General Discussion

General Discussion[Off Topic] Legolas hits Justin Bieber

[Off Topic] Legolas hits Justin Bieber in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    Next time tell him to use a chainsaw.

    Quick maffs

      WAIT, he missed ?

      Damm orlando


        Nice foto, bieber and his cool facial hair. LOL

        bum farto

          I would not ask legolas "What's up bitch" what a cocky little shit head.

          Quick maffs

            "Of course he missed. There is no god."


            King of Low Prio

              if it wasnt for the retarded americans paying this kid he would still be making shit videos on youtube in his little hick town

              bum farto

                This must be false though, legolas never misses.


                  @ Havoc, +1 That.

                  Jay Ashborne

                    @ Havoc,

                    Totally agree with you.


                      I'm sorry guys, but

                      bum farto

                        ^ that sabertooth chicken horse looks like he gives loads. #ladiesman


                          Well of course he missed, he's not using his bow :laugh:

                          bum farto


                              Dat Havoc, always makes it worth it!

                              Srsly, all I know about Bieber is that everyone hates him.

                              Unique Technique

                                I don't approve of that behavior. Hitting little girls is WRONG.