General Discussion

General DiscussionTemplar Assassin builds

Templar Assassin builds in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I know there have been a few TA threads but I can't seem to find them now. What do you usually do, phase or treads? I only played her two games, went phase, drums. It seemed pretty good. I can see how blink would be good but I have seen a lot of players skipping it.

    My proposed build is phase, drums, yasha, desolator, bkb if needed, manta or s&y. I might be fast enough just with drums and yasha though and not need phase.

    Then where do you lane her, always mid? I was mid one game and safe another. Bottle seems like a must mid for rune control but I didn't really seem to need the regen. Maybe spam refraction more?


      Seems pretty pointless to not do the stuff the 6-7k mmr players do since they've obviously tested everything and found the most optimal builds. The build u mention is pretty much is the exact same build 7k mmr player dragonfist uses.

      Obviously every game is situational so you need to build accordingly but going outside what the best players have deemed as optimal seems pretty silly unless the game is a game for a blink, S&Y etc like if u need to outrum like doom or something with S&Y.

      Waga Mama 6k player talking about TA Dragonfist 7k mmr thoughts on TA

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        Treads probably better when you can just stand and fight people because you have lots of stuns and slows on your team, phase is better when you need reliable chase.
        Bottle is great on TA actually because you can bottle up while you have Refraction active or bottle and Meld quickly, and get regen during a fight.
        Blink on TA is much for the same reason, you can really benefit from Refraction and Meld to become a Puck-like escape artist.
        I feel like Desolator is core and anything else is going to be situational.

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            barber, im pretty sure the bottle charge is canceled if TA gets hit, even with refraction on


              ya it does, flask/bottle breaks from 20 unreduced dmg.


                only get phase if u know how to make use of them with drums. otherwise get treads


                  dfist doesn't go deso rush often enough when he can afford to, a quick roshan solo at 14 min does wonders

                  phase drums yasha is generally safer though, although ild recommend more SnY over manta

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    - 2 branches + shared tangos (+ stick if facing Bat or Zeus)
                    - Bottle
                    - Boots (reverse order of boots and bottle if facing Bat)
                    - Phase
                    - Drums or Yasha (Yasha if you are ahead and want to snowball further, Drums are a safer option) [you can get both of them]
                    - BKB if enemies have disables and/or high magical damage
                    - Deso if they have low/medium armored heroes that you can burst down fast
                    - Manta if they got spells you can dispel (Roof's ulty, Slardar's ulty, etc.) or spells you can dodge (Magic Missile, War Stomp, even Ravage)
                    - Dagger if you need to burst down a specific hero in a fight (such as AA/SS before they throw theirs ulties) or you just want to snowball and kill people 24/7.
                    - Buriza as a natural dps item later (MKB and Butter are situational and sometimes better then Buriza)
                    - Linkens is situational versus Bat/Doom/idk, use your own judgement to decide if you need it
                    - If it goes ultra late game (which it won't if you're good TA) replace Deso with Satanic and grab BoT
                    - Before having BoT ALWAYS fucking carry a TP!

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                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      Also forgot, you might need Magic Wand, it's good on all heroes. Use your brain to see if you need Wand or Stick or neither.