General Discussion

General DiscussionAre you more vocal now compared before?

Are you more vocal now compared before? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Communicating via mic is 100% than typing things out, but it also backfires since frustrations are also more expressed. So how do you play the mic and typing thing?

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      Anyone says a single toxic thing, i mute them and disable help

      Bind "Relax, you're doing fine"

        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

          mic to communicate typing to flame

          Bad Intentions

            Raging via mic is 100% more satisfying tho :D


              idk. it feels way more toxic . whenever i hear ppl flame via voice chat its 100% insta mute and report

              King of Low Prio

                I have yet to see anyone use the in game mic effectively in a pub. 100 times out of 100 it is some obnoxious nerd who you can hear the lack of a social life in their voice.

                Dire Wolf

                  I use mic all the time. Call missing, say hey so n so is heading bottom, so n so just got a rune, tower getting pushed, blah blah. All short, straight to the point stuff that I don't have time to type out. However I will also ping and using Missing binds so you can probably figure it out even if you can't hear.

                  Calling initiations with mic is also a billion times easier. Say I'm a support in lane, I confirm carry can hear me then say ok Sven I'm going to init with earth spike then you stun when that wears off. Way easier than typing as opportunity might be lost. Or people might be backing from defending a tower, you can tell them you're going to tp in, stay and fight etc.

                  I don't flame over mic, I do congratulate and nice job, great work there, thanks for backup.


                    when people look receptive, I use the mic to report when someone is missing, to set up ganks and shit like that, but if people are just bitching yelling over the mic then i don't say a fuck all game

                    kanye went to uni

                      When I'm solo I try not to say anything outside of chat wheel. I think usually everyone knows what's going on and if they got you killed there's no point saying anything after the fact; they would probably know not to do that again.

                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                          I used to speak/type, nowadays I don't communicate at all unless necessary. Pings are enough and less stressful.
                          If you want to climb MMR, try to communicate less and focus more on your individual play. For example DragonFist (7.4k MMR) mutes his whole team at the start of every game.

                          > I'm not implying here communication is BAD, but for the long term, it stresses you way more than being quiet because you'll eventually end up arguing with idiots and you won't have as much focus on your hero and your gameplay as you would have by being quiet.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            complain wont help at all, I prefer to stay quiet and use pings to communicate, but when people start doing it and they are friendly, I go with it

                            but 90% of the time is a guy being extremely rude right from the start and usually thats the one guy who will suck the most


                              using both. sometimes laughing hard when others crack jokes via mic.

                              King of Low Prio

                                just learn to use the chat wheel, you might not notice it yourself but everyone on your team hates you when you use in game mic. If you had a bad game previously they hear it in your voice and it follows you into the next game. To the people who say 'I never rage over mic, that is not the point'. If you have a ascent, sound like a squeaky 5 year old etc. it all adds to the frustration.


                                  well i usually speak veeery in a very calm mode
                                  i dont keep talking though, i say things like "im ganking mid", "what about roshan?"

                                  like, crucial things


                                    And don't play a song called "Sexual Healing" in you mic when you are playing Juggernaut and you place the ward please.


                                      i dont use chat wheel because i have too many keys binded so the chat wheel key is like Y, very uncomfortable


                                        I get muted when I use my chat.
                                        It is a rarity to have a full team that can speak your language and not troll/feed if you say one thing to them.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                        King of Low Prio


                                          you can change the bind.....


                                            sampson, i know but i have things that i use more binded, so there is no way for me to bind it in a more comfortable way

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              1 2 3 4
                                              q w e r t
                                              a s d f g
                                              z x c v

                                              none of those keys?


                                                1234 i use to control groups
                                                QWEDFR - skills
                                                ALT Q, ALT W, E - items
                                                space - item
                                                mouse button 1 - item
                                                mouse button 2 - item
                                                A - attack
                                                S - stop
                                                C - show scoreboard (i use this a lot to check levels on core heroes and stuff like that)
                                                Z - Select all other units
                                                X - top rune
                                                V - bot rune


                                                  I speak in fights only, or when we are about to engage. Other than that i just ping or use the chat wheel


                                                    DotA actually improved my wpm

                                                    आप गे क्यों

                                                      if theres a teammate that can response via chat, the chances to win a game increase exponentially
                                                      setting up ganks are so much easier when u can time your disables b4 hand


                                                        never using and never listening to mic.

                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                          you have 4 control group blinds and you have never once played meepo, seems legit. Have you ever realized how much of a waste that is?


                                                            I used to use mic sheldomly but I sort of stopped. Also, mic users can easily get obnoxious. In my view, anything that can be expressed with chatwheel/alt-click should not be said via mic. Russian/flamming are obviously insta mutes because I know that nothing helpful will come from these users. When I used to talk in voice chat though, people from time to time, would be amused by my accent.


                                                              ` my chatwheel

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I probably sound exhausted over mic cus I play after working and putting my child to bed, but not like a squeaky mouse sampson. Mic is effective. And most of my games, if there are english speakers, they have mics too. It's the peruvians on US east who don't and they don't understand me anyway.


                                                                  I have to say i have never met a peruvian before. Are they that bad? Europeans flame russians while i have nothing against them so i learned ppl got this habbit of flaming them just so they can blame someone else for their own mistakes

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    Ignore it all you want but there is a reason why you see everyone in the 2-3k range using mic and the higher you go the less you start to see mic being used. I was playing with a really low MM friend (under 2k) and EVERYONE uses their mic. It is 100 times out of 100 a hindrance to your team when you start using mic over using the chat wheel. Use it if you want but plz dont promote people to use it saying it that it helps the team because it does not. The chat wheel was by far the best feature that was added to dota 2

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Tell you what, I'll use mic to challenge all my teammates to do the ice bucket challenge. Sound good?

                                                                      Peruvians aren't that bad as players but they don't communicate and flame a lot in broken english, spanish. Some of them yell at you in spanish the entire time despite it being quite obvious you don't understand.

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        it is almost like the chat wheel could fix that language barrier.......


                                                                          I like using mic, since i have pretty damn good one due to work in music production and usually people like my voice and advices (a lot of times people actually replaced me for Puppey lol, not cause of the nick obviously). But it depends of your voice, your attitude and other stuff. Sometimes i ista mute someone with annoying voice or shitty attitude. By talking AND typing, less is more. People will more likely listen to you if you talk and write less and when u do, it's better be something usefull and smart.


                                                                            @sampson on this account I do not play meepo, but there are others that i do, but i suck with the guy

                                                                            and i have experienced the opposite, the higher de rating, the more ppl use the mic
                                                                            on this 3k account here people rarely use it, they bitch over team chat.. but on the two 4.2k accounts people use mic left and right and yesterday i played on a 5k account and it was the same, ppl using it for everything

                                                                            and I think the higher the rating, more toxic it gets
                                                                            at 3k its rare to have a guy complaining from the first second til the last, but at 4k+ it seems normal.

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              link accounts


                                                                                Not using mic is 3k mmr. using mic is 4k and up imo. Its truly an amazing function, and can be so helpfull and full of use.

                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                  I dont use mic cause my english is awful but it can work very well, it really depends of your attitude AND your team attitude.

                                                                                  Btw Sampson waga does use mic from time to time


                                                                                    I use mic in pretty much every game. I only mute ppl who are toxic or talk nonstop in some language other than English.

                                                                                    If someone doesn't have mic and lets me know I'll call missing using the portrait click thing.

                                                                                    I almost always stack with friends, so most of my talking is via teamspeak, but I still try to make my calls using in game chat so the non-stack players are informed.


                                                                                      Dota brought my words per minute up to 130 (I'm 14)
                                                                                      I will use voice chat when teamfighting
                                                                                      Typing for when discussing what our strategy is so we can go back and look at it later


                                                                                        there's no need to use mic, chatwheel all u need and occasional typing


                                                                                          I have decided to sing down the mic when my team starts feeding. Last night: Kate Bush

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            It's probably more server specific. A lot of americans on US servers use mics.

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              in EU = NEVER


                                                                                                in south america 3k or low, MIC WHATS THAT BOYZ
                                                                                                from 4k+ its common, I just played 3 games on this account where ppl didnt say anything in mic


                                                                                                  I almost never use mic in-game (maybe if my lane partner talks a lot and we already did stuff well, why not), but usually talk on skype a lot if i feel comfortable with my party members. Id like randoms to talk more on mic/myself to talk more to randoms on mic but usually it doesnt happen.


                                                                                                    I only talk on mic if others in the game are using mic. I don't use it to flame that's for retards

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