General Discussion

General DiscussionI just realised something when I finished this match. (my last match)

I just realised something when I finished this match. (my last match) in General Discussion

    This game(my last game)

    We played 4 vs 5, our legion left. I failed early game because I was not able to get good combo with lion.

    Somehow, we managed to comeback later, when legion left the game.

    What I realised is that, even I won this game is that it's SO clear to me why I'm on 3.5-3.9k bracket, and not on 4.5k-5k bracket.

    We all made SO MANY mistakes in this game. Seems like my team made less then enemy, but still...

    I guess all the people who complain about their MMR is just wrong. There is no such thing as "5k player stuck on 3k".

    It's just stupid to even think it exists.

    So yeah, we all need just to get better.


    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      took you this long to figure out elo hell doesn't exist?

      Miku Plays

        It saddens me to see a bkb being built in LC its too early for bkb


          Looks like you got carried by tidehunter :D


            Actually, not. He failed everysingle ult. because they all got bkb.

            I did pretty decent job.

            @ andro.

            No , I knew it.


              Breaking news !


                I don't fuckign care if you are brain damaged idiot.

                This is forum, so yeah, you come here to talk, not to troll.

                Keep troling, I guess thats how life goes.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Too early for BKB when he will simply die to SWM ulti if he duels someone right? Definitely too early.


                    He left the game anyway. I just played again 4vs5 game, I was SF.

                    It's so fucking hard to play and carry people when you have disadvatage.

                    In this game, you can simply feel you lack skill to be at better mmr.

                    I just know that some Shadow Fiend who has 5k mmr would much better job then me now.

                    I just had stupid mistakes. Going on SB when i didnt check for sentry-gem, and dying because I did that.

                    Diving and over-extending too much.

                    Not beign patient. Going lotar-build and had an Tidehunter on team(even if he's terrible-he was, its mistake anyways if u ask me).

                    Miku Plays


                      LC needs another item before bkb

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        No she doesn't. All she needs is dagger.


                          LC is one of those heroes that just goes godlike or goes nooblike.

                          Depends on person, of course.

                          In 3k mmr you can see all kind of players.

                          Hex Sigma

                            ^that's true


                              I might be wrong, but I really feel like I'm stuck in 3k because of my bad positioning and bad desicion making.