General Discussion

General Discussionnew5k=old4k

new5k=old4k in General Discussion

    thats all. im fucking mad, my advice to all of you, dodge anything below 2nd page.
    good night.


      so i'm still honorary 4k trash?

      ty xan

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        does that mean 4500-4999 are now sub 4.5k lol...

        i'm pretty sure ur games are awful due to the mmr boosting/acct buying and not because legit 5k are game ruining/cancerous retards (though they sometimes act like that)

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Nvm I checked your recent losses and I only found one guy with < 49% win rate in ranked lol.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            Its not that, its people being absolutely oblivious to any advice from better players on their own team.
            Its like you are trying to trick them in hope of losing the game.

            Game understanding/sense is so fucking different its borderline painful to play, disregarding the performance completely.


              3k shitlords with dunning kruger either make smurfs and get overcalibrated or buy accounts and then reducing quality of 4k+ games

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