General Discussion

General DiscussionTB woods starting items?

TB woods starting items? in General Discussion

    calling Matrice and Zenoth

    I have tried QB + 2x Circlets. I have also tried 3x Slippers + 1 Circlet. Both seem fine to me, but is there a correct choice? Cheers


      Everytime I see a Terrorblade thread, I smile a little in the inside.


        if ure going the qb 2x circlet start u can send a branch at 12 sec which is nice


          Hm I hadn't thought of that. It seems a bit redundant though when you suicide to neutrals so early. Branch also doesn't build into wraith band

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Wtf matrice is French?


              croissant baguette




                  La plume de ma tante.

                  Hafla Enjoyer

                    is there a way to do it without committing a suicide? it usually causes my team to use rich language


                      just type in all chat
                      fuck it man my team sucks


                        Samedi apres medi dans le grenier. La mere et la pere sa se dans la sale desejour. La coca es su la table. Voule vouz coucher avec moi.


                          nice french btw.
                          ur almost as good as my russian mate

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                    're SUPPOSED to die when you jungle? Fuck...I've been doing it wrong for years...


                                ^Well, it's free!


                                  it's not mandatory to sucide, but it's really worth it to suicide, early
                                  12 sec death and very little gold loss (up to 120, but you can buy to be close to 0 -even clarity if needed, to sell them back half price -if lvl3-) is really better than running without boot out of woods and healling (4% sec mean at least 20 sec healing)

                                  me, government hooker

                                    2QB, 1 GG Branch


                                      laning terror is much scarier as for me, if supported he gets farm and pushes towers much faster


                                        qbs dont stack but if u have 2 qbs and u drop one it becomes equivalent of having no qb at all afaik

                                        Killer Queen

                                          Matrice I saw you go 2 circlets + QB on dire one game, is it only good for dire(because of pathing) ?
                                          While on that note do you have any radiant/dire specific starting items (how many slippers/circlets/qb) ?

                                          BIG FAT DUCK

                                            spreading cancer one thread at a time

                                            BIG FAT DUCK

                                              matrice can u tell these people that it's the player who matters, not the hero/jungling build

                                              "lol i know how to jungle tb i get much higher mmr now" <- WRONG


                                                follow 6k+ jungler item/skill build + rotation makes you at least a 5k player the first 4 minutes of the game whats wrong with that


                                                  "lol i know how to jungle tb i get much higher mmr now"

                                                  I never saw anyone say that in this thread.




                                                      both build are valid, 2 circlet + qb is slightly better, but not enough to give you one more spot.
                                                      3 slipper + circlet however give the exact timing to when to go out

                                                      so that's really up to you.

                                                      And actually, as long as you don't play a hero you aren't able to play at your mmr,
                                                      If you use a better strategy and a better item build will have better chance of winning, thus increasing your mmr

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        ^Hi matrice , I wanna ask you a question. Often at my level i find that TB is overfarmed and rest of team is way below farmed and as a result his efficiency really begins to drop especially when enemy team is ready to defend against split pushes and you know your team cant win in team fights. What would be the ideal thing to do in this situation.


                                                          are you joking? overfarmed terrorblade is hard to stop unless the game is 3-25 or something


                                                            overfarmed terrorblade is unstoppable*


                                                              If you take early towers, your team has an easier time playing 4v5.

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                In that case, i HEAVY pressure one lane, to force enemy to be 3 guy there, and put a slight pressure on middle, so at least 4 guy of enemy team are pinned, during that time, my team can farm 2 woods + 1 lane and a half and recover.

                                                                That happened only twice in all my game, and in one of them, i actually baited them out with a chicken refresher, using my meta, to make them thinking they could go out unpunished xD



                                                                  These games I had way more farm than my team but I lost out as soon as i started trying to help team out. More usually than not team will bitch about useless tb and they losing because 4v5.

                                                                  ^^How to take towers if people come to defend everytime...


                                                                    cut waves if u cant push or teamfight

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