General Discussion

General Discussionstory based action games

story based action games in General Discussion
the realm's delight

    i recently finished tomb raider and i wanna play more games like that any suggestions (for pc)




      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        So do I.

        After watching singsing stream of Dark Souls these games seems pretty enjoying. Especially if you can't play DotA for some reason.

        I loved adventures games like Paper Mario and such when I was younger, so I'm sure there could be some real enjoying games out there.

        Arcania Gothic 4 was some fun game I never got to finish. Think you might try that out. (I might have bad taste, I don't know much about such games)

        the realm's delight

          ye i wanted to play ds2 but that shiet too fucking expensive

          ICE SKULL

            dark souls 2 is 7-8 keys afaik


              Street fighters has story in it
              It has a lot of animes and movies as well. :smile:

              ICE SKULL

                fighting games is too elitism (if you suck, they sort of ban you) and all the good players only 1v1 each other to improve


                  Final Fantasy 7.

                  the realm's delight

                    i dont like final fantasy/street fighters. wolfenstein is great but i already know the whole story plus its expensive as fk just like ds2.
                    8 keys thats pretty good actually for ds2

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                    ICE SKULL

                      yeah my nigga a 5k account can be sold for 30 keys nowadays

                      should have milked the compendium advantage when it was available


                        Castlevania franchise also has been here for a while.
                        The recent series (Lords of shadow) are available for PC and the graphics are awesome as well!
                        Nothing can go wrong with the castlevania series!

                        the realm's delight

                          rofl 5k 30keys. how much is like a 4,7k account if those sell? i could lvl a new smurf for 5k but it takes ages w/o point booster

                          y castlevania is pretty good ive been considering it

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Batman series should be mentioned i guess.

                            ICE SKULL

                              not much, its not hard to get 5k+ tho

                              get those dreamleague boosters they dont cost much


                                who the fuck buys games

                                piratebay all the way

                                the realm's delight

                                  ^ u cant play online and stuff like that with games from piratebay


                                    all of the games listed here is singleplayer so..

                                    tombraider multiplayer is pathetic

                                    ds2 multiplayer is pathetic

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                    Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                                      if nobody would buy the games, u couldnt pirate them.


                                        Spec Ops: The Line

                                        a lot of action, good story, 4 endings


                                          You can actually, not all games though and it has to be with VPN.
                                          I played borderland2, borderland, orc must die series and resident evil 4-5 without buying those games from steam.
                                          The downside of course you are excluded from auto-update, bug fix bla bla and have to follow the development yourself.


                                            i actually buy multiplayer games and good made games

                                            but undedone shitty console ports noway paying money for those

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Morrowind the whole elder scrolls series is not really like tomb raider. They're open world rpgs, not an action storyline like tomb raider with cenimatics and stuff.

                                              I would suggest mass effect series and dead space series. Although both are sci fi, they're 3rd person action titles like tomb raider and have pretty straightforward action storylines.

                                              Also batman series is quite good.


                                                Bioshock is really good, epic atmosphere and a brilliant story.

                                                I had a lot of fun with the STALKER series of games, the first one being by far the best. It has a really good selection of excellent mods.

                                                I love apocalyptic games, give Fallout a try. Fallout 2 is really good, fallout 3 also good and New Vegas is not as good.

                                                Morrowind is EPIC, though it is hard work. Maps are for losers, you get sketchy directions and it is so easy to screw quests up none of this "You cant drop this, it is a quest item" nonsense. BUT you get awesome quests, epic items and some really clever dialogue and just plain fun items. Like Tinur's Hoptoad and the Bipolar Blade.

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  oh ye mass effect that shit is good

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    bioshock story? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                      play stalkers, you'll feel the dota atmosphere srslyu


                                                        Defiance is an MMO Third Person Shooter with a great story :)


                                                          I ended up buying Goat Simulator. I guess that can give me some joy while waiting for DotA to be fixed!


                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Dragon age origins is also sweet, dragon age 2 is pretty good as well. Origins is like mass effect meets lord of the rings.

                                                            the realm's delight

                                                              ^^ i played goat simulator. that game is fucking gold


                                                                I played it for like 40 minutes and it seems boring as fuck now.

                                                                2014 devaslaytion

                                                                  Hitman absolution! Although if you play at the hardest difficulty, the game will get a bit frustrating if you dislike failing and trying again missions. But i like the intellectual element of the game, where to complete a single mission there are more than 5ways and you have to figure out a way that works. No hints are given.

                                                                  Or just give payday 2(multiplayer fps game though) a shot. Its the game that really defines teamwork. The community there are pretty non-toxic too. I often have high level pros helping me grind level when i was a newcommer, or explain the mission objectives to me nicely.


                                                                    We've gotten this far in "Action-y adventure games with stories" without a rec for Half Life and Half Life 2? Shamefurr dishpray.

                                                                    Space Marine is less than $8, but the single-player isn't all that long and the multiplayer is 100% dead. Still, heavily recommend if you're a 40k fan. Does a great job conveying the feel of the universe, without being grimderp.

                                                                    Other than that the closest I can come to an "action-adventure" game is...Zelda on an emulator. This thread has made me realize that basically everything I play is some sort of top-down strategy game.


                                                                      Mark of the Ninja and Dust: An Elysian Tale are some very good action-RPG sidescrollers. :)


                                                                        Oh my god, this thread with 2.5 titles in it makes my head hurt.
                                                                        Street Fighter is trash. Juri is goddess, though. And, no, it has no storyline.

                                                                        Dark Souls is ez game. Too much schoolboys are allowed to play games nowadays.

                                                                        Stalker is bullshit. I waited for this game only to get some retarded FPS with ton of trash lying everywhere.
                                                                        They could make it so much better, given they had such a great source.

                                                                        Half-Life 2 is boring.

                                                                        Morrowind is retarded. OK, I'm really bad with vague directions, but I can get over it. But its fucking skill system! "Oh, your claymore is broken! You are wielding Axe of fucking Death now! You just got raped by Justin Bieber, 'cause you're apparently too retarded to not miss at least one hit". Sorry, when I play Elder Scrolls game, I'm in full munchkin mode and can't tolerate this shit. Skyrim is worse though...

                                                                        By the way, if you boys are so wet for Mass Effect and Dragon Age, you should try the original game which was cloned by Bioware over and over again.
                                                                        Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic is awesome. I don't like KOTOR II though.

                                                                        Also first Neverwinter Nights is great. Original company is boring, but add-ons bring up the awesome story. Again, NwN II is a trash.

                                                                        Among story games, where you run, jump and do all that stupid stuff, "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" is good. Again, I don't like the second game in series, but I like the third and the first is simply awesome. I don't even want to try that fourth game that come up few years ago, though.

                                                                        Among 3rd person beat'em'ups (also called Slashers in Russia) the very best is Devil May Cry series. 1st, 3rd and 4th games to be precise. I love this game. Hell, DMC is my favorite game among them all! Best order to play games is 3rd->1st->4th.
                                                                        Great story, not too deep, but beautiful and touching. Godlike cinematics. I didn't saw any game, that bested DMC in terms of cut-scenes' epicness (Metal Gear Rising came up close, but shitty dialogues ruined everything). And combat system is simply the best.
                                                                        Metal Gear Rising is good, especially because it manages to be good without copying stuff from GoW and DMC.
                                                                        Darksiders is also not bad.

                                                                        Among 2D beat'em'ups, my favorite is Ragnarok Battle Offline. If you manage to get it at least on English - try it with your friends.

                                                                        Among fighting games, I love Guilty Gear. Yep, I started playing it 'cause it's "anime fighting", but fuck me, if it isn't the best fighting game ever. Xrd is awesome, but I can't get my hands used to arcade stick.

                                                                        Among Diablo-clones, the best is Diablo. Hmm, I mean, "Median XL" mode for Diablo II.

                                                                        And, the hell, if you want to play a game with a great story, try Fate/Stay Night.

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                          Tomb Raider was awesome.

                                                                          Saints Row 3 is fun and for the lols. I didn't like Saints Row 4 though.
                                                                          The Walking Dead Telltale Game is very great too. Both Seasons, DLC is okay-ish if you're into that stuff.
                                                                          The Batman Arkham Games and Sleeping Dogs are alright too.

                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                            so i was right, this community doesn't play much besides doto.

                                                                            Morrowind is retarded? Nothing more to say, faith in humanity lost.

                                                                            @OP All the Assassin's creed games
                                                                            Batman arkham games(although i recommend you to try only AA and AC the rest are pretty much the same)

                                                                            Castlevan is reeealy trash. I played both games and it is not worth the price. The story is reaaly cheesy(warcraft 3-esque). While the second game is ok (i would rate it like 7 out of 10) the first one is a failure(IMO) because the camera has fixed angles, the keyboard doesn't work(it has a bug and you are literally forced to play with a gamepad), because of the fixed angle most of the time you don't see enemies and you get shot in the back. You have to climb giants (shadow of the colossus anyone?), which are annoying to deal with because

                                                                            A. At the start of the game you don't have full hp, you only have like half hp.
                                                                            B. A giant attack takes like a quarter of your hp pool

                                                                            Regarding the second game, yeah they solved the camera issues, but there are still many problems. The story is bland, typical dracula apocalyptic shit. The game oscilates from the future world and the medieval world of dracula.
                                                                            The stealth sections are bollocks, but at least there are few of them. Overall the game is LIKE GOD OF WAR but... it has that feel that you saw that shit before.
                                                                            It is better than the first but then again you will almost be forced to play with a gamepad cause the controls displayed are for the xbox controller.

                                                                            If you want a diablo-esque experience you can go for torchlight 2. They say it's even better than diablo 3. It has tons of loot, quests, and stupidly hard bosses.

                                                                            What the hell though? You want story? Go for Bioshock. That game is freaking gold. Especially the third one. Man the third one fucks your mind so much it's unreal. But don't resort yourself to it. Play all of em, the story is great(especially if you enjoy dark dystopias).

                                                                            I am surprised no one mentioned Dishonored. That game is great. It's like thief(stealth, sabotage, traps, and even superpowers) just that you can play it however you want. You wanna be a badass killer that takes a group of ppl alone? Cool you can do that. You wanna be a stealthy assassing that uses deceiving and traps? You can also do that. But every decision matters a lot in this game. The story is a little meh because they don't give you much of a background unless you read the ingame books, and also the games leaves you with questions(maybe for a sequel?????)

                                                                            Fallout new vegas. I didn't quite like Fallout 3, but man New Vegas, it has A PERFECT atmosphere. You know that 50's post apocalyptical feel, with Frank Sinatra playing behind you, while you shoot monsters in the post nuclear Nevada. OOOh and what until you see The New Vegas, with diferent clans casinos and whatnot.

                                                                            L.A. Noire. If you're into Sherlock Holmes but you want the setting of a 50's noire film grats. Try LA noire. Investigations, cop chases, csi new york action, questions after questions. Definetly worth trying.

                                                                            Portal 1&2. Action puzzles, sarcasm and a mad robot that wants to kill you. I am not surprised that it received GOTY because it deserves it.

                                                                            Freaking skyrim. What do you want more? you can do almost anything in this game. Want a house? sure. Wanna be a badass fighter with illusions heavy axes keen magic and huge rogue crits? sure you can. Wanna fight dragons? Oh hell you can. Craft your own gear, explore dungeons, become the head of the guild of thieves, and don't get me started on mods.

                                                                            There are many many many more games to try but steam, gamefaqs, and gamespot are your friends.

                                                                            EDIT: i forgot The witcher series.

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                              >says DotaBuff community doesn't play many games.
                                                                              >only names popular titles which everyone knows.


                                                                              I never said, Morrowind is a bad game. I only said it's retarded. And even started why.
                                                                              And Skyrim is so-so. Too much copy-paste and greed has ruined the game.

                                                                              By the way, Ubisoft had a great 1st person action fantasy game with a great story back then - Dark Messiah of Might & Magic. Despite me being quite skeptical about M&M part, game is great. Arcane Studios make great 1st Person games. Including this, Dishonored and especially Arx Fatalis.

                                                                              Original M&M series is great. And I love M&M VII - it's beyond being awesome. There's no RPG in last ten years that can come anywhere close to M&M VII greatness. But I don't think you, Crysis boys, will be able to stand the graphics.

                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                Story-based, action games?

                                                                                Play mass effect 1, mass effect 2 and masseffect 3 , it has some SERIOUS story and action.

                                                                                Some people in this thread suggest skyrim and dark souls, although they are decent games, the STORY aspect is a bit lacking. Until then you got to try mass effect, quite similar to tomber raider in the shooting aspect lol.


                                                                                  if u wanna story, mass effect is the shit, assassins creed was entertaining enough, and 1 game i really enjoyed is the walking dead.


                                                                                    I actually enjoyed DmC (the new Devil May Cry title).
                                                                                    Metal Gear Rising: Reveangeance also looks quite interesting, but I didn't get to play that yet.

                                                                                    Both games have a stronger focus on the action than on the story, though.

                                                                                    As others have mentioned, the Mass Effect series is always worth a recommendation. Only downside: If you want a lot of action in your gameplay, the first title of the series might disappoint... it also has some bothersome elements like an awful inventory management.


                                                                                      ^ I enjoyed DmC also, good game imo.

                                                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                                                        Metal Gear Rising: Reveangeance is good indeed but the story is kinda meh.

                                                                                        i only named popular titles because i don't know how much of a gamer OP is. So if he is a newbie regarding single player games usually popular titles will do.

                                                                                        I don't think that you can get a non gamer into gaming by showing him titles like starcraft. And those games that i mentioned there, were actually good. If you personally don't like them that's another story.

                                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                          God why suddenly this thread is similar to those biased anime discussion wtf.. :facepalm:


                                                                                            @Epsik: I would describe Dark Messiah as more of a guilty pleasure. There's just so much about that game that's *bad*. The storyline is borderline retarded, the plot twist isn't a plot twist, and all four of the endings are literally just palette swaps. Still, cool stuff in the magical interactions department. I won't deny having spent hours setting up the perfect oil-and-flaming-barrel-staircase, saving and reloading to get it juuuuust right. Also, M&M VIII was the cocaine of my youth. Played it last week - holy shit the graphics are awful now - but it was still fun. (And if you're a munchkin I'm surprised all the quirky brokenness of Morrowind didn't appeal to you. The spell customization system...)

                                                                                            @OP: Dark Souls' difficulty is exactly as hard as you make it. If you load up the game and refuse to allow yourself any outside information (wikis, strategy guides, let's plays, shamanic rituals), then it's hard as fuck. If you go to the wiki and look up all the information for optimal builds, game routes, farming, and boss fights, the game's pretty easy...but you also removed the entire point of the game design, which is to give you that feeling of reward and accomplishment when you figure shit out on your own. Which is also the approach to story - there's a lot of worldbuilding depth there, but you have to go looking for it in item descriptions and hidden corners. I went to YouTube for lore vids after my first playthrough just to figure out what I'd failed to put together. Haven't played the second one at all; I have a PS3 copy and I've been having...issues with my PS3.

                                                                                            I'll also second that rec for Dishonored, which I'd completely forgotten about even though it's had a lot of influence on my pencil-and-paper RPGs.

                                                                                            Final rec before I head to bed...Deus Ex: Human Evolution. It's $9.99 on Steam right now, has beautiful graphics, a well-thought-out storyline (if a little predictable), RPG-style stat unlocks/progression, and fun gameplay. You get all these choices and moral options and stuff about how to go about your mission - for instance, it's possible to play through the game without killing an enemy. exception, which is my only major complaint: there are four bosses in the game that you cannot avoid fighting head-on and cannot avoid killing. Didn't enjoy those fights, but other than that it was a ton of fun. Especially if you're into the cyberpunk feel. (Can't comment on the original Deus Ex; I haven't played it.)


                                                                                              DmC is decent, but nothing more. I enjoyed MG Rising much more, despite DmC having the actual DMC combat system which I love.
                                                                                              Devil May Cry 3, on the other hand, is a masterpiece.

                                                                                              It's not about me liking or not liking these games. It's about the actual recommendation.
                                                                                              It's like when they ask you "I want to play really good FPS game" and you answering "Play Black Ops 2, it is great!" disregarding the fact it is one of the many copies of the same game. At the same moment you could actually recommend the very first Call of Duty, which was great, but nope - you didn't.
                                                                                              You are suggesting Skyrim (which is most likely already known), but don't say anything about Oblivion, which is clearly superior.
                                                                                              Suggesting Fallout 3 without mentioning first two games is wrong on too many levels.
                                                                                              And this could go on for a long.

                                                                                              @Hardcore Heathen
                                                                                              Haha, I know. I don't usually ask for a deep story in a game, as long at it's a little bit interesting - I will eat it, without much criticism. But, boy, gameplay in Dark Messiah is awesome.
                                                                                              About Morrowind - it's just sad. I do really find it appealing, but twice I had approached it - twice this game made me sick. First time it was like a regular player - trying to play the game, learn story, do stuff. Problem is, in EVERY ES game the main story sucks. Side quests are brilliant, but not the main story. Also, "you can only fireball" combat magic didn't appealed to me, after playing Gothic. And goddamn misses - I hate them.
                                                                                              Second time I approached it as a munchkin and discovered, that grinding skills in Morrowind also sucks. Yeah, you can achieve great results, but it's the same as leveling Diablo II character to the 99 level: unnecessary and BORING.
                                                                                              Oblivion is even more retarded, but it's fun to do stuff in Oblivion.

                                                                                              I didn't really like M&M VIII. At first I was like "Oh yeah, finally able to play only one character!", but then I found out it really lacks a lot comparing to the VII. Man... Your own castle, giant dungeons, even more giant lands, cities, war, secrets, tombs, heaven, hell, oh my god.

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                                                well i assumed that he already played the previous titles. Altought you're not wrong either. It's a matter of perspective.


                                                                                                  if u play metal gear for story line then 1 2 3 games (4 too but for console) is worth it

                                                                                                  but revengeance is pure hack n slash with mediocore storyline


                                                                                                    Farcry 3 - first person but awesome IMHO

                                                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                                                      i can recommend mgs too

                                                                                                      if you like guns, story and sci-fi, its 10/10, play 1 > 2 > 3 >4 > peace walker and not the other way around (you'll know what i mean when u read about it)


                                                                                                        holy fuck tomb raider still exist?