General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero do you hate to lane vs?

What hero do you hate to lane vs? in General Discussion
"TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

    Obviously it matters who you are, but there is always usually that hero that we hate to lane against.

    I really hate going against KOTL, Necro and Viper. Just heroes I find really annoying going against no matter who you have


      Skywrath mage, Necro, Viper, Pudge (when the asshole hides in fog for a century), Huskar



        It's no coincidence that I pick him so often.


          venomancer that skills wards. fk those


            Lich, Necrolyte, Undying, Venomancer.


              Noone mention huskar LOL
              Eat that burning spear hommies.


                Nobody picks Huskar :(

                Hex Sigma

                  Axe, motherfucking axe that comes into the back of my tower to take all my creeps and kill me.


                    I'm an offlane player, my most hated lane opponent (support) is either Lich or KOTL. Infinite mana to do as they please to me, both ranged, both have nukes and some form of CC :(



                      At least I know to keep distance from Huskar & Viper, avoid KOTL's nuke and buy Ring of Regen to counter Necro's Heartstopper aura but there's no escape from Lich. Have to eat tango every time I get hit by Lich's nuke.


                        Every ranged hero when I play melee.


                          I fucking hate Broodmother.

                          ICE SKULL

                            when i pick carry = lich+cent vs me

                            when im offlane = lich+something vs me

                            when im mid = lich camping mid and runes

                            thanks volvo


                              Basically any fucker who dedicates his life thinking he's funny to constantly harass me. I made a Lich rage quit when he thought he was funny running across the river to spam his nuke on me despite the creepwave position, felt good.

                              Usually these heroes are Skywrath, OD, anything with low cool down nuke.

                              Ples Mercy

                                OD, Mirana, Undying


                                  broodmother, she's worse than cancer


                                    I hate to lane against Mirana + Bane (sometimes other heroes used to setup arrows work for them too e.g. Elder Titan/Rubick/Shadow Demon etc).

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Lich, TA, Viper, Weaver

                                      ROAD TO 4K MMR


                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                          If you ask sampson, he would say Melody hates weaver. I hate mirana.


                                            tryhard roaming supports hugging all my runes

                                            Miku Plays

                                              skywrath, necro, viper

                                              nuke, annoying aura, annoying skin orb cant even harass


                                                Lich no doubt.

                                                Mirana used to be annoying, but I stopped playing mid due to: -It's funnier to gank than getting ganked 24/7.

                                                Also I rarely see Mirana anymore so idno.

                                                Lorne Malvo

                                                  Dark Seer he fucks me up


                                                    Faceless void, disruptor and invoker when his cold snap was op.


                                                      lich axe
                                                      mirana (when im mid)

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Axe and silencer. Silencer who maxes curse first sucks.

                                                        I hate weavers offlane if I'm a carry safe lane cus my supports are always too fucking dumb to buy a sentry and disable him for kills. Like I have supports leave me alone as sniper vs weaver. Guy pushes me out of lane so easily with no wards.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                          Huskar, Undying, Skywrath, Silencer. Dark Seer if melee.

                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                            Invoker if I am mid as Earth Spirit.

                                                            Offlane kind of hate Necro the most.

                                                            Safelane not sure but like someone said earlier a good Axe or BB w/hero combo.


                                                              disruptor. fuck that guy.

                                                              its so annoying offlaning against him, and in teamfights, you can basically guarantee one of you isnt getting out alive if you try to run away.

                                                              if the game is going well, fuck that dude, im going after him every time.




                                                                  Silencer - fuck that curse spam.