General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this new pub record boys?

Is this new pub record boys? in General Discussion

    Clockwerk in my last game 133 xpm lvl 11 after 47 minute game WITHOUT DCING OR ABANDON OR AFK. I m impressed alot, new record for sure never seen better than this.


      i regret my comment since i thought u were clockwerk, <3

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        i did that once, then he messaged me calling me scrub


          and asking me who were I, but it was him that added me in first place

          dat logic


            SLEAVE I added you cus you was asking for help. Np you are not anymore on my friend list. And yes you can`t blame me for anything cus you are fucking untalented 2700 mmr you don`t know anything about this game and you are probably lowest mmr person at this forum so quiet ty.

            Vroksnak sure, tell exactly why? I didn`t played on 6k mmr lvl thats for sure but we played 3v5 game. 11 lvl clockwerk suicider 47 min. and Rhasta without skilling 1 spell before lvl 13 or smth.. its just to hard to win 3v5 game vs silencer and Tide refresher hard to solo fight that.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Judging by hero damage he wasn't that bad...


                @bogi no i wasnt asking for help lulz you suddenly added me
                so everything u say is bla bla bla low mmr bla bla bla, you are so dellusional that you think you belong to 5k where you never got there, and keep whining like if there was a conspiration against you to not you reach that e-penis



                  But you are currently the holder of the most "look at this game and feel bad for me posts" record.

                  We still love you though.


                    I think Concede should have a special user bar for best poster


                      and u sano should get the bar for 2nd sexiest brazilian on the forums
                      the 1st is obviously me


                        With you, I think there are only 3 regular brazilian posters :v


                          yea so its a big thing being the first one

                          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                            Sleave fuckign noob i was on 2.2k and now im 3k fucking noob cant up your mmr


                              well actually im on 4.2k mmr on two accounts :D:D


                                SLEAVE I dont think I even added you, if I did that was for sure cus you was asking for help at forum how to play slark,why would I add 2700 mmr guy randomly? Not really roflmao.


                                  bogi you added, i dont know why and i opened just one thread asking for help and it was after you had added me, so yea keep on lying


                                    You are so sad and I won`t waste anymore time here, you spammed me on steam how to play slark better now you trying to act like it never happen. Untalented kido 2700 mmr + lier ok , whatever ..


                                      i dont asked you any help, YOU CAME OUT offering help. "lol dude ur around 3k mmr, wanna some help?" then i said yes and you "well you probably miss a lot of cs dont carry tp and things like that"


                                      but whatever dood gl climbin 5k


                                        Exactly, whatever


                                          <3 Sano

                                          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                            sleave, buy accounts is not legal

                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                              <3 Sano


                                                smurfing is also illegal and you keep doing that to avoid the fact that you suck so why would you bother?
                                                anyways i didnt buy any accounts actually

                                                kanye went to uni

                                                  You know, despite his reputation, Bogi's actually a pretty nice guy lol ... hate to say this but he probably COULD have given you good advice if you just swallowed your pride about the TP comment :p


                                                    lolwut what? but i didnt argue with him on that, i accepted his advices, im just telling the story
                                                    any advice is fine

                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                      Wait, I'm confused ... what's the problem here then? :D


                                                        They can't decide who added who first and are whining like bitches.

                                                        No offense intended though :)



                                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                            Only 11 feeds, I am dissapoint!

                                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                              Sleave show screenshot of your 4k

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                ^ He is 4k on two accounts, if you didn`t get it. So probably 2700 mmr on one and 1300 on other = together 4000 !


                                                                  bla bla idk why i bother

                                                                  i dont know why this is important though, we all suck

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    i have a friend with 4k solo MMR..

                                                                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                      hahahaha sleave well played i can have 5k with this method

                                                                      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                        ROFLD so hard


                                                                          sleave, as much as i want to believe you, we dont see your name in those pictures.


                                                                            well im at work atn but when i get home u guys can add me and check it yourselves

                                                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                              Sleave searching for a acc sealer that have acc with 4.3


                                                                                rofl, shut up please


                                                                                  What's going on here boys?
                                                                                  Also Sleave, why ain't you just honest?

                                                                                  Having a certain mmr doesn't make you succeed in anything, expect if you're actually earning money>goingpro.

                                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                    Without watching replay looks like your offlane got rekt. You and NP and mid never rotated and they won all lanes. nuff said.


                                                                                      dd-sama, i know that
                                                                                      i am the one saying that doesnt matter the rating, we all suck here

                                                                                      but im being honest, the two accounts are mine and they are rated above 4k, i added you in one of them which is muddy


                                                                                        like 4k is great or what :D 6.5k+ or nob.


                                                                                          where did i say 4k was great? im actually saying that its no big shit and we're all noobs............

                                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                                            Ddsama above 4,5k Ive heard myths that people become instantly successful, your "Brad Pitt of doto" if you will.You can add it to your CV and your salary is increased by 50% and also you get to bang a supermodel of choice.(this wish is granted by Gaben himself)


                                                                                              ^rofl you made me :laugh:

                                                                                              How did you get two 4k accs when your main is "x"? #Privacy

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                but i dont play in this account anymore, actually i reserve this one to play when im fucking high, you can see despite my 3 last games, all others were more than 1 month ago

                                                                                                being such different i'd call that smurfing boyz, that was the fastest way I got to learn without ruining games (play unranked so no one rly gives a shit and so far i played 3 ranked games on the 4.3k MMR account and won all of them, picking carries, having good impact throughtout the game, leading gold, LH blablabla)

                                                                                                but i dont really care for numbers, it could be a 15k MMR account and i'd still say we all suck, i don't care about the MMR itself, i care about the skill people from a certain MMR have. i don't really care if you are 4k, 8k, 2k, aslong as you have something to teach me so i can improve, thats all I care

                                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                  ^ When you get from your atm 2.7k mmr account to 4k we can believe you. I can make smurf acc play slark and brood and get 5.5k mmr easy with this account already but thats not a deal. With your main acc is deal to get mmr and stay at high mmr..and you mmr when I checked 2 days ago was 2760 or smth.

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    Idk some of my first games played were around that quality.

                                                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                                                      "play slark and brood and get 5.5k "

                                                                                                      ok go do it