General Discussion

General Discussionpick 3 supports

pick 3 supports in General Discussion

    If you would like to choose 3 supports as your most played hero, what would it be? and why?
    KOTOL: annoying in lane, can solo offlane, antipush :laugh:
    Windranger: godlike nuke early game, can also solo offlane :facepalm:
    CM: i want to stay behind the battlefield but still useful! 3rd skill is very useful :smile:

    and so on

    Ples Mercy

      void: he's purple
      medusa: milf
      antimage: much monk very wow

      top 3 supports, ez.

      the realm's delight

        1 lina: hot
        2 cm: hot
        3 mirana: hot

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          WR support? srsly wtf



            lina + wr
            dont care about 3rd
            same voice actor


              i like luna's voice, and mirana's. so much fap, luna best support.



                ... but my luck is awful so maybe Ogre is not that great of a choice..


                  Had a really great success with Rhasta recently - a lot of disables + pushing power. This 0 cast point hex is my favorite thing in the whole game for now.

                  Dazzle is something I had a lot less success with but still great. Somehow he feels sluggish though. Not really sure why, but my shallow graves were missing the crucial timing.

                  Ancient Apparition is probably one of the strongest trilane supports. And his annoying slow+magic amp is really helpful if you have drafted in a lot of magic damage.


                    reasons why they aren't on my most played:
                    wd - he needs agha...
                    omni - also needs a lot gold
                    io - needs a good teammate (and i suck with him)

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      lol this is a weird thread. It's like, imagine if in a strange alternative universe people had supports in their top heroes list.

                      But since you ask..

                      1. Omni. (cos he is my most played hero)
                      2. EarthShaker (cos he is my most successful hero)
                      3. Abaddon (Cos he is A Bad Don)


                        1. WD
                        2. WD
                        3. WD


                          1. Lich
                          2. Tidehunter
                          3. Sand king

                          Why? Cause they all rock.


                            1. Lina: hot
                            2. Phoenix: hot
                            3. Ember Spirit: hot

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              1. Lich
                              2. CM
                              3. Lion

                              Coincidentally they all have mana regen spells

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                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                1. Venge
                                2. Slardar
                                3. Crystal Maiden

                                CM used to be my favourite until they nerfed her int so hard she is mostly just useful as a walking aura in a lot of games. Venge is my most successful hero and I feel so great when saving teammates with swap and get lots of love from my carry <3


                                  Lich, Lina, Venge. All of them can be independently good.


                                    noone like kotol of the light :laugh:


                                      Slardar support? I gotta try that.


                                        cw lion sk

                                        I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                          the 1st is by far necro. it has a good harass in early, damn good ulti with agha and its good in fights all the game.
                                          wd- good heal and dps. you can get agha in min 25 max, even with wards and leaving last hits for a carry.
                                          rhasta/lich- rhasta is a great disabler and pusher with his ulti, while lich is lich:D fuck this dude


                                            yeah i would like to playt it
                                            but unfortunately he doesn't have any disable early which makes him unreliable in the beginning :/

                                            kanye went to uni

                                              Necro's not a support!

                                              Also I like Venge. Simple and effective. Now, even if you die in teamfights it's still good. She's the most noob-friendly support imo.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                ^speaks the truth
                                                Necro is a carry. Heal doesnt mean support, this isnt an rpg.

                                                Pure & Miracle + Zai

                                                  1 io
                                                  2 rubick
                                                  3 enigma

                                                  i am good with them and have fun

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    @Wink Senpai

                                                    I believe Fnatic did a roaming Slardar during XMG Captains Draft with decent success.

                                                    EDIT : Found it,

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                                                    Polish Hussar

                                                      1# Rubick
                                                      2# Nyx nyx nyx
                                                      3# Encant or Enigma, threant Vengeful Spirit, and wind "runner".

                                                      Polish Hussar

                                                        BH is best support c9 new meta!

                                                        Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                                                          1. Disruptor
                                                          2. Venge
                                                          3. Wraithking

                                                          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                            sleave = 1k confirmed

                                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                              invoker best support qqq for the win

                                                              game is bad

                                                                1. Disruptor: great at picking off blinkers (AM, QoP, etc.), runners (Lycan), or when the enemy is retreating after a tower push. Great at countering initiations or starting initiations.
                                                                2. Dazzle: good during a push lineup, because he can keep everyone topped off. Pretty good against Legion Commander to prevent him from getting Duel wins. Great lane support due to his good attack animation and poison damage.
                                                                3. Silencer: situational. Good as counter-initiator, like after Axe's call or Centuar's ultimate. Laughably broken against Phoenix.


                                                                  1.Ogre Magi


                                                                    That would be Sand King, Rylai and Lich.
                                                                    I really like playing SK. CM and Lich are my goto options when team needs ward bitch.
                                                                    I also like Lina, but not on support role.

                                                                    Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                                      1. IO
                                                                      2. Phoenix
                                                                      3. Rubick

                                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                                        1. Lich- i can do almost everything with this hero
                                                                        2. WR- not a full hard support but it can fit the role of a normal support
                                                                        3.WD - i carry and supp at the same time bitch


                                                                          Jakiro- Can Really babysit a lane well and push towers like a boss

                                                                          Disruptor- Top 5 faggish skill in dota 2 With glimpse Powerful ult

                                                                          Sandking- Strong ganker if needed to do so, Can jungle super well to get a fast blink and make money for wards etc and super strong teamfight presence


                                                                            Lich, Nyx, Abaddon.. oh wait these are my most played heroes.


                                                                              naga siren - cuz scales into late game very well

                                                                              skywrath - cuz broken and scales into late game insanely well

                                                                              meepo - cuz scales into late game very well

                                                                              (yes i dont trust my team and i like to play alone in late game)

                                                                              mr dee

                                                                                Shadow Shaman - shit is op
                                                                                Mirana - shit is op
                                                                                Alchemist - shit used to be op

                                                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                                                  Lion - disable + nuke
                                                                                  Shadow Shaman - DISABLE + PUSH
                                                                                  Sandking - disable + AOE powaahh

                                                                                  harvard graduate

                                                                                    1)Lich cuz free EXP, insane teamfight and free nuke in lane
                                                                                    2)Shadow Shaman cuz OP
                                                                                    3)Bane cuz Blink DaggerAJAJAJAJAAJAJJAJAJAJAJJAAJAJJA

                                                                                    Armada Fantasma

                                                                                      1 ) Abba - Hex = aphotic :3
                                                                                      2 )Chen - izi ganks izi life
                                                                                      3) lina hot ...


                                                                                        cm: 9
                                                                                        lich: 8
                                                                                        sand king: 6
                                                                                        shadow shaman: 6
                                                                                        lina: 5
                                                                                        disruptor: 5
                                                                                        io: 5
                                                                                        venge: 5
                                                                                        dazzle: 4
                                                                                        lion: 4
                                                                                        mirana: 4
                                                                                        rubick: 4
                                                                                        wd: 4
                                                                                        abaddon: 3
                                                                                        enchant: 3
                                                                                        enigma: 3
                                                                                        omni: 3
                                                                                        aa: 2
                                                                                        chen: 2
                                                                                        earthshaker: 2
                                                                                        jakiro: 2
                                                                                        nyx: 2
                                                                                        ogre: 2
                                                                                        phoenix: 2
                                                                                        pugna: 2
                                                                                        skywrath: 2
                                                                                        windrunner: 2
                                                                                        alchemist: 1
                                                                                        bane: 1
                                                                                        bounty hunter: 1
                                                                                        clockwerk: 1
                                                                                        earth spirit: 1
                                                                                        leshrac: 1
                                                                                        meepo: 1
                                                                                        naga siren: 1
                                                                                        necro: 1
                                                                                        shadow demon: 1
                                                                                        silencer: 1
                                                                                        tidehunter: 1
                                                                                        treant: 1
                                                                                        wraith king: 1
                                                                                        venomancer: 1
                                                                                        visage: 1

                                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                          What makes lich is so popular? he has 0 disable only slow and able to deny creep..
                                                                                          that ulti though i can understand..


                                                                                            He's extremely strong during laning phase, when most supports have largest impact. Also he's easy to play.

                                                                                            Miku Plays

                                                                                              idk but the most easiest to play is Lion, not to mention the mana drain + tranqs is never go home support. disables all over the map + shines when he hits lvl 6 pretty early


                                                                                                Suprise that lina overwhelm lion though but since most the reasons are because she's hot, i guess it doesn't count :laugh:



                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    I don't understand the questions. Is it what are our top 3 most played supports, or which supports do we like the best, or which do we wish we were best with?

                                                                                                    If it's the last question, which 3 supports would I like to excel at, it would definitely be visage, pugna and earthshaker. Visage if you have the skills is a devastating support. Pugna amazing anti casters just pain in the ass. Earthshaker is a game changing if you are good at landing the stuns.


                                                                                                      ^ how do you play Pugna? I just don't feel he has much of an impact except for the neitherward which is match up specific.


                                                                                                        1. Leshrac
                                                                                                        2. chen
                                                                                                        3. mirana

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!