General Discussion

General DiscussionCurrent game state

Current game state in General Discussion

    How balanced do you think thie game is now, at post-TI4 6.81b patch?

    Personally, I think there are a few very imbalanced heroes;
    -Faceless Void
    -Legion Commander

    Some that need to be toned down;
    -Earth Spirit
    -Nature Prophet

    And some that are quite weak atm;
    -Phantom Lancer
    -Night Stalker
    -Crystal Maiden
    -Outworld Devourer
    -Spirit Breaker

    And Broodmother needs a rework or something.

    IMO most of the rest of the heroes are in a good place right now.
    What do you think?


      Some of these seem unlikely but <_< I hope it happens. Maybe

      Crystal Maiden
      Crystal Nova: When casted CM gains swift movement as the wolves of Icewrack for 5 seconds. (5%MS/10%/15%/20%)
      Frostbite goes thru BKB and enemies cannot break free from it (i.e. Manta Style) and loses 25% move speed after duration is done for 2 seconds.
      Arcane Aura increased 1.5/2/2.5/3
      Freezing Field AOE increased to 800. Damage is now "HP removal" where if anyone is in the AOE they lose 5%/6%/7% of their HP. AGHS upgrade: 7%/8%/9% LMAO

      She's tired of being a dumb blond anyway! ;D

      Shackleshot now can hit more targets as it is leveled in an AOE of 250 (1/2/3/4)
      Powershot is now pure damage. Full duration has AOE of 250

      Secret hidden patch notes: Windrunner model now has upgraded cup size (D)

      Aghs Ultimate now looks like a mushroom cloud. Has 3 strikes now. First two are the regular ones. Third one is a tactical nuke that will be 550 range, 300/400/500 damage and the aftermath of the mushroom cloud is 850 range where anyone caught in the AOE of it loses 25% mana and is silenced for 3 seconds.


      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        Very good, but I think you're missing very important issue with CM's aura. It's a common knowledge this skill has zero scaling into late game, therefore useless. It should give regeneration by percentage, numeric value should stay the same.
        Also your suggestion for Nova has little synergy with CM play style, so I think her movement speed should be buffed to 310 thus giving this synergy.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Are you actually serious about those CM buffs? Because holy shit that is just retarded as fuck to even thinking about buffing a hero that much.


            Damn it. I failed at making CM overpowered. :( LOL. Hmm. How's this. If CM dies, any allied hero within a AOE of 400 gets 35% boosted magic damage or somethin`.

            Yeah I'm not a fan of the current CM move speed. I think she's slower then Pudge!! Wouldn't 310 be super fast though? Since she already has a lot of slow type spells.

            - It was more of a lols post. haha.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              I can tell youre kidding, but i actually like the idea behind the gyro one :$


                Meepo OP as fuck, but pls gaben, no nerferino, he's skyrocketing my mmr right now.

                Miku Plays

                  Legion Commander

                  > OD is fine
                  > PTA change to 25/35/45/55 with 100 mana cost each
                  > MOC change lifesteal chance to 15/18/21/24
                  > Duel is fine


                    Better idea...any hero hit with frostbite swaps movement speed with CM ;p

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      I'm surprised how Phantom Lancer is considered weak now (negative winrate in pubs too) when his last nerf (2.5 patches ago too) was just making his q dodgeable. Is it because blink got more popular, or just the meta where radiance naga has superior split-push (not that naga is very popular in matchmaking anyways)?

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        He needs 3 items (usually diffusal, manta, heart) in order to even think of approaching a teamfight, otherwise you stand back and spam Q 2-3 times before running out of mana and being useless.


                          In pubs ur just better off picking TB since his images are stronger and he has an actual laning presence despite nerfed Reflection. He can also down towers in 10 seconds if left unattended while PL just farms more slowly.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Naga farms easier with riptide, has better disable and her ultimate is almost certain escape while doppelwalk is unreliable. Not to mention son is amazing for teamfights while Lancer's ulty is lame.


                              I'm surprised you didn't mention Skywrath, a level 3 ulti + ancient seal is close to 2000 damage which is just absurd.

                              Miku Plays

                                ^ because bkb or force staff and Euls

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  ok i'm done here lol


                                    Skywrath is meh IMO. The reasons he was picked so much in TI were to instant silence brewmaster tide etc, and to combo with void's ulty.


                                      It's pretty balanced. I'm sure Necrophos will be nerfed, even though pros never pick him because he's already hit the forbidden 59% winrate...that or he will receive the Lich treatment and get some cheesy buffs that will actually decrease his winrate because everyone will be playing him stupidly.

                                      Balances...I still think Earth Spirit should be reworked somewhat.
                                      Viper is a bit OP in that he's effective while being sooooo foolproof. Heroes like Tinker or Invoker can be OP in the right hands, but that is balanced somewhat because 7/10 of them in your team just lost you the game.
                                      But then again, who "abuses" Viper? At the same time, he's one of the least versatile heroes and really boring to play. I'd like him to get something that'll make him more fun to play, I don't know, rework one of his passives into some active skill or something. Give him more possibilities and take away some of his braindeadness.

                                      I don't know about Meepo. I encounter them too rarely to give a good opinion, what do you guys think about him?
                                      I used to play little CM a lot, but she's lost preference to other supports that are also good in the early game while not losing relevance so quickly as the game goes on. I'm not sure how you could make her scale into the lategame, but at least make leveling up her aura give her back her nerfed intelligence, she's a dumb blonde joke now.



                                        Example of very late game, freefarm pl on high ranked game.


                                          Swap chronosphere duration with rearm channel time.

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            IMO things needed to be done:

                                            Doom - 1. Devour 80, 70 , 60, 50 from 70, 60, 50, 40. and increase ult duration to 130 and just decrease duration with scepter.

                                            Radiance - radiance burn damage changed to 350-400 range from 700 or whatever godly size it is now.

                                            Shadow Shaman - Increase ult cooldown to 130 sec from 110.

                                            Earth Spirit - Add to CM as is currently ;) yes I will get flamed for this especially with the way TI was just finished but I highly doubt his ban super cedes some others.

                                            Legion C. - No clue but I imagine he would be heavily banned if he was in CM.

                                            Void - If I remember right in HoN the void ult teammates did 25% less damage to heroes in the sphere I do not personally think void is grossly OP as u but maybe that would help or it would just make him rarely picked again..

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                            TOC | Amanda Dermichknutscht

                                              ^Dat Gyro Aghs Upgrade.. volvo pls do dis

                                              Imo Dota is the most balanced game i have ever played but they could make a new patch again to change the meta a bit.. I´m kinda tired of Doom/Void/Brew/Shadow Shaman/Mirana. Wanna see Dusa, Abba, Necro or something like that more often.


                                                CM's aura should give move speed bonus to her and maybe her allies.

                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                  You want to see Abba and Necro eww god now.

                                                  Want to see more Tusk, Dusa sure why not, and heroes that are never ever picked in general.

                                                  Side note I agree with everyone CM was nerfed into the ground, still effective but honestly 280 speed no one deserves that.


                                                    How is sven overpowered, i always have trouble fighting common pick like viper offlane early game.
                                                    And viper is such popular pick.

                                                    I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                                      game is balanced. void could get a 0,5 s reduce on chrono or normal bash inside, but the others are just fine. remember, game is 5v5, not 1v1. if you dont know how to pick its not because of the game.

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                        Personally, I think there are a few very imbalanced heroes;
                                                        -Brewmaster -> slightly op, not 2 much
                                                        -Faceless Void -> slightly op, not 2 much
                                                        -Legion Commander -> no
                                                        -Doom -> agreed

                                                        Some that need to be toned down;
                                                        -Tinker - march nerf, fixed
                                                        -Meepo - not rly, 2 ez 2 counter
                                                        -Earth Spirit - no
                                                        -Ursa - no
                                                        -Lycan - damage needs to get nerfed
                                                        -Nature Prophet - no
                                                        -Sven - wat?

                                                        And some that are quite weak atm;
                                                        -Phantom Lancer - wat?
                                                        -Night Stalker - u fucking drunk?
                                                        -Windrunner - wat?
                                                        -Gyrocopter - ???????
                                                        -Crystal Maiden - dude rly?
                                                        -Outworld Devourer - are u fucking kidding me?
                                                        -Chen - i smell trench
                                                        -Spirit Breaker - many consider him weak but for some reason i still think he's strong

                                                        All in all, you are so fucking wrong on many heroes it's amazing.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          ^Sorry dude, maybe my interpretation of the game state is wrong for your games but, thanks god, dota isn't balanced around low level pubs.

                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                            it's wrong for most high level games. I get that shittier players like you play chen or PL very wrong, but how the hell are you 2 stupid to play balanar?

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              OD weak ?

                                                              What ?

                                                              Agree with spirit breaker pretty trash hero

                                                              Chen weak ?????????????????

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Increase CM's base movement speed to 300 (+20 increase) and increase gyro's range to 500 (up from 365) and call it a day.

                                                                What about just decreasing the gold bonus on devour for doom? The spell doom is the issue but you can't change it without breaking the hero one way or the other. Maybe make devour go 15, 35, 55, 75 gold per level?

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                  are u Drunk? Gyro is fine as he is atm. I agree with the CM part, she only needs mov. spd.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Oh I only wish I was! Idk op thinks gyro is weak, his win rate is 45%, range buff is easy to implement and easy solution.

                                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                                      plz icefag buff windranger


                                                                        @Team = 2k smurf trash

                                                                        Lmao, having played Chen 40 times more than you, and on much higher skill level, I think I am more entitled to speak about the hero.
                                                                        I could tell you right here and now why Chen is weak but it's blantly obvious that you have zero insight on the hero and my thoughts would be wasted. In fact I can justify every one of my claims. Unlike you whose arguements are "wat??" and "u drunk?".

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          Isnt chen winrate in competitive positive ? and tinker is the one that needs a nerf having a 45 % winrate ?

                                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                                            Saying something is balanced when the hero pick rate is so skewed in the pro game ban/pick is pretty stupid I will leave it at that.


                                                                              Test of Faith (Teleport) is now dispellable

                                                                              killed chen?



                                                                                His winrate for TI4 was 38 percent.
                                                                                And he is barely even picked anymore.
                                                                                Hero is dead in pubs and dead in competitive.

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  There's only four heroes I would even think about changing, CM and gyro as discussed, some sort of doom nerf but I don't know what, and a lycan nerf, probably just lower his wolf damage, although what about howl? Global range seems kind of ridiculous, letting lycan solo split push while rest of team 4 man pushes another lane and both get howl. But I'm not sure if it would really change much.

                                                                                  I have several nerf ideas for lycan, nerf all three abilities actually.

                                                                                  First I would be rebalance wolf dmg from 17.5 / 28.5 / 37 / 46 average dmg to 21/28/35/42 and make the base attack time a constant 1.15. Those numbers might need tweaking but it reduces level 4 wolf dmg by about 12% which accounting for the bat change while it buffs the level 1 and 2 wolves for easier jungling/laning whatever. It's like a rebalance, lycan dmg output late nerfed but a little easier to farm early and the early wolves need it when you see my next nerf.

                                                                                  Nerf feral impulse from 15%/20%/25%/30% dmg to 12/16/20/24% dmg.

                                                                                  Nerf howl range from global to something huge like 1400, but not global.

                                                                                  These might be a tad too much but it doesn't really change his flavor at all just slows down the pure rat lycans.

                                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                    I think howl not being global is at least a positive start. Nerf slow.


                                                                                      They need to give tinker some kind of a nerf. Just to put him down and give people reason to stop picking it. Beside him, maybe doom and void. Thats if we talk about pubs. But on competitive, idk.


                                                                                        What about Naga Siren? Does she need a nerf?

                                                                                        Bleh just lost to a Naga Siren... lol. One guy gave up after one teamfight we lost and things went downhill from there. =/


                                                                                          Naga has a 42% pub winrate and a 45% winrate at TI4. She's not worthy of a nerf.

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            Naga still needs tons of farm to dominate. Lycan doesn't really need anything, just howl for his wolves to push. I guess you could say he needs necrobook but it's so easy to get.

                                                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                              AoE radius of radiance could use a nerf ;) 700 is beyond retarded.

                                                                                              wasted penguinz

                                                                                                giff back old edic for leshrac :D

                                                                                                Hafla Enjoyer

                                                                                                  To nerf tinker they can increase his cooldowns