In the few times I have played Single Draft I get Fucktards who cant play the heroes they get and then feed non stop and flame.
play single draft, random draft and all random this will help you learn some basic shit like roles and spells and cooldowns.
this is for beginners ofcourse.
edit: OR if you want to have fun and feel like a retard.
i love single draft. but i dont play it that much since you cant swap and its not in ranked. they should definitely enable swap.
Single Draft is pointless with swap. Because it becomes a bad version of Random Draft.
Well, for me Random Draft, Single Draft and All Random are just for learning/have mindless fun/trying stuff, if you care about not feeding and well based flaming go ranked or all pick.
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Many people things at single draft is better game mode than all pick. I don't think so. In all pick, you can counter every hero, what enemies pick, but in single draft, you have only 3 heroes to pick. It's not only grieverence. Usually, when someone play single draft, and he gets Riki, Huskar, etc, he pick it but in all pick, he wouldn't pick it. (That sounds crazy, but hopefully you understand.)
Now you can tell your own opinion, i have no anything else to say.