doto just crashed for me 2 times in a row lol.
still didn't stop me from raping techies mid xD he was just so useless.
my last game doesnt show up on dotabuff tho
EDIT: LOL it actually crashed 1 more time as i was typing this.... WTF GABEN, REPORT@@@@
It was like dropping fps at first and it was worse and worse, then even my music started to "lag". Restarted my pc but it was still kinda meh (but playable)
Anyone else had something like this?
after it crashed 5 times i wont try to play it for today :)))))))))
ty volvo, sincerely ME
Anyone else? Before the patch I even cleared my comp a bit so the game should be working better if anything...
I had a game where every player was suffering 80% packet loss. We literally sat in pause for 20 minutes.
Well for me it wasnt any ping issue. Thre was this noticeable drop in frame rate. Still playable tho.
I am not sure if this is the same thing, but I would click to cast a spell, open the shop, or move the camera to some where on the mini map by clicking, and nothing would happen. If I spammed left click like 5 times eventually I would get the desired effect but in fights this would sometimes cause me to select some one on the other team since I would have left clicked more times then required to cast the spell. This has only been an issue for the last day or so.
i had dis problem too . then i check temprature of my graphick card . it was on 90 !! so turn on fan to 100 % . temp went on 50 . and lags disapeared . sry for bad eng :D
yeah random fps drops throughout the game.
heres a funny story. we are winning the game badly, like 11-1 5 minutes in. im 2-0 vs this viper mid with meepo, all is swell. but the game spikes a bit, its annoying. i tell them im gonna go disc to reconnect, but i click leave game instead and ok. took me 5 seconds to realize what ive done.
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Anyone feel this way? I have a feeling that my frames per seconds are lower now or maybe its just my comp having a period or some shit