General Discussion

General DiscussionHow in the hell

How in the hell in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    did anti smurf give this guy 4.3k MMR.....................


      He is very HIGH lol

      SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

        ^ ROFL


          cause the system is flawed... he hass 26% win rate with tinker... he prob got 5k after raping noobs first couple of games then feeeeeeeeeeeed

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            4.3k isnt high at all, and the fact that normal mm is literally a fest pit of bad


              I quote myself:
              "First 5 games the system treats you like you're new to the game. You're not, so you stomp and the system gives you an inflated hidden MMR (let's say 5k).
              After that the system realizes that you're not new, and matches you up to people of your inflated hidden MMR. The thing is that you're probably a 4k player, therefore you get wrecked and your hidden MMR goes down close to your real MMR
              Your hidden MMR now is close to your true 4k MMR, therefore you win one and you lose one. Then you do your calibration matches and end up with the same mmr that you had before. Quite simple."

              His account is pretty new, so it has a great uncertainty. One match you have 5k mmr and the next one you have 1k. Since he stomped his first games, he has an inflated mmr (4.3k) which is slowly decreasing to his true mmr (prob 2-3k which explains his almost 4 pages of lost matches).

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              King of Low Prio

                why not just push them with the 3k players, its always them making the smurfs anyway.....


                  Well, he stomped first games, and after this couple of games, he continued to perform well. At some point he got static mmr that moves only by wins and losses. His winrate is crap, his kda-s are crap, but thats all after he got that static MMR where MM stops caring about ur performance.
                  Also, there is funny thing with zeus. His HD contributes incredibly high, and since calibration games are TSR or true skill rating games, it gives so big boost to MMR. And zeus always has big HD.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    yea lol play zeus, he is so fun !

                    Flat is Justice!

                      guy got boosted to 5k and now that the owner taken over, it has been dropping ever since


                        What is wrong?


                          Sampson, do a smurf, u will get a poor winrate and a similar main MMR

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          Pos5 Player

                            what a noob. RE-PORT!

                            King of Low Prio

                              winrate doesnt mean shit, making a smurf and ruining games does

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!