General Discussion

General Discussionsteam "x" game failed to start (unknown error)

steam "x" game failed to start (unknown error) in General Discussion

    is there any brilliant mind like me who wants to find the solution to this problem?

    a lot of ppl have this problem and the solutions found on the net are (deleting steam folders or opening steam in admin mode) but it doesnt work for the majority.

    the funny thing ive discovered is that if you open the steam game from windows directory it works.
    also if u reinstall steam it will work (for some time) then it goes back to the error.

    i cant figure out what im missing here.
    i know steam is the problem but idk which file

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      i wish i could help u my nigga, but i can't :DDD, i hope you find a solution.


        ok i found it, it was c++ pb lolilol.