General Discussion

General DiscussionHIgher gpm

HIgher gpm in General Discussion
MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

    I have come to the realization that i think describes many people in my situation. I KNOW what I am supposed to build, and generally what to do depending on the situation in the game, but its a matter of actually executing it. That is why is is really easy to say that antimage is the reason the team lost because he bought pms vanguard maelstrom, etc.

    However, just because I knew that he should have build a battle fury, and knew what to build on my hero, doesn't mean I made any more of a difference to winning the game than the shield stacking am. In light of this, I want to try and maximize my gpm.

    I think I am okay at last hitting in lane, but my weakness is in efffective midgame farm. I always stack for myself when I can, but what other things can I do to accelerate farm?


      Boots of travel is best for farming.


        You both have supper shitty gpm - work on your decision making / efficiency. <500GPM with a Midas and an even KDA as a mid hero is very very very low.

        Edited cause I hadn't read the last sentence of the thread: (i) maximise downtime: don't stand around doing nothing, look for farm at any minute where you're not fighting. (ii) Carry a tp so that if a fight breaks out you're not stuck miles away from your team (will give you peace of mind to farm more). (iii) Watch minimap every 5 sec minimum when you're farming (especailly alone) - if you die, it nullifies your farm.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          farm lane creeps whenever possible before moving to jungle. can't miss last hits on jungle creeps

          if you have an hero with an aoe spell then farm camps when they're triple or quadruple stacked to save mana and time. taking double stacks and missing a creep wave isn't worth it unless you're tinker marching 3 camps at once or something.

          if you have aoe attacks that do different amounts of damage (e.g. battle fury or maelstrom), when clearing multiple creeps, optimise your damage so that you kill the wave / camp in the least amount of hits possible.

          keep quelling blade for as long as possible - since it's a percentage item then it scales well even later into the game, and will greatly increase your farm not only by increasing damage but by making your movement between creeps more efficient

          if split pushing and teleporting out, don't always teleport back to base. t2 mids on either side are close to your jungle, and your base, you can farm them with little risk even if not full HP


            ^ what he said

            efficiency in general. most games i look at people play, they are not efficient with their spells, cooldowns and movements. did you just tp out from base? feel free to spend mana on any spell that can potentially get you mana. walking back to base? do you have enough hp/damage to clear a camp? if yes, do it.

            remember to stack. know which camps can be double stacked, and under what conditions. Dire's Large+Medium camp can be double stacked by any hero with an AoE nuke be it Shockwave, carrion swarm or dragon slave. Build efficient items. From my experience Midas is generally a bad item except on a few heroes, such as OD when ahead, Invoker/Morphling and sometimes safe lane Void/Tiny. On most other heroes getting small items often let you farm faster by virtue of stats/more mana to use spells and actually make you more useful in engages.

            yada yada alot of the things i say are very hard to visualize, so try watching player's movements if you see that they have a particularly high gpm that game


              ^ you can stack dire hard + medium camp with any ranged hero or any melee hero with boots as long as u eat a tree. harder if u get trolls/ satyrs i think

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                you cannot pull upwards fast enough for ranged creeps, and even with centuar/hellbear its risky if the medium camp has satyrs

                would not recommend as you may end up not stacking both camps, too risky i feel


                  by normal skill i assume you are something like 2500-3100 MMR right?
                  well, if you want to increase your farming efficiency try to pick heroes with aoe farming capability. try heroes that have splash/aoe dmg in his skillset, so you don't have to buy an item to farm (like bfury). morphling, TA, slark, tiny, tinker, jugg (bladefury and really nice BAT), void (ok he doesnt have aoe dmg but maelstromm/mjollnir are items that will increase his fighting potential so you will end up building it anyways), etc

                  if the opposite team do not have a bloodseeker, than its ok to farm some camps before going to the base, because 99% chance people won't be at your jungle. also, if you are jungling, you gotta have in mind what you'll do next. for example, you are radiant and the creeps on the bottom lane are very close to your tower (easy and safe farm for you), but instead you go farm ancients and only after that you move to bottom.. thats inneficient, you lost a lot of time.. if you intend to farm bottom lane, than go to the big camp and move from there, stuff like that

                  it looks like it won't make a difference but it will. you can also watch zenoth replays of TB and learn from there, matrice is a good source to learn aswell. it looks easy to do but its hard to reproduce, i never could farm not even close as fast as they can, even in bot matches

                  early game farm is the most important imo, and there will be times that two creeps are dying and you supposedly can't kill both, if possible use a spell to kill them both, like you right click one and laser the other one as a tinker, or wave into them as morphling, etc.

                  you can always do the 10 min free farming trick, you can add some difficult to it though
                  you can try to maintain creep equilibrium, like, for 10 minutes you set a point where both lanes have to reach, without pushing it for any sides.. it looks easier but it gets a lil tricky when the siege units come up

                  here is a chaq's guide explaining how to do so
                  you can also practice last hitting in a contested lane, just open your console and type: dota_tutorial_start lasthit

                  pick the hero you want, buy your stuff and a bot will come to your lane to harass and contest your farm. he will be very aggressive so you can lane decently against him (like 45~50+ last hits in 10 mins) you probably won't have any trouble until you get at 4ks (and me myself find the laning there easier than it is on 2ks dont ask me why)

                  thats it bro, practice, practice and practice.. with only efficient farming and some game knowledge i assume you can climb to 3.5-4k easily

                  MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                    thank you for all the help guys! I am 2.7k, hpoing to at least reach 3k soon. Just played a game as lycan, i think my farm was pretty efficient at least for the first 30 minutes. I was getting around 7/minute until we started fighting a lot


                      7/min is pretty good
                      did you sell vladmir or u didnt even build it? if you intend to push (which i assume was not the case because you didnt have necros too), vladmir brings more to the table than the lifesteal aura, it also gives a +5 armor aura for all your creeps, as well as dmg aura, thats huge

                      Quick maffs

                        Well, i have 1.5 years of dota and my last hit and lane mechanics are EXTREMELY bad, for some reason i get nervous when i am mid so i fail a lot of cs.

                        I think my farming outside of the lane is actually ok-ish, and my fighting too, but man i do not know how to play early.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I think the main thing is to always be doing something. If you are not actively pushing a tower or engaged in a team fight you should be farming. Tps are very important. Tp is 135g. To tp from a pushed out lane to your bottom that just hit the tower is well worth the cost of the tp. To tp from base to a tower by creeps is well worth the cost. You shouldn't be running anywhere without creeps along the way. running to mid through jungle? Kill all the neutrals on the way.

                          Other thing is don't wander aimlessly. Know when an engagement should go down and make it happen or leave. Too many carries will see a potential storm brewing mid, tp there, yet it turns into a standoff as neither team wants to init under opposing tower and other team just keeps backing. If you're a carry you shouldn't have tp'd there in the first place, but if you did don't be afraid to go F this and back to farming another lane. don't worry about your teammates bitching if you're priority should be farming and you're doing what you know is right for your hero.

                          Final thing is don't die. Dying costs so much gold and potential gold as you waste time resurrecting. Be away of your surroundings so you aren't too far out getting picked off.

                          MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                            @sleave I did initially build it, but sold for satanic later. I didn't go for necros because I was playing as our 1, we didn't have any other carry for damage.