General Discussion

General DiscussionI can't believe we Won!

I can't believe we Won! in General Discussion

    Afk jungler and Morph, managed to team wipe and take all rax. Lycan didn't even rat.
    Didn't give me the aegis, twice :(. Howl + Meep makes takes towers so quickly. Spent most of the game tping around the map defending, While lycan and morph farmed the jungle and argued over who got the camps

    Morph and wd fed and abandoned, things looked bleak early game.
    But we roamed together got some pick offs, pudge left when we picked him off 3 times. Then I got triple kill and Wind abandoned.
    Then we just steam rolled and won the game. I could 2 shot PA at the end.

    Sven is one of the best carries in the game.

    These are the games that I love about Dota; team work, good atitudes, people playing to win but also being good sports.

    Hex Sigma

      lol @ first game, lycan and morph were afk farming and they still got a shitty cs(200 in 50 mins)


        I my cs was pretty bad as well, there where times when Lycan could have pushed towers easily but instead farmed the damn jungle.
        He wasn't very good, he couldn't micro his wolves so he jungled really slowly early game.

        Also most of mid game was spent with blood, morph and Lycan in the jungle. I hate when people jungle when there are open lanes!

        I also thought it strange that morph never put points too his ult!

        Hex Sigma

          lol 5k TD


            They don't look like easy game too me!

            This game drove me nuts, lina would ult me and Necro would ult me. Dead me!

            Quick maffs

              HOLY SHIT


              How did dire lost ???? seriously how ???