General Discussion

General DiscussionJust your usual 2800 mmr whining :)

Just your usual 2800 mmr whining :) in General Discussion

    Guys, i am desperate. I play dota since like patch 4.something back in the day and i consider myself pretty average, but still above your casual dota player. I have a pretty good skillset and can play well almost every hero in the game (no meepz LUL). Now, since i started ranked MM not very long ago i was pretty interested where i would land, cause i wanted to experience a higher level of dota and/or more competitiveness.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we are 2800 MMR hello. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a laaandslide, no escape from reality.... Man, it's frustrating. In order to progress should one get a win streak? Cause from my point of view, this s**t seams impossible. For real. Couple of things i already tried. Calling mid to win and dominate - check ---> progress to losing cause overfeed. OKAY we move on, i wont take mid, i will support with FRIGGIN OMNI so nobody dies -----> proceed to heal everyone -----> 12 deaths mortred 12 deaths legi GG EZ GAME EZ LIFE. The omni support idea came after watching and maaan i laughed and thought this will work but really the people i play with make it a herculean task.

    So, you get the point, i just want someone from a higher skill lvl like 4k or higher to check my profile, give an advice or share some thoughts. I would like helpful advise, not your usual "u n00b g3t rek7 plebs" cause the other threads seem full of this type of s**t. Once again, i don't claim i am godlike or something, i just want your thoughts if i srsly belong in this tier and if not how could i escape it.

    Welt aus Eis

      ok i'm 5k and i'll tell you the best way of raising mmr (SECRET) (NO ONE HAS EVER THOUGHT OF THIS)

      just actually play the game until you get better



        Ok i expected the troll answers. Do you even consider this constructive? I already know practice makes perfect and i don't ask for A SECRET TIP which will lead me to 6k in 1 game.

        Quick maffs

          You are bad at invoker

          You see i think i am pretty decent at weaver, but i have 38 % winrate with him, do you know what does that mean ? that i am AWFUL with weaver.

          Welt aus Eis

            just read the OP and find out the reason behind the troll answer... you're basically whining "my teammates die too much"
            the obvious answer is if you're in such a trench you should be able to kill every enemy hero since they are equally terrible and just snowball out of control every game
            so my 'troll answer' is just the only real answer, which is 'get better' because if you can't move up then you shouldn't move up

            Welt aus Eis

              also stop picking omni, he's situational as fuck. pick consistent heroes that will work on every game.


                Yep, i know that, i played him a lot but finally i gave up because i suck with him :D


                  "pick consistent heroes that will work on every game." can you explain this? i don't get your point


                    Terrorblade mmm delicious

                    road 5k

                      watch streams and replays.
                      practice one hero until you reach 5k.

                      what i usually do is everyday wake up, watch replays. play only one hero or two hero each week untill you get better.
                      pardon my english is shit.

                      then next week change the hero, or you think you still suck. practice for few more weeks.
                      all those people in 6k can play one hero exceptionally well, thats why they are there. but for other heroes they are still way above average.
                      take for example dragonfist or EE


                        But that's the thing, let's say i wanna play 1 hero mid. But in order to play him, i need mid to be free. How can u practice one hero or two when they take the position you want?

                        2nd: I don't mind playing support. But when i play it even when i do everything properly (warding and smoke ganks, pulling and stacking) it still seems that my actions are irrelevant.

                        The problem is that games are always so onesided - it's a stomp and what matters is which side has the retarded feeders. Don't know, correct me if i am wrong


                          That Invoker dude, it costed you a lot of mmr.

                          Other than that dude, I am sorry, but if you can't easily get out of 2800 mmr you are doing something wrong.


                            start of by playing all heroes 10 times then youll learn the basics of the game.


                              have a few heroes you're consistently good in for each role.

                              or don't even bother with mid if it's gonna be taken. go offlane as it's also a solo lane, but you're likely up against 2-3 heroes, so if you win your lane, that's potentially more impactful than mid if you can wreck 3 heroes as opposed to 1.

                              btw each team has retarded feeders. it's up to the smart players to feed on them. you don't while someone else on the enemy team is smart enough, so that's why you lose.

                              plus your tinker builds are awful. you rarely have any farm in them because you go QW, but you don't get any kills when you do go QW, making the build useless in your hands. and if your only int item is a dagon, don't level your ultimate to rank 3, because you'll barely have enough mana to use all your spells twice, if that.

                              if you only have a dagon you shouldn't upgrade it, you should get other items to increase your int / mana pool, or get e-blade with your dagon as it'll do more damage than an upgraded dagon alone, as well as provide you with more stats.


                                dota is a onesided game, even in the pro scene, if you expect to get closer games as you are getting higher mmr, i recommend you to uninstall the game because that will never happen


                                  there are heroes in each role that can have good impact and aren't very situational

                                  carry: void, WK, weaver, slark, razor
                                  support: skywrath, witch doctor, sand king, mirana
                                  mid: TA, storm, viper
                                  off: tidehunter, bristleback

                                  you can literally instalock those heroes every game and you'll perform decently independant of the rest of your team's lineup.

                                  if your problem is someone picking mid when you want to go there, pick versatile heroes that can go anywhere, a good example of this is mirana, you can go carry, you can go mid, you can go offlane, you can go support.


                                    if you want to master tinker, first learn how to farm.


                                    Tinker can farm fast as fuck because he can clear 3 camps at the same time, tp base, clear a whole lane + 2 camps, go back to base, farm ancients and still be present in fights.

                                    Learn those patterns in the site I linked, you can get up to 250-300 LH by 30 mins, which at the 2.8k bracket is insane and you'll rarely lose a game if you are that farmed.

                                    there is no mistery, stack whenever possible, abuse those patterns, profit

                                    max your marchs for maximum efficience.
                                    you may consider build an ethereal blade instead of dagon 5 cause it does more dmg. also, a bloodstone is very good on tinker, it makes you more tanky and increases the times you can rearm in battle, very handy

                                    and practice.. practice those patterns in bot games, try to get atleast 200 last hits by 30 min with atleast 10 kills (which means you won't be afk farming and leaving your team in disadvantage)

                                    Welt aus Eis

                                      weaver isn't a good overall first pick in pubs, if enemies have half a brain they will pick silences and heroes like shaker to fuck your life

                                      the most consistent i can think of are tinker invoker storm sky mirana void ember riki morphling kunkka clockwerk TA timber

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        at 2.8k people dont have half a brain

                                        Welt aus Eis

                                          yea good point


                                            Okay guys that's the kind of answers that will help me improve.

                                            1st of all - i forget about the invoker

                                            "your tinker builds are awful. you rarely have any farm in them because you go QW, but you don't get any kills when you do go QW, making the build useless in your hands" - allow me to disagree. The reason i go Q W is because i suck at farming, i agree, but almost every game i play i get FB or some early kills with it. It's rather easy cause i almost always dominate mid.

                                            So ---> 2nd of all - i must improve my tinker farming, especially jungle camps etc

                                            carry: void, WK, weaver, slark, razor
                                            support: skywrath, witch doctor, sand king, mirana
                                            mid: TA, storm, viper
                                            off: tidehunter, bristleback ---> good list, i will probably spam these few heroes for the next few games;

                                            Please, continue with the constructive feedback :)


                                              or just dont play tinker at all since you don't get more mmr for playing harder heroes

                                              i call bs on dominating mid, and even if you think getting a kill is 'dominating', you're still better off going march instead, it'll give you way more kills and xp than kills will in the early game if you do it right. you're probably just deluded. after all you're stuck at 2k and if you were actually competent that wouldn't be the case.


                                                Yep you are probably right, i am not super competent, but i think i don't belong in under 3k. I will use more the march from now on, that's sure


                                                  seriously just learn those patterns ive shown


                                                    Play heroes you are less bad at playing. Play only your best few heroes every game. Then you will win more. Then you will be able to have some moderate improvement because you will not forget so much of what you learned. If you play lots of heroes, you will forget details and never improve. Just take your best heroes, and play them until you know exactly what to do with them in every circumstance without even having to think about it. Then you will know them well enough to rise in MMR and learn how all that stuff you learned doesn't work after your MMR goes up 1000 points and people are better. Then you can relearn.

                                                    Courtesy of DotaBuff+, your "success rate" combines your experience, skill, and win/loss record to get a % number.

                                                    Your DotaBuff+ successes with Tinker is 0.00%, Invoker is 0.00%. These are some of your very worst heroes.

                                                    Instead play Puck for a mid hero, your best hero according to DotaBuff+, success is 51.77%
                                                    Play Brewmaster for an initiator, your 2nd best at 41.55%
                                                    Play Faceless Void for a carry, your best carry hero at 35.34% success.

                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                      RELENTLESS :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

                                                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                          Learn and play Terrorblade. The end result scores are satisfying.


                                                            what does success rate show as opposed to winrate, i don't really get it.

                                                            if he has 0% success with invoker and tinker which both have 30% winrates, does that mean that even in the 30% of games he wins, he's still a non-factor?

                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                              andro can u examine these replays and let me know how to win when i get account buyers 821009182 821082686

                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                the account buyer in the first one is dp and the other one is mirana

                                                                what could i have done to win these two matches


                                                                  how the hells hould i know. i dont play mid. my mid hero pool is only tinker and i dont even play him that well.

                                                                  im not even good at the game, why do you think i only help 2k retards.


                                                                    no idea what success shows my tb success is so low

                                                                    hey relentless remember your theory crafting about swm? great pick up in ti4 :D

                                                                    True Survivor

                                                                      If you want to climb, abuse the best hero you can play. For you, that looks like Puck.


                                                                        know y u lose even because u go mid? because u are pick tinker

                                                                        tinker is shit hero for noob ugly dogs

                                                                        if u pick invoker u mmr = 7k

                                                                        Toyota Corolla

                                                                          MID OR FEED YOU ALL FUCKERS
                                                                          Do you intentionally lose games on IO and pugna so you can get wins on invoker?


                                                                            i had the same prob too but it happened when i was aroun 40 to 50 levels in my main account which is i got a 2900 mmr which made me play with nonbrain guys i got really fucked up so it's ok and i countinued training till i got lvl 102 my TA is very good my mirana too so it's ok u know what ??? i have got 2500 mmr by the time from 2.9 to 2.5 omg -.-'' every game i get some selfish guys or someone who picks carry and tell i will go farm lane please pick support omg dat really annoy me too much but i have made smth i made a new account i said to myself u should really play and try to see if u r really good or bad so i decided to go a for a new account and playing it at first it was ez games but 5 lvls and .................... lvl 50 to 150 brackets and high - normal skill matched try hard even the r blockin my camp when i go farm tinker + smoker ganks + 2 supports and more and more 1st lvl roshan an so shit so i knew smth that my advice for u is really focus on the heroes u want and test urself even if u want to play invoker and ur winrate is not good go for him and train to much and watch a gameplays for him and train train but u must really see that hero is a badass for u so u can not get bored from him and i think even if u have breainless guys u will atleast do an awesome impact in this game and this really works ^^

                                                                            Miku Plays

                                                                              I got calibrated in 2.6k mmr. maybe i can give you some advice but apparently its already given by relenntless :> just play who youre good at, it doesnt matter if you go mid,safelane or offlane.


                                                                                to unskilled

                                                                                no i pick io n pugna bcuz i no get mid , my name is mid or feed n i dun care


                                                                                  just hit the random button every game, and you'll eventually learn enough skills to break out of scrub tier. Playing mid every game, is okay if you're actually good at mid, if not just try other roles bro - not everyone is dendi

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    Tinker shitty hero



                                                                                      " I have a pretty good skillset and can play well almost every hero in the game "

                                                                                      I don't see a problem then,
                                                                                      oh wait...

                                                                                      puni puni butt UWU

                                                                               i have 2.7k and i cannot win with a team full of south americans and pinoys. you cant escape.

                                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                        harvard graduate

                                                                                          Pick Riki I guess?

                                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                                            @lol omni situational pick in 2,8k mmr rolf anyhero there works. My friend (4500) took my other friends account for a game(2,6k) and carried on a daedalus/MoM/AC nyx

                                                                                            OP if you want to get out of the trench you have to embrace it as sleave poited out aka pick potato heros WK,NyX, Sven (straightforward stun and kill. Untill about 3,5k people rarely but detection so riki,nyx weaver, clinkz are great. Focus on farming instead of ganking 1kill=5cs so ALWAYS farm goes before unless u have a clear plan that usually should end with pushing the tower and going back to farm

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              Stop playing tinker and invoker holy shit, you are spamming those guys and have < 30% on them. Overall this month you won 56% of ranked matches which isn't terrible. Just try to win 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5, that's about the best you can hope for.

                                                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                                                guys relentless is back and no one is talking about it? wtf

                                                                                                Random nickname
                                                                                                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                                    i start from 2.9k mmr (calibrated few weeks ago)...and now im 3.1k and climbing..

                                                                                                    The reason, im playing my best hero everytime...undying and witch doctor..

                                                                                                    you should do the same...

                                                                                                    and also, i played support everytime...

                                                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                                                      realize thtat you suck. Otherwise enjoy ur stay @ 2k mmr.


                                                                                                        "btw each team has retarded feeders. it's up to the smart players to feed on them. you don't while someone else on the enemy team is smart enough, so that's why you lose."

                                                                                                        How does this apply to support at lower levels, assuming I am not the one feeding?

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!