General Discussion

General DiscussionShow us your Rats

Show us your Rats in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    lol regulator you must be really stupid if you believe that zenoth only has high mmr because of TB, he is winning more with the nerfed version of TB.

    Even more if you check his last 3 ranked games none of those were TB and he still stomped the enemy hard.

    TB isnt broken at all nowadays


      what took you so long dorkly, we needed a dicksucker in here faster

      edit: nvm didnt notice dd-sama already did your job on the first page

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      Quick maffs

        Is the cd on false promise 20 seconds ?

        That shit sounds OP as fuck

        Man this oracle seems like a omni with steroids

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

 lost mid and bot raxes 25+min into game, win game later. wow

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            Guys relax ok spamming quils is hard =/


              damn looks like i made every scrub tb picker mad today, nice k/d/a-s on your new smurf bro


                only 4k and below think that KDA matters "Bro" lol i aim for objective not for bigger KDA for my EPEEN lol go play cod

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  lol are you a 12 year old girl lol, go play with bots before you make a smurf 3k trash


                    lol well judging by ur account i highly doubt u are even 3k mmr urself and also my mmr is 5.6k on my main <3 bye bye now little butthurt kid im going to bed <3

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      yes my main mmr is 8k too

                      ICE SKULL

                        are u really 5.6k in aussieland? how do you deal with 4k mmr players in your team vs 4.8k-5k players?

                        bum farto

                          Yeah I am also genuinely surprised, I queued Australia once and even with like 300+ ping it was the easiest games of my entire life. Sometimes I wish they would make an Aussie top region, I would go back there so fast.


                            N0tail raged so much on stream. :D



                              Game i just played we got stomped by stack of smurfs >.< but the rat too strong :D

                              it came down to a base race we probably won by like 2 seconds >.<

                              30k xp behind

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                ^ nice pretty epic game for 3rd game in lol