General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 4: Discussion Thread

The International 4: Discussion Thread in General Discussion

    love when rat doto loses

    unless its by alliance, i love watching them rat doto for a win

    Quick maffs

      Because dk sucked and dire is op

      I dont see the problem


        Kaci is fucking awesome. That n0tail interview was glorious.

        "So you changed your name to big daddy?"




        "gonna change my name to big mama"


          i did... ursa was brilliant and ppd too! then universe always well placed saving with that mek and force staff, not even mentioning ravages except that one time he missed both on DP xD and well good hex and cuirass pickup by rtz and nice arrow with ward vision from mason on invis burning :D! + those good moonlight shadowsssss


            Mushi played amazingly well and I'm sure they ratted just because EG's lineup was stronger than theirs at fighting, but I just don't like seeing them play some kind of Alliance trash tier rat doto. Besides, Dire is indeed OP and many pro players have already said that. Arteezy himself stated that the meta was 100% focused on Roshan and that the Dire advantage was just too big atm. If you add an Ursa to that it gets a bit way too much.


              burning confirmed 3k scrub

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                3k is too high for him actually.


                  ahahahah bring my rares back ahhahaha WP EG!!!!!!!1



                    waiting on what an arcana pays off :D

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      i lost my faith in dk..

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        I did as well.

                        Quick maffs

                          Me too

                          Now we have to listen usa for ages


                            i still got my faith in newbee xiao8 pls win this ti for mother china

                            Quick maffs

                              Me too go newbee

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                I want VG, Newbee or C9 to win this.


                                  usa all the way


                                    burning why did you play so bad T_T


                                      I was rooting to DK in this TI but after this horror show I'll go to plan B with EG because I just love ppd's unusual drafts


                                        ^ basically you root for the winning team

                                        Quick maffs

                                          GO NEWBEE

                                          PLAN B: GO C9

                                          PLAN C: GO VG

                                          PLAN D: GO DK ( SECOND CHANCE FOR THEM )

                                          PLAN E: GO NAVI


                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            wohoo got an arcana++... i think ill rebet on eg... but all those noobs making me win less... TBD (eg) going up from 49% to 46 now and still increasing


                                              love how EU doto is hating on EG.

                                              Cant wait until tomorrow that we see no more EU in TI

                                              also ty for the monarch bow DK fangays

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                fuck i was too late to bet... didnt get to bet gg


                                                  fucking Naga


                                                    i just jizzed

                                                    papa xiao8 and his crew brings honour to mother china !


                                                      ok game 1 was pretty good good :O u can tell every1 has stepped up their game :O

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        N A G A B O Y S. Newbee played it really well, only mistake they made was on that bot rax fight where both doom and ls got caught in the epi.


                                                          im so glad i didnt bet... finals dont look so close for eg now

                                                          Krazy Kat

                                                            How to beat EG:

                                                            1. Gank Arteezy
                                                            2. Gank Arteezy
                                                            3. Gank Arteezy
                                                            4. Win


                                                              10/10 would sex 7ckngMad


                                                                7ckngmad thinks this is jersey shore or smth.


                                                                  hes so dreamy <3


                                                                    wtf? i just watched a 1v1 match from sam peckinpah with 100 spectators. he famous or somethig>

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      Nah I'm just good so I appear on first page even on 1v1s. Did you like the rape?


                                                                        shhhh who cares about dota we talking about how dreamy 7ckingMad is *Drools* and Akke :O RIP [A]


                                                                          kunkka got rekt


                                                                            When EG lose game 2 do they go home or get another chance i dont know how these things work


                                                                              they go to loser bracket after they lose this one


                                                                                ok thank you :) is there any game after this or is this all?


                                                                                  fuck doom seriously fuck this hero

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    EZ GAME EZ RARES

                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      Ah come on, they picked him last. EG had 5 chances to ban and they didn't so they deserve it.

                                                                                      Quick maffs



                                                                                          im fucking shooting myself if newbee wins ti4


                                                                                            Tongfu + xiao8 = OP !

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              Director8 directing every team to victory like a boss.


                                                                                                today was great day

                                                                                                tomorow when navi lose and dk gets eg eliminated will be great day too

                                                                                                nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                                  ^ i really hope for this man


                                                                                                    i hope navi do well since they knocked out fnatic and Alliance :( idk i find the chinese team boring to watch =/ #NotRacist


                                                                                                      i dont know why everyone sucks rtz balls when both ppd and zai are the best players on the team