General Discussion

General Discussion4.0-4.5k mmr cancer.

4.0-4.5k mmr cancer. in General Discussion

    Pls help me get out from this mmr bracket. its literally the worst part of the ladder. Everyone calling mid or farm role and feels he is dondo but still no clue about dota. Every player thinks he is a god since 4k+ mmr and making hobby about flaming eachother. but this is fuckin 4k!!!!!!! 4k still trash level for me and i really wanna improve. i wanna improve my own skills but it feels impossible.

    1; they want you to gank with exort invoker min4 when u got only midas recipe and comes the flame u dont gank but the enemy laners are already higher level than you cus team fed 5-6kills to them. i know just ignore them...
    2; last pick ursa,doom,naix or some shit to jungle carry (lc) after we have void-magnus-viper and solo support wisp. like solo supports is the way to win a game.
    3; literally everyone dondo. they cant fail. never misscick. never target the wrong guy but if u just miss 1 cs in 20min. u are trash
    4; if u play support and u got only brown boots + stick in 20min cus enemy got 56 invis heroes and u have to ward cus the 57. is pudge or mirana and u dont want to see your teamamtes to feed but team is flaming you cus as poor solo support i lost the game for everyone.
    5; i guess u all know and i dont wanna cry here i have seen lot of same topic but i had to write it down to calm a bit :) :) :)
    im not mad or angry..... its far away from me to rage. im worse. Im sad and so disappointed cus im trying sooo hard to improve to meet better, stronger opponents, teammates but it never gonna happen :(


      I coudnt read all the stuff but i did understood the basics. On my original account i managed to climb to 4400 from 4032 after calibration. Do you know what i did? Played my own game. For a while i waited for the last pick, mostly roamed around pressured mid or enemy farmer and never stopped to respond a flamer. Simply just mute those people. You'll be fine. When someone flames you right or wrong and when you stop to argue with them it drags your spirit down as well. Better to ignore and do your best. If you are good you will rise.

      King of Low Prio

        stop picking pudge and invoker


          midas on invoker and you still wonder... mby kill yourself


            yeah how can you build midas on invoker


              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              ICE SKULL

                isnt bogi in that mmr range


                  ^aren't you dodging bogi 1v1?


                    really need an option on this forum to "ignore ppl"

                    Sampson i play pudge only on "normal" games. when im tired of loosing points :D
                    and yea. i stopped picking invoker in solo q :)

                    King of Low Prio

                      if you really cared about going up in MM learn to play support and last pick if you have to


                        or first pick like me in almost every game and deal with the counterpicks like a man

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                        King of Low Prio

                          well yea I first pick and yell for mid, but I understand that it will fuck up my MM


                            > makes thread flaming people in his own bracket
                            > main complaint is how they flame each other


                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                              So 4-4.5 is exactly like 3.5-4 I got ya.


                                well Sampson. i have no problem with playing support. i like to play aba -wd- es- sk.

                                Benao. its not a problem to 1st pick and deal with the counterpicks :D for example if i 1st pick storm or puck dan team gonna pick qop-pudge and od :D

                                Hardcore: i say white u'll say black. i say football u'll say soccer.......


                                  spam one hero until you get good with him, this got !Attacker from 4.5 to ~7k. ez


                                    I agree, the second you cross into 4.0k it's like toxic city, every game has these running mic commentaries on how shitty the teammates are, people blame-game as soon as there's liek a 5-kill advantage, every game someone gives up and AFKs in fountain or AFK in woods, smoke to woods


                                      Last picking is 4 pussies: no dude. 1st i got 3.6k mmr. in 2 weeks i found myself on 4k+ and im jumping 4.0-4.4....


                                        i can win being counterpicked most of my games you cant deal with it 4k scrub


                                          Benao i never ever talked with you before. can u tell me whats your problem?


                                            you complaining about shitty 4k when you're the fucking reason

                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                              Want to know what awaits you when you fall back below 4k?


                                              Teams that pick all melee carries and suck and get out dpsed by their support.


                                                Lol goldman there's like 3 users on here with thousands of games played who jerk off to their MMR and flame everyone. E sports is a cutthroat lifestyle bro

                                                Edit and one dude with a bunch of slark smurfs also does it

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  I actually didnt even read what you said but i found this party :D

                                                  " they want you to gank with exort invoker min4 when u got only midas recipe " hahahahahaa


                                                    there is really nothing wrong with being 4-4.5k mmr.


                                                      Lol Concede talks like he actually knows how it is to be 4-4.5k mmr or how games there look like :D

                                                      Welt aus Eis

                                                        bogi is the one dodgin wave


                                                          i play on us west at around this MMR. my experience is very different from your though. People tend to used the icon at the start if they really want mid, but not a lot of people cry about mid. Player tend to rage more at core hero more then the support for different reason (farming and not sticking with the team, or getting caught out). Player from that range also usually don't flame the person playing mid if he don't gank also.


                                                            haha us west go kill yourself

                                                            Ion Kjell

                                                              stop playing Solo matches... :) Find a couple of friends and play as five having a good time. If that doesn't work, MUTE THE FLAMERS == better game. Above all, don't complain; you are in 4k+ mmr. Be more humble. :)
                                                              Allways play support. Pick some you "like" and stick to them. That way, you can stop looking for a place to put your fuck, since you don't really have one to give. :) It's not glamorous being a support. you are poor, you are going to get focused, but that is okay so long as you do everything in your power to protect your late game carry, and ward. Boots, TP and wards. If you have a good time == Force Staff. some games will suck. really suck. Others will be fun as hell! you get your roaming done and with the help of mid, shut down their mid! nice job! :)

                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                anything below 3.4k mmr is cancerous too!

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                  "Pls help me get out from this mmr bracket. its literally the worst part of the ladder. Everyone calling mid or farm role and feels he is dondo but still no clue about dota." i read this far looked at his top heroes then decided hes dillusional all in the space of 10 seconds :) cya

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!