          Dire Wolf

                            Don't pick supports that fall off late game like crystal maiden and shadow shaman. Those guys get 2 shot late game. If you want to play support you can pick ones that can still rock it late game like zeus, lion with the right items, pugna.

                            You're probably better off playing some carries though. Ones who don't need babysitting (no spectre, void). Try bristleback.


                              You need to have a hero pool (probably about five, most ideal one for each position). You keep playing among that 5 you are most comfortable. Look at my win rate you can guess roughly how much is my MMR, I play only Meepo Abaddon Naix Slark Juggnernaut (all carry though) :D

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다



                                  Don,t listen to 9v1, you can support if you want


                                    Practice your mechanics. Do some last hitting drills (the most famous one is SF with no items nor skills trying to get 70 CS by 10 min)
                                    There is also this exercise right here:

                                    Try to repeat. Basically he keeps lane equilibrium so he can farm near his tower, reducing the possibilities of enemy ganks. It may look simple but i bet you'll have a hard time trying to do it, mainly when the siege units come around. But its all about practice, in like 2 or 3 hours you may get that down. After that look for some jungle patterns, like those:



                                    Try to reproduce. If you manage to do it consistently you'll get to 3k in no time because people will left you free farming (after the laning phase. At your bracket, during the laning phase you'll get contested by both enemies and your "supports"). But as soon as the laning phase is over, you'll have like 30 min of free farming without getting punished because people will be just roaming around looking for kills. A kill is like 350 gold, which you get by killing a wave of creeps. But farming put you in a less risky position. Don't care if they start blaming shit on you because you are not helping or whatever, at your rating none of you guys could know when its good to join a fight or not, so if you chose to help em you'll probably die.

                                    Farm your shit, for that pick heroes that can do good with farm but can also have some impact without much items (Slark, Luna, Lifestealer). Get atleast 3 items and start fighting, you'll be overfarmed and will easily beat the shit out of em, if you manage to do it right.

                                    But if you want a easier win, pick Lycan, go jungle. People will simply forget you exist, so you have free farm. Your lane will probably get crushed because you are not there, but who cares. Get a Vlads and perhaps a medallion and go solo rosh. From that point you go crush towers, don't care much about fights (because, again, you don't know when and probably how to fight so just rat), push the shit out while they are roaming for killz. They won't buy teleports because who the fuck cares about that item. You can end the game all by yourself, easily, by 25~30 mins max. If somehow (which i doubt) they get to chase you, buy a bkb and you are ready to fight. Ulti, pop your bkb, start hitting someone, abusing your superior movespeed and crits. GG


                                    Harbing3R of D00M

                                      I'm not quite in the trench but with this compendium crap it seems even 3k mmr people forget how to play. What I'm doing now is picking lich. You don't have to pull to deny creep xp and keep your idiot "carry" safe. You can sit and babysit without having to leave your carry to go pull, and him die in your absence. After the laning phase, and with some good wards saved up you can either stick by your carry or start working on your own carry build. I learned this playing lich mid. Aghs is shit, your not gonna get the bounces without setup. q and dagon is enough to take out squishy targets. For more beefy heroes throw in some aa's and one hit with your ult should kill. Use the wards you did'nt use early to keep tabs on enemy movement late, and find those pickoffs. Don't linger in the enemy area you need to go deny xp again and fill up on health and mana. (if you linger in enemy territory your team will join you and you want your 4 carries to farm not fight)Tranquils allow you to heal while getting redy to kill again.


                                        "advice from SirActionSlacks"

                                        trash taking advice from literal garbage


                                          A 5k player is quite talented, but not everything he teaches you will help you dig your way out of the trenches. You need to move up in small increments, and the least frustrating way to do that is to do bit-by-bit, what works for your skill bracket. Good players will tell you to pick aggressive supports etc. but that stuff can backfire hard in your bracket because your teammates are genetically programmed so squander any advantage given to them, hence the success of the "Sir Action Slacks" method.

                                          My suggestion? Add up someone who's approximately 10-15% higher MMR than you. Play with him/her, and try understand their decision-making etc. There's a lot less to learn, and what knowledge you gain is more applicable to your current bracket.

                                          Small steps mate, they make all the difference.


                                            find some 3.5k+ people who accept to play with you, play some games with them and start to understand how the game actually works


                                              first of all, learn to farm

                                     45 minutes no one in the game has more than 160 last hits, this is a joke
                                              this means if you farm properly you can just outcarry every enemy because you will have twice the enemy's networth. to learn how to farm just watch some pro player's POV and practice last hitting alone in a lobby
                                              if you alone can't last hit 60 creeps in 10 minutes then you're bad at farming


                                                Add me. Im at 3.5k. Lets play


                                                  i dont even think you need to stretch a muscle to win at 1.4k, just roam every lane as a support with stun or slow ( venge,cm blah blah blah) and just press stun, and you'll win. even as i say this, support in 1.4k is non-existent. all you need to do to win is to split push your way to victory every game.( fastest and simplest way to win)