General Discussion

General DiscussionStrongest hereos in each game time phase.

Strongest hereos in each game time phase. in General Discussion

    What you think what is strongest hero in this game phase, for me its like:
    Early game (0-15 minute)- heroes like crystal maiden, lich, lion, mostly support shine here.
    Mid game (15-40 minute) its heroes like axe, or mid hereos like huskar, ta, sf etc.
    Late game (40-60 minute)- hard carrys like pl, void, sven etc shine here mostly
    Super late game (60+) ultra hard carrys who need most farm shine here mostly like Medusa, Spectre.

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      Brewmaster is strong in early and mid time but not in very late game. He can't fight against fully farmed late heroes like SPE.


        Ooscrewyou- Spe, you mean spectre?


          Yes, that's it.


            Question too vague. What does strongest mean? Just having a lot of damage is not useful.


              Super late game spectre suck, every one are stuffy enough to no longer care about his illu, and himself, spectre is not good at dealing damage at one target.

              In addition, telling that spectre is a latter hero than pl is just pur bullshit...
              Nevertheless they both suffer in Super late game, but at least pl can split the 3 lane in superlate.

              For superlate game you obivously have medusa, as she is the hero that benefit the more from rapier, kunka working well aswell with his ability to win any teamfight by just one crit at this point, and especially with the new X, he can do it even more efficently. You can also note tiny at this point, since he can backdor and crush base faster than anyone. just dare to go out of your base when he is full stuff...

              Superlate game is for cheesy heroes, that either are narurally tanky, or that can do the move and disangage. Cause at this point, the best way to win is cheesy stuff, or cheesy move, but you need no drawback.

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                How about Elder titan?
                Even full farmed morph is hard to take him down in 1vs1 fight
                His Natural order and Astral spirit are sick


                  ^ what ?

                  GENGHIS KHAN

                    Ryfee- Lol, elder titan is weak.
                    matrice- Lol, Spectre among with Medusa are two hardest carrys in game, pl, tiny or kunka cant outcarry spectre, in super late game teamfights just dispersion is enough to rape half of your team.

                    Hafla Enjoyer

                      I find spectre to be pretty useful already at midgame when she has phase, drums and maxed desolate

                      Papi Chulo

                        If you're talking about like super duper late, heroes that can rat are the best


                          Truth has been spoken! People think about guys like Void, Medusa and Spectre in late game when it is actually rats who win late game :D

                          As of on topic, if there was a clear set of heroes best for each phase, everyone would take same set of heroes for each game.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Best late game heroes are the ones that can punish even the smallest mistakes really hard or the ones that can take a bigger advantage of map control.


                              elder titan late is ridiculously strong, ~ -20 armour on agi carries sounds pretty good to me lol, plus a zoning ult that goes through bkb

                              Dire Wolf

                                Lycan, Lycan, Lycan. If you die at level 25 with a huge res timer he can kill your whole base. Lycan + necro = best.

                                Early game it's ogre magi. Guy has like 8 armor at lvl 1, a slowing nuke, a stunning nuke, great hp. He is a beast.

                                Mid game maybe viper.


                                  Matrice is probably the only person here who has the highest MMR so ill just listen to him trololol