General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm so sure that MMR Elo-hell does'nt exist, but, why the fuck GAMES ...

I'm so sure that MMR Elo-hell does'nt exist, but, why the fuck GAMES that I play are so one-sided most of the times? in General Discussion

    So yeah, pretty much this.

    It does not matter if I win or I lose games, most of the times(let's say rouglhy 80% of the time) I play one-sided stomp games.

    For example, take a look at my last ShadowFiend game, and my last TWO Slark games.

    My SF game was so boring(even that I won that game) so I went DAGON/MADNESS build(lvl5 dagon), and still had an godlike streak with that shitty items(I know burst dmg destroys 800 hp heroes, but the fact that I managed to lvlup dagon to lvl5 in 22-23 min mark is funny).

    And for another example, my last Slark games. We lost that games, I'm okay with that. But, it's also so one-sided game!

    First Slark: AM went to feed and buying corirers, because I took his precious CS with Slark when I came to gank!

    So, fuck yeah. I made mistake, so now, let's destroy game.

    Secound Slark: Guy last-picked pudge, went mid with Balanar(NS) and pretty much the same story as 1st game.

    So just for the record, I'm aware that I'm an 3.4-3.9k MMR Player, and I'm not sayin' I'm better then my team-mates.

    I KNOW that if I'm an 5k mmr player, I'd be able to carry them pretty muchh easy, but, the question is why the games are so one-sided, and not WHY I SUCK, for an example.


      Games are one-sided because of the massive influx of smurf accounts so really there is a massive separation of skill. A 2K player gets into a 4K game by making a smurf, this will put the team that has him at a disadvantage because his number is aesthetic and he is not actually playing like a 4K player.

      The Shadow Fiend game you played is proof of this they're basically a team of 4 anon players which either 1 or more were probably smurf accounts. I don't think people realize how much making smurf accounts hurts the system. In your slark games you had probably 1-3 smurfs and more in this one as well.

      Being a smurf account yourself I wouldn't expect you to have amazing games. Smurf accounts and queues are awful at best and most of these players are just rude, bad, and are only after the number and not the skill that comes with it. People want to be 5K players without having the skill to get it normally so they make a smurf, get 5K then proceed to be a horrible player and ruin things for genuine 5K players etc.

      .....getting the picture here?


        im pretty sure 'does'nt' doesn't exist either


          Allison, I'm pretty sure I know that, but thank you, anyway.

          Havoc Badger, buddy, you got it all wrong. I'm not smurfer, I just made this acc when I gave my "real-one" to my friend, because we had a deal.

          So i had no choice, that's the reason why I made this, not to go "smurf". I have no other accounts that I play with, except this one.

          If you type "recklesslife" you will see my ex-acc.

          For the part where you're talking about massive influx of smurf acc's, it might be right, but the question is:

          How the fuck 2k player can get into 3-5 or sub 4k bracket by making a smurf-acc?

          I don't see how he can do it, really. Difference between 2.8k and 3.5k is there, but since 2k players are even more bad then 2.8-sub3k players, I don't see how he's going to climb all the way to the 3.5-sub4k bracket?

          The only way is by asking some good 5k player to boost his mmr, but, is that really what's people doing?

          If so, that must be really big(BIG) to influece MMR system..

          harvard graduate

            ^create a smurf, pick tinker all the time especially in calibration games because those take Last hits/GPM/KD in consideration. Also people below 3k dont carry TPs ever so Tinker has an even easier time there.
            Most of them will win like 7 out of their 10 calibration games and obviously do good in unranked so the system gives them 4k MMR.

            ICE SKULL

              as a 5.8k player, 4.8k-4.9k is elo hell for me


                "Havoc Badger, buddy, you got it all wrong. I'm not smurfer, I just made this acc when I gave my "real-one" to my friend, because we had a deal." - Still makes it a new/smurf account.

                "How the fuck 2k player can get into 3-5 or sub 4k bracket by making a smurf-acc?" - Actually easier than you think, I won't pretend to know all the in's and out's but I have seen 3K players pull out with close to 5K accounts. Winning isn't everything and most have like 45% or less win rate.

                "The only way is by asking some good 5k player to boost his mmr, but, is that really what's people doing?" - The person above me will be able to respond to this.


                  git gud


                    onesided games happens all the time I had a 17min game yesterday


                      Dota is a fairly one-sided game to begin with

                      ICE SKULL

                        its not one sided if you play on page 1 or page 2, its always 'balanced' and even


                          its called enjoying the game with positivety.... a person will likely remember an event that was upsetting rather than the one satisfying you.... to be honest.... you win or you lose some.... thats how you become a pro.... a player cannot be perfect even when he/she wins the game... learn from the loss... never get mad.
                          There's even a saying in the dota 2 loadout page, saying, keep calm, remember its just a game


                            I had two games now that was enjoyable. First game I lost, due to my random-Furion(I'm not able to play good furion, I just suck with it).

                            Last was Slark, and we won that. Anyway, games was nice.

                            I Also noticed that after big-winning streak, you ususally get big losing-streak.

                            I got calibrated to 3625, then I dropped all the way to the 3158, then managed to climb-back to 3850, and I'm again on 3400 MMR at this moment! :D

                            Yes, I know. Volvo expects if you're good(better then your team-mates)- go ahead, and carry them.

                            But since I know I'm not that good, I can't do it.

                            When they fail their lanes, I just can't recover from that, even if I won mid.

                            Also, I know that my hero-pool is kinda limited.

                            I can play couple of heroes at good level, couple of heroes at decent level and thats about it.

                            I've played Dota 1 for about 2 years, and Dota 2 for 1 year.

                            Played also on Dotalicious gaming, and was "skill level 1". Someone who has played there will not what does it mean.


                              look at TI, why most of the games are one sided? thats how the game is dude
                              lets take TI3 Grand Finals as example.. we had two teams with close skills and atleast 2 of the 4 games were STOMPS. 1 for each team, and we are talking about 2 teams that were in similar skill level

                              like the guys from DK say, dota is all about momentum.. you can put two teams with the same average skill to play against each other for 50 times, atleast 20 will be pure stomps

                              thats how the game works itself.. its hard to see a really really close game, even in the pro scene.

                              @wave its not always 'balanced' and even, ive seen some games of you in the first page (where you had 200ms i think), one you got stomped by vroks (dat kotl on ur team man), another one was pretty close (you were phantom cancer, your team had pudge) and another one was again a stomp (cant remember what ur pick was, bloodcyka maybe?)

                              i watch page 1 games all the time and by 15 min mark the game score is pretty much >20 : <10
                              the main difference is that in first page people (should) know how to play from behind, so even if its been a stomp, theres a chance that you can comeback, while in lower levels is impossible


                                also you can keep up in a higher rating than you belong if you pick "safe" heroes that are useful in teamfights, hard to die i.e bristleback, dark seer, tidehunter

                                avoid risky picks like mid or carry when you GOT TO have a higher impact if you wanna win


                                  analyze your games, i want you to ask yourself what is usually the thing that make you lose games THE MOST? carries that suck? mid players that lose their lanes? >>>BAD SUPPORTING<<<

                                  I have no doubts that your answer is the same than mine. People at our bracket (im 3kish aswell) don't know how to support EFFECTIVELY, they don't gank (people here have the mindset that mid is the only lane that can rotate), they just sit their butt in lane stealing XP (and sometimes farm) from their carry, they can't zone out the offlane (usually its 2-1-2 so there is not an offlaner anyways)

                                  everyone has the mindset to "pick carry/mid and climb to where you belong", but very few people can do it. I'm surely not one of those, because generally i win my lane but I fail to capitalize on the advantage i have, so I end losing anyways.

                                  Why not to pick a support with roam potential and start making a difference? Dude i dont know, pick Skywrath, focus this motherfucker, he is picked a lot in higher tiers (and in competitive), so hes gonna be a useful hero when you get into higher tiers

                                  pick this guy, know everything you can, master the hero... he allows you to be VERY aggressive with a braindead team, because early in the game he doesn't require much coordination with your team.. he has slow, he has DEM NUKEZ, a fight-changing ultimate, he has a fairly good starting MS, so you can harass even more

                                  and gank man.. if you can't kill at your lane, buy smoke, rotate mid, ping mid and tell that you are ganking there, wait for the enemy to cross the river and burst him down.. gank other lanes, ROTATE. rotation is the most important thing that people miss on our bracket

                                  carry TP scrolls, if you see someone diving (doesnt matter what lane it is) instantly tp there and kill them folkz. this way you put so much pressure on the enemy team and people here don't know how to play from behind, so every advantage is definitive most of the time

                                  giving your mid the advantage is good because even if he is braindead, cmon he is overleveled, overfarmed and ppl usually pick snowballing heroes for mid so all odds are in your favor.

                                  when playing supports you will have to quickly realize who is not fucking braindead on your team, and support that guy. make sure he has the best game of his life, give everything he needs, stack for him, give kills to him, rotate with him.

                                  a GOOD support in our tier is way more game changing than a carry/mid, because like you said, you are able to win your lane but you fail to win the game. have you ever realized why? because there are no heroes in your team that can hold that advantage.. so ok you are overleveled (a bit maybe), so what? your team is all in for late game, 4 hard carries will never keep up an advantage in early game. thats why u lose

                                  pick a support, learn from good peep. i'd recommend you to stay with skywrath no matter what, pick the guy every single time. because:

                                  1) he is aggressive as fuck, and people here don't know when to commit or retreat > BE CAREFUL, THAT IS ALSO TRUE FOR YOUR TEAMMATES

                                  2) once in a blue moon no one picked mid, so you can go there and rape

                                  3) if you get kills early you can snowball out of control even being support

                                  but don't oversupport.. dont spend all your money on wards, don't keep up a "dewarding fight" (you ward, they deward, then you deward and ward again in the same spot, they do the same.......)

                                  buy the courier, buy some wards and place them in useful spots, if ppl can get advantage from the vision then you keep buying wards, if not, just forget and never ever buy a set of wards again that game

                                  last hit if your carry won't make it (i'm not telling you to steal farm from him because he missed LHs, im talking about a ranged creep that is about to die and he is out of range to kill), always fucking always carry tp scrolls and tp whenever someone dives a tower.

                                  heroes that can fit the role i said: skywrath, venomancer (50% slow lvl1, thats insane, mainly when gankind mid lane), treant (highest starting dmg in the game, can be very aggressive if you know what u doing, he is tanky, he can keep allies alive, he can heal towers, good in teamfights, good at ganking)

                                  thats it bro

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    yes that kotl was kudes, ive dodged him twice this week and got 24 hours ban

                                    + someone stole mid from me or else i'd win the game alone with bloodseeker


                                      Huh. First of fucking all, THANKS for your time, people.

                                      But what gives me canser is:

                                      Every fuckin' topic always ends up with thrash-talk about what should we pick, and how we're supposed with pick-counter picks bring MMR on some fucking, FUCKING, FUCKING awesome level.

                                      But we all now that talk is cheap. And for people who dont know, let me tell you.

                                      Not all of us wants to play supports, or carry, or big-impact heroes. Someone wants to pick Pudge, someone CM, someone SF and someone Mirana.

                                      The thing is, I don't give a fuck if I can go all the way to the 5k by playin' Skywrath mage. I know how to play that hero, I'm not sayyin that i'm so good with him, but decent, let's say.

                                      I just want to improve, but not by picking proper heroes and always counter-picks. That's try-hard, if you ask me.

                                      And that's okay, but not if you want to improve.

                                      Now, sure, I won't last-pick pudge when enemy team has Naix-Axe-Tide on the team, that has nothing to do with picking whatever I want and expecting to improve.

                                      But it HAS something to do with general improvment, not just with improve because I'm tryharding to climb my mmr.

                                      I was at 4.1k at my ex ACC at some point, highest on this ACC was 3.8k.

                                      And let me tell you, it's MUCH better when u got there by picking what you WANT and actually enjoying the game.

                                      But, of course. Someone thinks that enjoying game is having 5k mmr, and someone thinks(me) enjoying is playing what you want to play, and actually improve.

                                      So after that, biggest mmr is not an problem anymore, right? :)


                                        if you want to improve watch your replays and see the dumbstuff u are doing
                                        not the games you stomped, but the games you got stomped


                                          I agree, that helps a lot. :) I'm playin' SF -dagon again. It's so fuckin' fun!


                                            well if you don't want to "tryhard" then its quite pointless saying anything

                                            there is no clear line on what is "tryhard" or not, you should be exploiting every means in the game available to you to win where possible, and thats how it always has been

                                            if you deliberately put yourself in a less advantageous position by not "tryharding" then naturally games will become harder for you


                                              Looks like you know a lot about how to be good support. Why don't you play one?

                                              It looks pathetic for me when guy with Slark, BH and TA top 3 picks talks shit about supports...


                                                Soultrap because i suck at the game actually, i have good knowledge for my rating but knowledge != execution
                                                and i don't really enjoy playing supports mostly, i like to play carries and mid sometimes, so i want to improve playing where i can have more fun


                                                  U can still be a good supp , I know people who love to pick treant at around 5.7k mmr


                                                    I heard that here about 100 times already. Everybody talks about mysterious "game knowledge" they are good at, but they all admit that they lack skill. It can't be coincidence...

                                                    You need try to do it yourself: try to pick Skywrath and not die 10+ times, try to gank mid, try to place wards efficiently, try to carry tp scroll all the time and use it to save your teammate, try to figure out who is least braindead player in your team - all at the same time.

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                      It's not about will game get harder or not. It's about winning the game by being better then your enemy(by skill), not by try-harding(picking imba heroes every time, raging at team-mates, smashing things around when things get hard, and so on!)

                                                      Won SF dagon game again. :D


                                                        @Sleave: If you're a decent carry player, you should be able to carry your team with good or bad support. On the other hand, if you're a good support you still depend on your teammates to win the game for you. In my personal experience, I've lost more games due to terrible carries than bad supports.
                                                        @Shred: Picking the right hero according to the situation is part of the skillset and game knowledge you have to acquire in order to improve. Enemy team picked PA and you need a carry? Pick FV and win. Enemy team has much better teamfight than you? Pick a rat hero. There's no such thing as imba heroes, the game is pretty balanced and you should take any advantage given in order to win.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          @Soultrap probably i couldn't go past my current MMR picking skywrath BUT probably i would be able to support more effectively than the people i see doing it.. but i dont find it fun

                                                          @Oleksandr thats partially true though if you are a carry you need space created from your team (unless you pick some snowballing carries such as slark), if you are where you belong you should not be able to carry with bad support because you arent good enough (like juice is in comparison with a 4k player) to play against all odds and still win


                                                            And here we go again. I think I'll hit winning-streaks again. 3.5k mmr at this moment. xD

                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              The real problem is when a game gains popularity you begin to get an influx of trash from games like WoW and Call of Duty.

                                                              Who tend to talk trash, no substance, and only play abuse easy cancer heroes. AKA the players who rode the drow wave early > Furion > invoker mid > and now live off tinker/doom.

                                                              I have had in the last 20 games the most blatant throwers ever and no doubt part of this wave.


                                                                Ok. i had win-streak of 6, got rly bored and randomed wk.

                                                                Since I was Sleepy and not in the mood to play, we lost it.

                                                                Game was nice, and yeah, we lost it because I failed.

                                                                Anyway, I expect at least a couple of win~streaks


                                                                  imagine basketball

                                                                  except when you score, you gain 1cm and your opponent losses 1cm of height.

                                                                  That is dota.